Julian went with Maddy as he was invited for the dinner, he decided to go because having a friendly relationship with a rich man can help in many ways and since Maddy seems to hold a lot of power, enough to organize a whole pokemon tournament.

Soon Julian and Maddy arrived in front of a huge mansion, seeing the mansion Julian is not surprised at all, he came here is a luxury car so seeing a huge mansion was not something new, and as of now he is quite grown to expensive stuff as he constantly hangs out with rich and influential people. ​​

They got out of the car and walked into the mansion where they got welcomed by the maids and butlers of the mansion.

Maddy "Welcome to my residence Mr. Julian, please come in and have a seat, I will go and talk to my family and tell them about your visit"

Maddy said and showed Julian the guest room and walked away to meet his family.

Julian spent some time to look around and saw many things that caught his attention, many pokemon collectibles items here.

Julian "He must be a really into collecting stuff"

He said and walked around the room and saw something that made him intrigued.

He saw a red stone inside a glass tube, what is more, interesting is that this stone seems to be the same as the ones he got in Hoenn from that old man.

Those black stones had Mega Stones in them and this Red Stone also seems to have one, Julian thought he would never be able to find these stones but who knew his luck won't give up on him.

He could tell this red stone has a Mega Stone inside, but he cannot just take it away.

He decides to wait and sit down until Maddy comes by.

He didn't have to wait long since Maddy came by and with him came a middle-aged woman and a young girl who seems to be about 10 years old.

Seeing Julian the young girl got excited and rushed towards him and hugged him.

Julian froze as he didn't know what to do.

Maddy "Maya, you are making Mr. Julian uncomfortable"

Maddy came to the rescue and separated his daughter from Julian.

Maddy "Sorry for that Mr. Julian she is just too excited to meet you"

He said and started to introduce his family.

Maddy "This is my wife Sernie and this is my daughter, Amanda"

Julian "Nice to meet the both of you"

Amanda "Nice to meet you too Mr. Julian, I am your biggest fan"

Julian "Thankyou Amanda"

Julian sat down with them and talked to them, he had dinner then decided to discuss something with Maddy in private.

Maddy "Mr. Julian I have a request for you?"

Julian "What is it?"

Maddy "I want you to be the special guest judge for the tag battle competition"

Julian "Hmm I can do that, but I want something in return"

Maddy "Whatever you ask Mr. Julian, I will help you"

Julian "That red stone you have, that is displayed on that shelf"

He said and pointed at the red stone.

Maddy "Oh that, I have a hobby to collect rare stones and items, you won't believe how I found that stone"

Julian "I am all ears"

Maddy "I love to travel and find rare items, one day during my travel I came across a cave, that cave was very strange, I decided to go in and try to find something inside, as I went in I felt very lite, soon came across a room filled with these kinds of red glowing stones, I didn't know how I got there, I think I was just lucky, I took one of the stone as a souvenir and brought it back with me"

Julian "Where was this cave you mentioned?"

Maddy "It is in Stark Mountains"

Julian 'Stark Mountains, it's one of those areas that have not been discovered fully, there are many rouges wild pokemons, that attack anyone who crosses their territory'

He thought and looked at Maddy.

Julian "Can you give me that Red Stone?"

Julian is straightforward with Maddy and asked him for the red stone.

Maddy "This"

Maddy thought for a while.

Maddy "Ok I will give you the Red stone as a gift for our friendship but you have to be the special guest in the Tag battle competition that will be held in two days"

Julian "Deal"

Julian agreed to it, he cannot let go of this chance to get his hands on another rare Mega Stone that is inside that red stone.

Maddy walks towards the shelf where the stone is kept, he takes out a key and unlocks the glass panel and takes out the red stone and dust it of a little and gets back to Julian.

Maddy "Here as you wished, now it's your turn to fulfill my request"

Julian "Don't worry I will be there"

Maddy "Great, by the way, I can advertise about this right, we can bring in lots of viewers with your name"

Julian "Sure as you wish"

Julian said and they went back in, Julian had one last talk with the family and walked away.

Its already night and the streets of the busy Hearthome city has gone quiet, only Julian and Infernape area awake.

Julian "Its been a long time since we both are all alone, huh buddy?"

Infernape nods his head and smiles.

Julian "Well a new day waits for us, so let's go"

And so they call it a day.

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