Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1056 - Challenging The Lumiose Gym

Now that his Porygon has evolved into his second stage, Julian is ready for his battle against the Lumiose city gym leader.

Chloe and Daisy went back into the kitchen and handed Porygon back to Julian, Julian has asked what Porygon will be called after its evolution. When Sycamore told him that it will be called Porygon2, Julian decided to stick with Porygon while calling it out. ​​

He sent Porygon back to its Pokeball and continued to work on his laptop, he decided to check the Lumiose gym and see how good the current gym leader really is.

He searched for the keyword Lumiose city gym leader and found a link right on top of the search result, as he clicked on the link he was surprised to see the face of the gym leader, he recognized the gym leader, it is none other than the blond boy with glasses who is traveling with Ash.

Julian 'So the boy is a gym leader'

Julian thought and looked further into it, as he scrolled down the page, he wondered who is taking care of the gym if not the gym leader Clemont, he looked more into this gym and found out that the gym is actually being run by a robot.

Finding out that the gym challenges are actually being excepted by a robot, Julian got a little interested, he looked more into this and found out that the robot is actually very good at what it does.

95% of trainers are not able to defeat it during their very first battle against it, and that is a very high number, better than any trainer, Julian then looked into the pokemon this robot is using.

The three pokemon that trainers constantly seem to face are Magnemite, Magneton, Heliolisk, these three pokemons are really good, with secondary steel types like Magnemite and Magneton, the type resistance is very high but the only weakness of an electric type pokemon doubles.

As for the Heliolisk with its normal typing, it becomes immune to ghost type but gains weakness to fighting type pokemons.

Julian is not worried about the pokemons he is going to battle against, his interest is solely on the robot which calls itself the Clembot, from what the trainers have experienced it seems to be able to predict their moves before they can even call for it.

The trainers also claim that the robot has a counter to every move they throw at it, the more Julian read, the more he is impressed by it.

He cannot wait to battle it, he closed his laptop and waited for his fiancées to finish cooking, until then he watched the TV, once they were done with cooking, all three of them ate before heading to bed and spent the next few hours doing very intense "exercise", if the walls of this apartment were not thick enough, the neighbors would be very disturbed by all the loud and constant moans.


The next day, Julian woke up early and got ready for his battle against the Lumiose city's gym, he prepared breakfast for the two beautiful ladies, fed his pokemons their own breakfast, and left the house once the ladies left for their work as well.

He didn't directly head to Lumiose gym, he headed towards the pokemon park and did light work with his pokemons so that they could convert the food they ate into energy reserves for their battle.

Once he was done preparing, he headed straight to the center of the city, his destination the Prism tower.

The Prism Tower is a massive structure that can be seen from every corner of the city, it is also home to the Lumiose pokemon gym, being the main attraction of the city, the way to the tower was filled with people and pokemon who were walking around shopping and having fun.

Luckily his disguised worked properly and arrived in front of the tower, as soon as he got there he noticed a trainer was thrown out of the tower through a hole.

The trainer moaned in pain and got back to his feet and cursed while looking at the tower.

"NEXT TIME I AM GOING TO CRUSH YOU!" He yelled very loudly but nobody seems to care at all, it looks like this has become a common theme here in front of the tower, people are getting used to trainers being thrown out of the tower.

Julian ignored the trainer and walked into the tower, the trainer noticed another challenger trying to enter the gym.

"Hey man, be careful, that robot is ruthless" He warned Julian out of courtesy, Julian just nodded at him before entering the tower. "Whatever man, I already warned you". The trainer mumbled and walked away.

Julian entered the tower and noticed the pathway was lit up with bright lights, he walked down the pathway and soon came in front of a closed metal door, he stood there and looked around trying to figure out how to open this door.

Luckily for him, he didn't need to do anything, Julian noticed an eyeball-shaped camera coming out of the wall and staring at him, Julian also noticed two lightning poles being aimed at him as the camera looked at him.

Julian could tell that those lightning poles are not just for show, they will actually zap someone.

"What is your intention to visit the Lumiose gym?"

A robotic voice sounded around Julian.

Julian "I came here to challenge the Lumiose gym"

Julian answered.

"To challenge the gym, the trainer needs to be in possession of four gym badges from other gyms, does the challenger meet to criteria?"

The voice asked.

Julian didn't say anything and took out his gym case and showed the badges to the camera in front of him, the camera scanned the badges in front of it and then went back into the wall, even the lightning rods retracted and went into the walls.

Then suddenly the door opened revealing the battlefield on the other side, Julian looked at the battlefield and noticed a humanoid robot standing right there on the opposite end of the battlefield waiting for him.

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