Julian knew that Togepi will soon evolve as his bond with it has risen quite high, he was expecting Togepi's evolution and the time as come.

He has been teaching Togepi how to control and channel her power but never let her execute it. ​​

Soon Togepi started to grow, soon her head started to expand and grew a neck, then two tiny wings started to grow behind her back, her legs and hand also got bigger.

As the light stopped glowing and Togepi has evolved into Togetic.

His other pokemons are surprised and come around Togetic and looked at her in surprise.

Julian's new pokemons have are still in their first form so seeing their friend evolve is really new to them.

Togetic can now float making Gible, Shinx, and Cranidos the only one who cannot float in the group.

Now that Togepi has evolved into Togetic, Julian can start training her, he didn't waste time and started to train his pokemons, as it is the reason he is here.

After training, he goes back to the city to find more people in the streets.

Thank god he has a mask that hides his face from the public when he doesn't want their attention.

He walked into his room and sat down and looked at the table, he remembered that he has to break down the red stone to extract the mega stone inside it.

He sits in front of the table and takes out the red stone with his tools and starts to chip off the red stone slowly.

After a while, the stone separates into two and reveals a bright red mega stone inside with blue pattern.

Seeing the Mega Stone inside Julian got excited and took it out, he tried to feel the aura and it seemed very familiar to the dark Mega Stones he found in Hoenn.

Julian "The aura inside is as concentrated as Absol's Mega Stone"

As Julian looked at the Mega Stone, Crystal popped its head out and looked at the red Mega Stone with its eyes big wide opened.

It floated out of Julian's pocket and sat down on the table and looked at the Mega Stone, it then touched the Mega Stone with its tiny finger and retrieved it back, seeing no reaction from this ball of energy it could sense, it tried again and again until it got bored.

Crystal then yawned and went back to Julian's pocket and went to sleep again.

Julian just smiled and brought out Victini, as he could feel some similarity between Victini and the Mega Stone.

Victini came out and looked around and finally saw the Mega Stone on Julian's hand, it got excited seeing such a pure fire element stone.

It went near the Mega Stone and felt a connection with it, feeling this Victini picked up the Mega Stone and put it in its mouth to eat it.

Julian "Victini, no"

Julian interfered and pulled out the Mega Stone from Victini's mouth.

He laughed as he pulled out the Mega Stone from its mouth, Victini got angry because Julian took away the Mega Stone from its mouth.

Julian "It is not something you can eat Victini"

Julian said and wiped the Mega Stone from a cloth and pulled out a small locket with a Mega Stone holder attached to it.

He puts the Mega Stone in it and ties it on Victini's neck, Victini becomes happy as it holds on to its new toy dearly.

Julian 'Let's see if Victini can Mega Evolve'

He thought and flashes his Keystone, suddenly the Mega Stone on Victini's neck also starts to glow but it soon fades away, Victini seems to be tired from that.

Julian 'Looks like Victini is still too weak to Mega Evolve'

Julian "Here drink this"

Julian pats Victini and gives it a bottle of MooMoo milk so that Victini can re-energize, smelling the MooMoo milk Crystal opens its eyes and comes out and looks at Julian with puppy doll eyes.

Seeing those eyes Julian cannot resist so he gives a bottle to Crystal too.

Victini and Crystal happily drink up their MooMoo milk, since these two are having their share, Julian releases his other tiny pokemon as well and gives them their share.

Julian 'Let's just hope they don't get spoiled'

He thinks and sighs.


Two days passed by in an instant and today is the day when the tag battle competition is being held.

Julian had to get to the stadium before the crowd to gather there.

And so he did, he got on his bike with Crystal in his pocket and rode off.

When he reached the venue, he walked to the backdoor and showed his face to the security standing there, the security guard moved to the side and let him walk in.

He soon found the room he is assigned to, he didn't have to wait long before Maddy walked in.

Maddy "Mr. Julian thank you for coming today, I am very excited about today, due to the profit we made, we even raised up the winning price to 80000 Pokedollars"

Maddy said and laughed, he has profited a lot from this deal with Julian.

Julian "Good to know, so when will the competition begin?"

Maddy "In an hour, you should have more than enough time to get ready"

Julian "Ok"

Maddy "Fine, I will be going, I need to be backstage and see how things are going"

Maddy said and walked away.

Now Julian has to get ready to join the arena, where he will sit next to a judge and an announcer.

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