Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1055 - Porygon Evolved.

Julian got busy with training for the next few days. When he found himself alone as his fiancées left for work he would head towards the pokemon park and train with his pokemons, with Skrelp being his main focus.

Skrelp was finally able to understand how to minimize Surf to a very tiny scale and move it around in the direction he wants, though it used a lot of his energy, Julian doesn't need his Skrelp to use it continuously, he just needs to use it when dodging fast attacks from his opponents. ​​

Julian also gave to Upgrade program to his system to modify and perfect it, the best part is it didn't even take an hour before the Upgrade was ready, Julian has yet to feed it to Porygon, he decided to do it today when he returns to his apartment.

The training went well and Skrelp continued to get better at his movement using water, once training was done, he returned back to his apartment, his fiancées are already back and they are watching the tv, seeing Julian they got happy and dragged him to the couch and held onto him as they all watched the rom-com on the tv.

Once the rom-com was over, Chole and Daisy got up and decided to cook food for all three of them, Julian sighed and decided to evolve his Porygon, he headed to the study table and switched on his laptop, and plugged Porygon's Pokeball into it.

He then asked the system to upload the perfected Upgrade, the system began to do its magic and uploaded the modified program, once it was uploaded, it started to overwrite Porygon's code and changed his stats and appearance.

With a better code, Porygon went through a massive change, Julian could see the changes with his own eyes on the screen, the sharp edgy body of Porygon started to change and become more rounded in shape.

The overwriting finished and Porygon evolved inside his Pokeball with no flashes like a normal pokemon, once Porygon evolved, Julian heard the system's voice inside his head to adjust Porygon's stats again.

Julian looked through the stats and decided to adjust it to his liking for the upcoming battle, after adjusting the stats he was happy with his decision.

Julian 'Display Porygon's stats'


Porygon Zero-Upgraded (Default stat)

HP - 100

Attack - 100

Defense - 100

Sp. Attack - 100

Sp. Defense - 100

Speed - 100

Ability - Analytic

Moves - Tackle, Thunderbolt, Zap Cannon, Psybeam, Agility, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Aerial Ace, Charge Beam, Dream Eater, Electroweb, Foul Play, Gravity, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Iron Tail, Shock Wave, Telekinesis, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam.


Porygon Zero-Upgraded (current stat)

HP - 100

Attack - 1

Defense - 75

Sp. Attack - 150

Sp. Defense - 74

Speed - 200

Ability - Analytic

Moves - Tackle, Thunderbolt, Zap Cannon, Psybeam, Agility, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Aerial Ace, Charge Beam, Dream Eater, Electroweb, Foul Play, Gravity, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Iron Tail, Shock Wave, Telekinesis, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam.


Julian looked at the current stats and was happy, he decided to go full special attacker against the Lumiose gym as its the best way to battle against electric types, he won't risk physical contact against electric type pokemon, he wanted to put no stat point on the attack but it looks like he couldn't allocate 0 to one so he had to put that one point in Attack.

His strategy for Porygon is an extremely fast special attacker with ridiculous speed.

With everything allocated, now it is time for Julian to finally see how his Porygon looks, he unplugged the Pokeball from his laptop and released Porygon out of its Pokeball, once Porygon came out Julian was surprised to see the changes.

The Porygon from before, the one with sharp edges were gone and is not replaced with circular edges, its snout-like face is no longer there and replaced with an oval one and it also has a beak now, its eyes are round and big, its tail along became longer and thicker talking an oval shape as well, every part of its body is in the shape of an oval.

But the biggest difference Julian noticed is not its physical appearance but its internal, Julian noticed emotions in its big eyes, this came as a shock to him. Porygon never displayed emotions at all but now it clearly looks very excited as it stares at Julian.

Porygon approaches Julian and jumps on his lap happily, Julian takes a few seconds to compose himself and looks at his new and improved Porygon, the system has done its magic once again, it turned an emotionless pokemon into one with emotions.

Julian is happy about this, as Porygon had no emotions, his other pokemons were having a hard time around it, but now things will be much better.

Chloe and Daisy came out and noticed the Porygon on Julian's lap and got excited, they thought the oval pokemon looks very cute and picked it up and smothered it between their breasts, Julian looked at Porygon's reaction and noticed that it looked quite happy, he wondered what is Porygon's source of happiness, the love and care it is receiving right now or the breasts?

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