Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 105 - Meeting With Daisy

Julian sat on the chair completely silent and realized that the story is not going as they had portrayed in the anime.

Julian "Me being here has changed the world completely, even though I didn't interfere with the storyline much they changes are still very great, Professor Oak said Mega evolution may get published soon so I can care less about reveling it at time of crises" ​​

After getting his thoughts clear, he decided to call the day off.

Next day early in the morning he is sleeping on the bed and he hears his phone ringing, hearing his phone ring he wakes up.

Julian "Who could it be calling so early in the morning"

Julian picked the phone.

Julian "Hello?"

As Julian answered he heard a lady's voice from the other side.

"Are you Julian?"

Julian "Yes, I am but who are you?"

Daisy "Don't you recognized my voice?"

Julian heard the voice and felt that he had heard this voice before, then he suddenly realizes.

Julian "Daisy?"

Daisy "Looks like you have not forgotten about me"

Julian "Haha, how could I forget you"

Daisy "I got your number from grandpa, when I heard that you are in Hoenn I was so happy"

Julian "Really?"

Daisy "Of course, By the way, which city are you in right now?"

Julian "Me? I am in Slateport city"

Daisy "Really? I am also in Slateport city so can we meet right now?"

Julian "Yes, how about we meet at a restaurant, I will forward you the address"

He had not met Daisy for quite a while so he is excited to meet her, he liked hanging out with Daisy and he had also felt natural attraction towards her so he always flirted with her.

Soon he got ready and went towards the restaurant he had just sent the address to Daisy, he arrived there early and asked a table for two and sat there waiting.

As he was waiting he heard the jingles of the bell in front of the door, he looked towards the door as saw a beautiful woman with brown hair and wearing a yellow mini dress, she saw Julian and ran towards him and kissed him on the cheek.

Julian was stunned then smiled at Daisy, Daisy blushed as she realized that she did something unexpected

Julian "It's been so long since I saw you"

Julian took her hand and escorted her towards the table, he pulled her chair and gestured her to sit.

Daisy "So how do you like Hoenn"

Julian "It's really a beautiful region, I am enjoying my time here"

Daisy "Isn't it, I was also very excited when I first came here, the food, the culture, the lifestyle is so different here"

Julian 'Is it? I thought everything was the same or is it just me'

Even though Julian had such thoughts in his mind he didn't spill it out as he was enjoying the sight of this beautiful woman talking in front of him.

Daisy "So Julian why are you here at Slateport city?"

Julian "I was just passing by, my next destination is Mauville city. What about you?"

Daisy "There is a contest being held here tomorrow and I came here to check it out, I thought it might inspire me to come up with new things as a Groomer"

Julian "I see, best of luck"

Daisy felt a little disappointed by hearing Julian just wished her luck, she was clearly showing off her feeling, Julian, of course, noticed this so he decided to play hard to get.

Daisy knew what Julian was trying to do but she doesn't want to give up but then again she realized something.

Daisy "Julian, by the way, do you have a Girlfriend?"

Julian "Girlfriend?"

Hearing this question Julian felt silent, he remembered Chloe, even though he had spent so little time with her, he felt very attached to her as well, he would always remember her but he didn't know where she was or how she is doing, after waiting for so long he decided to just forget it as think of it as just like those 'one night stands' he had with other women but somehow he couldn't. Chloe had already made a place in his heart and he always wonders how.

Seeing his expression Daisy regret asking this question.

Julian "I don't have a Girlfriend"

Daisy suddenly felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from her chest but it still was not over, she could clearly see Julian was very uneasy talking about this.

Daisy "Then why are -"

Julian interrupted her as he knew what is she going to ask.

Julian "I do like a girl but I don't know where she is and how she is doing, I would like to meet her once and ask her a question"

Daisy didn't know what to say after hearing this, She finally decided to confront him.

Daisy "Julian, how do you feel about me? Be honest"

Julian was startled but he looked into Daisy's eyes and knew he cannot lie to this woman.

Julian "To tell you the truth, I do like you but-"

Daisy "Wait! Before you continue I was to ask, can I have a place in your heart even if you loved someone else?"

Julian looked at Daisy, he looked in her eyes which were about to tear up, he could clearly see she liked him very much.

Julian just nodded to her, seeing him nod Daisy somehow stopped her tears, she smiled and looked at Julian.

Daisy "Ok, enough of this, I decided I will accompany you in your journey"

Julian "What?"

Daisy "I said I will be joining you on your journey"

Julian was speechless, he didn't know how to respond to this. Before he could say anything Daisy got up from her seat and dragged Julian out.

Julian "Where are we going?"

Daisy "Sightseeing, of course, tomorrow I have to go to the contest and you are coming with me and we will leave towards Mauville city day after tomorrow so I only have today left to look around this beautiful city"

Julian "Can't you go alone and you have been in Hoenn of more than twelve months, have you not traveled around"

Daisy "No I can't, and I have been studying in the groomer school for these past 12 months so I have not to see the whole Hoenn"

Julian didn't know what to say so he just accompanied her.

Daisy 'Julian, I don't know who this woman is who has left her mark in your heart but I won't give up, I will try my best to have an equal place in your heart as this woman'

Why Daisy was ok to share Julian was because this world didn't have any rule restricting multiple marriages, a man could have several wives but it depended on the person's preference, Daisy didn't mind sharing Julian with an another woman, she knew a man like Julian could have any woman but she wanted to make a strong place in his heart so she took action as soon as possible.

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