Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 290 - Staring To Evolve

In his hotel room, Julian wakes up and looks around to see Infernape sleeping at the corner and Gengar trying to pull something off, he has a marker in his hand and is trying to slowly get close to Infernape.

Julian smirks seeing this. ​​

As Gengar was about to draw on Infernape's face, his eyes opened and he punched Gengar away.

Gengar went past through the wall, he came back and laughed, Infernape just ignored him.

Crystal seems to have woken up and is also laughing seeing this.

Julian got out of his bed and gave Crystal its bottle of MooMoo milk as it sat down on his shoulder and drank while he gets ready.

While Julian is busy getting ready, Maddy has already started to advertise about Julian being the special guest for the Tag battle competition.

People who are in the city are surprised by this sudden announcement, they couldn't believe that Julian, the strongest known champion is here in Sinnoh.

Many people wanted to see Julian after hearing this news.


Cynthia who is in her hotel room is watching TV when she suddenly turned on the news channel and she saw something that caught her attention.

News Anchor "We have confirmed the news that Julian, the previous Champion of Kanto is really in Sinnoh and will be the special guest in the tag battle competition being held in Hearthome city, people in the city are very excited to meet their favorite champion and already the tickets have been sold out"

Hearing the news Cynthia is surprised, she didn't expect the Julian to be here in Sinnoh when suddenly she realized something.

Cynthia "Wait for a minute"

She said and started to think of the things that happened to here in a few days, then she thought about the masked man she met twice.

Cynthia 'Isn't Julian's main pokemon an Infernape?'

Se thought and remembered about the event when she was battling Paul, the pressure from that man's Infernape even froze her Garchomp.

Cynthia looked at the image of Julian on the TV and went back into her memory and fished out the man's outer image, and they fit exactly.

Cynthia "So it was him all along"

She said and covered her face in embarrassment.

She always wanted to have a battle with Julian, people say he is the strongest as he has defeated Lance, ever since that day she wanted to have a battle with him, she had also battled Lance once and had defeated him, but that was a long time ago.

She had thought that she would be able to meet him someday and put on her champion face in front of him and ask for a battle, but she completely blew it, she acted like a normal person who is fascinated by ancient history and completely blew off her champion act in front of him without even knowing.

Cynthia "This isn't fair, how can I be so stupid, I could have also worn a mask when talking to strangers"

She said and sighed.

Cynthia "Well, what's done is done, next time I meet him I will confront him and ask why he didn't reveal his identity, god this is so embarrassing"

She is still embarrassed by how nerdy she acted in front of him during their time in the ancient temple in Eterna city.


Julian still hasn't seen what is going outside, he spent his time preparing food for his pokemons as he is out of stock.

After doing so he has to feed them, once they are done eating, he decided to take them out and let them exercise and train.

Once he walked out of his hotel with his face mask on, he realized something was off, the people in the city seems a lot crowded than before, he walked a little further and saw a huge poster advertising about the Tag battle competition, but he also saw his image on the poster, stating that he is the special guest for the competition.

Seeing this Julian realized why there are so many people present here, they all are here to watch the tag battle competition where he will be the special guest.

He ignores the crowd and heads outside the city to hang around the forest and train his pokemons, he soon arrives outside the city, now he is inside a very small forest outside the city.

Not many pokemon live here but the ones that are are very social, being very close to the human city has exposed them to a lot of humans so they aren't afraid of humans.

When Julian walked into the forest he saw many pokemon peeking out of their homes and staring at him, some are even bold enough to come in front of him and ask for something to eat.

Julian soon found a perfect place to set up a camp and so he did, he brought out his pokemons and let them play around for a while.

Shinx has already adapted and got along with his new friends, while Togepi seems to be attached to Julian.

Today is just like another day, as Crystal and Togepi drink directly from the milk bottle.

Seeing how cute these two are together Julian smiles and pats them with affection.

Julian 'Aren't you two very cute'

Togepi and Crystal seem to be very happy with this, then suddenly Togepi starts to glow all of a sudden.

Julian is surprised by this.

Julian "She is evolving"

Togepi starts to evolve.

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