Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 104 - The Real Hoenn.

Behind the Museum, Julian is taking off his red coat and mask and looked at the police arriving here.

Julian 'I hope I won't have to take actions again' ​​

Putting the coat in his dimensional pouch he headed towards a hotel as he wanted to rest, he looked around and found a hotel which provided all that he could have asked so he rented a room and walked in, removing his clothes he took his bath and freshened up and took a seat in front of the computer and started to search for stuff online.

After searching for a while he suddenly got an alert message at the bottom right of the screen, it said 'Professor Oak want's to chat with you'.

Julian 'Professor? what could it be?'

Julian clicked the message and it directly took him to the video chat application.

Julian "Professor"

Oak "Julian, I was trying to contact you but you couldn't be reached at all"

Julian "What happened?"

Oak "Our research team and Professor Sycamore found something fascinating recently"

Julian "Professor Sycamore? Is it about the mega stones?"

Oak "Indeed, our research team noticed something weird going in Hoenn, the League is trying to track down a criminal faction called Shadows and they raided one of their bases and found more than ten different types of mega stones there, the league asked us to look into this and we sent a group of research team to Hoenn"

Julian "Shadows"

Julian remembered this them, the leader once tried to assassinate him but he had completely forgotten about them but now he recalled about them after hearing Professor Oak.

Oak "Yes, they are a very secretive crime syndicate and is giving a tough time to the league and the war going on between Team Aqua and Magma is also providing them extra coverage to hide them self"

Julian nodded as he understood what is happening right now, the league is not able to concentrate on one particular group as Team Magma and Aqua are causing trouble everywhere and the Shadow Syndicate which is hiding in the dark is taking full advantage of this.

Oak "Well, that's not the important thing I wanted to tell you"

Julian "Then what is it?"

Oak "The league interrogated the captured members of the Shadows and found out that they did up those Mega Stones in Hoenn itself, at first everyone thought that Mega Stones originated from Kalos but we were wrong this whole time"

Julian "What do you mean?"

Oak "That's what our research team found out, 3000 years ago a huge meteorite crashed on Hoenn and that Meteorite was also responsible for bringing the Mega Stones to our world"

Julian "So you are telling that Mega Stone originated from Hoenn?"

Julian was shocked, he didn't expect things to get turned to this extreme means, he felt like the world he saw and the one he is leaving is completely different.

Oak "Yes, Do you know about the Sundial present in Anistar city in Kalos region?"

Julian nodded.

Oak "Professor Sycamore was also involved in this research and he believed that the occurrence of the Mega Stones in Kalos was related to the Sundial so he researched about it day and night and sent up the readings of the radiations radiated by the Sundial, The research team in Hoenn took the readings and found the same type of readings but more powerful than the Sundial"

Julian "Where is this place"

Oak "It's coming from Sootopolis city, the city was actually created from the same meteorite that crashed on Hoenn 3000 years ago, and the Sundial is a piece of this Meteorite that separated from the main body and landed on Kalos"

Julian "Were you able to confirm it?"

Oak "That's the problem, no one is allowed to enter the Cave of Origin, the current champion of Hoenn Wallace is the guardian of the cave of origin and he denied even the league to go in, he stated that his family has been the guardian of the Cave of Origin for 1000's of years and he won't allow anyone to enter unless there was a tragedy befalling"

Julian "So the Meteorite is still present in Hoenn under Sootopolis city?"

Oak "Yes, the radiations coming from underground is massive"

Julian pondered about this for a while and didn't know what to say, he felt like everything was way off from what he had expected.

Julian "Professor give me some time and I will call you back"

Oak "Ok, Wait! one last this, due to the recent discovery, the news about Mega Evolutions will be soon released and the general public will soon come to know about it as well"

Julian nodded and switched off the computer.

Julian 'I don't remember anything like this happening in the anime'

Julian thought about everything Professor Oak said and he realized something.

Julian "The world is very different from what its portrayed like, I saw this world from a screen but now that I live in it, it's so vast, so different, so interesting".

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