On his way towards the contest with Daisy, he noticed that the city was filled with many people with different type of costumes, their pokemons were styled and groomed to look their best.

Julian "Looks like I had underestimated contests" ​​

Daisy "Contests are huge, unlike your gym battles, contest are made public and whenever a contest is held in a city the city become lively, during contest many people benefit from it, designers, groomers, breeders, people would want to follow the latest trend and they go to these people to make their pokemon look like the once showcased in contest"

Julian "That's why these people and pokemons are dressed like this"

Daisy "Ok let's go quickly or we won't get any seats"

Julian "Don't worry about it, I have booked VIP room for us"

Daisy "You are awesome"

Daisy was very happy after hearing this and bolted towards the contest arena, Julian shook his head seeing this.

Julian 'She acts like a child when there is something of her interest, unlike her cool and collected side'

He followed her and after walking for some time they finally reached the arena.

Julian "You know we could have just ridden here in my bike"

Daisy "I like walking more." she said and smiled

Julian nodded and took her to the room he had booked when they entered they saw the room was decorated nicely and there was a single long sofa facing a glass.

Julian and Daisy sat down on the sofa and waited for the contest to start, there waiting was over as the contest started, the host of this contest hyped the audience and started to introduce the judges.

Host "Ok now calm down everyone, its time to introduce the judges, our first judge our city's own Nurse Joy"

Nurse Joy enters and sits on her chair and waves at the camera.

Host "Our next Judge is Mr. Sukizo the President of the Pokemon fan club"

A short man with a closed eye and he smile stuck on his face comes and takes his seat, his face screams 'Happy Man'.

Host "Our final host is a very special guest, all of you may know him a the Champion, please welcome Wallace"

Wallace the Hoenn Champion walks towards his chair and takes his seat waving at the camera.

Julian is surprised to see Wallace here, he didn't expect this at all.

Daisy "You know Wallace is also a Top Coordinator and he sometimes makes a sudden appearance like this as a Judge to surprise the fans and the Coordinators"

Julian just nodded, he didn't know what it takes to be a Coordinator but he was still impressed by Wallace as he handled both being a Champion and a Top Coordinator.

The contest went on, the first half Julian saw it but the second half he got bored, he realized that Contest was not his thing, he looked at Daisy and saw her fully concentrated on the Contest, she had a book in her hand and was taking notes of anything she thinks is interesting, Julian was getting bored so he brought out his three little pokemons so that they could see what a contest is like, Treecko, Larvitar, and Ralts saw the contest going on and were really surprised to see pokemons perform beautiful moves, Ralts looked at the going contest but soon turned around and hopped onto Julian lap and nudged him.

Julian understood what she wanted to sleep on his lap, he smiled and padded her so that she could go to sleep, Treecko and Larvitar also got bored and started running around trying to catch each other, seeing them act like this Julian called out Infernape and told him to keep an eye on them so they don't get in trouble.

Daisy noticed that the room suddenly got crowded and looked around to see four pokemons in the room.

Daisy "Are they yours?"

Julian nodded.

Daisy "Oh look at Ralts she is so cute"

Daisy picked up Ralts from Julian lap, Ralts struggled first but calmed down as Daisy knew how to calm down pokemons, Ralts soon familiarize her self with Daisy and started to look at her notebook with interest.

Daisy "You like these? Ah, I think this will suit you"

Daisy took out a ribbon and tied it around Ralts neck in a butterfly pattern, Ralts liked this and showed it to Julian, Julian smiled and nodded at her.

Daisy "Your Ralts is really attached to you"

Julian "She sure is"

Daisy looked around and saw Treecko and Larvitar wrestling trying to get an upper hand over the other but they were under Infernape's watch so that they won't get hurt.

Daisy "Treecko and Larvitar they look very healthy"

Daisy examined them and was very impressed, she knew that Julian takes very good care of his pokemons so she had expected this.

Daisy "Infernape how are you doing?"

Infernape greeted her happily.

Julian "The contest is coming to end aren't you going to watch?"

Daisy "I just came to see how the pokemons are presented and I saw every one of them"

Julian "Did you find what you were looking for?"

Daisy "Yes I found some interesting concepts"

Julian "Then let's go"

Daisy thought for a second and decided to leave, Julian called back his pokemons and walked out with Daisy.

As they came outside the Arena Daisy saw a small shop which was selling some shiny accessories.

Daisy "Julian, let's go there"

She dragged him to the shop and started to look around the shop, soon she found a neckless to her liking, Julian didn't think much and bought it for her, he gave the money to the old lady who was the shopkeeper.

Old Lady "Young man you gave me more than the price rate and I don't have enough money right now to give you back"

Julian "Don't worry about it Grandma you can keep the rest"

Old Lady "You are really kind but I cannot take it"

Old Lady thought about it and suddenly she remembered something.

Old Lady "How about I give you this"

The Old Lady took out a shiny multicolored scale which was very eye-catching, Julian looked at this scale and realized what it is.

Julian "Are you sure I can have it, it can be sold for an extremely high price"

Old Lady "You can take it, I don't have any use for it and my old bones are weak now, I cannot go outside to sell this thing"

Julian took the scale and kept it in his pouch.

Julian "Thank you"

Julian walked out with Daisy and went straight towards their hotel room.

Daisy "Julian what is that Scale?"

Julian "It's a Prism Scale, they are extremely rare and that why they are very costly"

Daisy "I see, lets head back we should be leaving tomorrow morning right?"

Julian nodded and walked back with Daisy to his room.

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