Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1057 - Julian Vs Clembot (1)

Julian walked into the battlefield while carefully observing the robot, the robot also did the same and stared at Julian, from what Julian has learned from the internet, this robot is the worst thing a trainer can come across in a gym challenge.

But Julian also doesn't like this idea of trainers battling a robot, at the end of the day a gym leader is not supposed to defeat their challengers, it is to guide them to become better trainers. ​​

Julian stood across the battlefield and looked at the robot.

"I am Clembot, I have been assigned to act as the gym leader of this gym until the gym leader returns"

The Robot said.

Julian "Sure, so when do we start?"

Julian asked.

Clembot "We shall begin now, but first let me explain the rules of this battle, this battle will be a three vs three pokemon battle, the side with no pokemon at the end of the battle loses"

The robot started to explain the rules of the battle and Julian just listened, once the robot was done talking Julian took out his Pokeball and got ready to battle.

Clembot "I will be choosing my pokemon first"

Clembot said and sent out his very first pokemon into the battlefield, he sent out Magnemite.

Julian looked at the pokemon and is glad, he also sent out his Skrelp into the battlefield.

Once both pokemons entered, they stared at each other, Magnemite clearly seems more confident because of its typing advantage, Skrelp's poison won't affect it and its electric attacks would deal a great deal of damage to its opponent.

Clembot "Let the battle being"

It said and started the battle as soon as possible.

Clembot "Use Thunderbolt"

Julian "Use Shadow Ball"

Magnemite shot a powerful Thunderbolt and Skrelp countered with a powerful Shadow Ball, both attacks collided and created a powerful explosion.

Julian didn't stop after the first clash and ordered for another Shadow Ball, Skrelp's Shadow Ball shot through smoke but Clembot reacted very fast and called for another Thunderbolt at a close range.

The moves collided and caused another powerful explosion.

Julian continued with one more Shadow Ball, Skrelp shot another one and it shot through the smoke again, this time the Shadow Ball appeared right before Magnemite and it cannot counter with another Thunderbolt.

Clembot was about to call for a dodge but the Shadow Ball was fast, Magnemite got hit and got sent shooting through the air as it spun in the air multiple times.

Magnemite stopped its momentum by using its magnetic power and glared at Skrelp, Clembot also recorded the data it just collected so that this outcome won't occur again.

Julian "Use Shadow Ball"

Julian continued using Shadow Ball to see how the robot will adapt, this time Clembot didn't counter with another Thunderbolt, it decided to call for a dodge.

Clembot "Dodge, then use Thunderbolt"

Magnemite dodged the incoming Shadow Ball and shot a Thunderbolt as soon as possible.

Julian "Use Protect"

As the Thunderbolt got closer, Skrelp put up a forcefield in front of him and blocked the Thunderbolt very easily.

Julian "Use Water Pulses"

Skrelp created multiple Water Pulse around him and shot it at Magnemite, this is the same way Gengar uses Shadow Ball but since Skrelp is a water type, he has better control over his water element than Shadow Ball.

Four Water Pulse shot towards Magnemite and there is no way Magnemite could dodge all of them, Clembot analyzed the risk and decided to take one of the weaker Water Pulse head-on.

Magnemite quickly moved in front of the weaker Water Pulse and got hit, what Clembot didn't calculate was that Julian was expecting it to do so.

Since Julian knew that Clembot would read his moves and try to figure out the best outcome, he predicted the robot to do this, if Clembot would have countered with another move, the chances of getting hit by more than two Water Pulses was very high.

Julian also knows that Magnemite is very slow so he doesn't have to worry about Magnemite dodging it, Julian had forced Clembot into making this move.

As soon as Clembot got hit, Julian made his move.

Julian "Use Ice Wind"

As soon as Julian made the call Skrelp blasted a chilling gust of wind towards the wet Magnemite, the water on Magnemite instantly froze and Magnemite started to get covered with ice.

Magnemite started to feel heavier as it couldn't properly levitate, its vision is getting obstructed by the ice forming in front of its eyes.

Julian "Time to end this, use Shadow Ball"

Skrelp shot the final Shadow Ball, the Shadow Ball hit the struggling Magnemite, the ice around its body shattered and Magnemite went crashing into the ground with a loud thud.

Clembot didn't show any emotions but was astounded with the outcome, the method its opponent used to take down its pokemon, it has gone through hundreds of battles but has never encountered such a type of loss.

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