Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 107 - Julian's Heart

Julian woke up as his phone started to ring, he looked at the screen and saw Daisy's name on it, even though Daisy had decided to join him she didn't change her hotel room just for a day, they decided to meet up at her place before they leave.

He picked up the phone and answered her call ​​

Julian "Yes?"

Daisy "Hurry up, don't we have to leave?"

Julian looked at the top right corner of his phone and saw it was already 9 AM.

Julian "Ok, I will be there in ten minutes"

Daisy "Ok"

He put his phone down and took a quick bath and got ready to leave, he quickly rode his bike and went to Daisy's hotel room, he knocked at her door and soon the door opened, he saw Daisy wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans with her hair tied up like a ponytail.

Julian 'No matter what she wears she looks beautiful'

Julian smiled and walked in.

Julian "You look beautiful"

Daisy "Thank you, so are we ready?"

Julian "If you are"

Daisy "Then let's go"

Daisy holds onto Julian's hand and they walked out of there room and went to the parking lot where Julian had parked his bike.

Daisy "I kinda feel excited riding on a bike"

Julian smiles and starts the bike.

Julian "Hop on"

Daisy sits behind him and holds him tightly as her breast is squeezed on his back.

Julian "You know you don't have to hold on that tight"

Daisy realizes and loosens her grip over his waist.

Julian "Ready?"

Daisy nods her head and so Julian rides of leaving Slateport city, their next destination is Mauville city where Julian want to challenge the next gym.

Soon they reach the north side of Slateport city, after passing through the gave they are greeted by a thick forest and a road going between separating the forest.

Julian "We have to camp in the forest tonight, are you ok with that?"

Daisy was taken by surprise for a second, she had never camped inside a forest, she had always traveled in travel buses or ferries so camping was a new thing to her, but she had already anticipated the possibility of camping in the forest but is she ready for it, she didn't know.

She just nods her head, Julian noticed that she was uncertain about it, but he had no choice there is no town in between these two cities and the forest is also very large.

Julian "Don't worry about it, I am with you"

Daisy feels happy and holds on to Julian tightly as Julian accelerates the rides of fast into the road leading inside the forest.

They take brakes in between so that Daisy doesn't feel uncomfortable by just sitting on a bike for a long period, Julian sets up a small table for him and Daisy near a lake and releases his pokemons so that they could do whatever they wished.

They both sit and looks at the pokemons doing their stuff.

Julian "How do your legs feel?"

Daisy "Not gonna lie, they are a little sore right now"

Julian then starts to massage her thighs to relief it, Daisy gets startled and suddenly blushes.

Daisy "What are you doing?"

Julian "You said that your legs were sore so I am massaging so that they get better, do you want me to stop?"

Daisy "No"

Julian smiles and continues to massage her thighs. Daisy, on the other hand, is red but she is also feeling hot, she could feel Julian's big hand on her thing, she cannot help but imagine him doing weird things to her.

Daisy 'Daisy, what do you think you are doing, stop imagining stuff like that'

Even though Daisy was trying hard she couldn't stop her mind from imagining doing weird things with Julian, Julian didn't notice her face as he was fully concentrated on massaging her.

Julian 'She must not be used to sitting on bikes, her thighs are pretty sore, look at her acting all tough, I think I should buy a car so that this never happens'

He was worried about her that he even thought about buying a car.

Julian 'But what about my bike? Ha I can just keep it in the dimensional pouch'

If Daisy knew what Julian was thinking she would burst into laughter but will also make her heart flutter as he wanted to do this for her.

They once again continue on their journey as they ride off once again, soon the sky became orange as the sun was going to set, Julian decided to call it a day and started to look for a place to camp tonight.

Soon he found a nice place so he stopped his bike.

Julian "lets camp here"

Daisy nodded and got off the bike and stretched her back, Julian could see her well-defined curves.

Julian 'What did I do to deserve to have such a beautiful girl by my side'

Daisy "Did you enjoy the view?"

Daisy turned around and smiled mischievously.

Julian "They are really beautiful"

Daisy smiles and walks around the place to check if everything is alright, Julian also does the same and finally sets up a camp.

Julian "It's good that I have two tents"

Daisy nods but there is a slight disappointment in her eyes but even she doesn't realize it, as Julian was setting up his tent Daisy also joins him.

Daisy "Teach me how to do it"

Julian "Come here"

He starts to teach her how to set up a tend and while doing that he also takes advantage of the situation as he touches her hips, hugs her from behind, hold her hands, plays with her hair, the whole tent set up event goes as they flirt with each other, Daisy also goes along with it as she enjoys his touch, she feels safe with him, the more she is with him the more she starts to like him.

The night comes and Julian starts to prepare food for everyone, Daisy helps him by taking care of his pokemons, she grooms them and his pokemons are also very happy to have her around

After having their dinner Julian sends his pokemons back to their Pokeball.

Julian "We should sleep now, good night"

He says and enters his tent and changes into his sleeping outfit, Daisy looks at his tent for a second then walks into her tent and get into her sleeping outfit and lay down on the mattress, she closes her eyes but she is not able to sleep, she is having weird thought about her and Julian making love all the time, she feels hot and doesn't know what to do, she finally decided to visit Julian's tent.

Julian closed his eyes and tried to sleep, he could go on without sleeping for days but he preferred it as it helps him to refresh his mind, as he was just about to fall asleep he sees Daisy's shadow from his tent and next Daisy enters his tent by unzipping it, she is wearing a transparent silk gown and Julian could easily see her underwears, her body was perfect.

Daisy "Can I sleep here"

Julian nods and makes space for her, Daisy joins him and lays beside him and looks at him, Julian also looks into her eyes and close in and gives her a passionate kiss as his hands crease her beautiful face, the kiss last for minutes as they separate.

Daisy breaths heavily and looks at Julian with a loving gaze.

Daisy "Julian, take me"

Julian closes in and hugs her and gets close to her ears.

Julian "Daisy you are special and I want our first to be special as well, not in the middle of the forest"

Daisy was surprised but also very happy.

Julian hugs her tightly as Daisy does the same and falls asleep in his embrace.

Julian looks at her and kisses her forehead.

Julian 'Daisy is very special to me and I won't let her go'

Julian then thinks of someone else and his heart starts to feel suffocated.

Julian 'My heart, why does it has a feeling for two women at the same time is it me or is it because of the life I wanted to live causing this to happen, Chloe where are you?'

Julian is now having mix emotions, right in front of him is a woman who loves him dearly and his feeling for her is genuine as well but the feeling he has for Chloe is also very strong.

Julian 'I hope she is doing fine... I hope she remembers me'

Julian closes his eyes and falls asleep.

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