Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 103 - Trouble At Oceanic Museum

On the ferry which is heading towards Slateport City, Julian is speaking with the captain and inquiring some details about their destination.

Captain "Slateport city is the ninth largest city in Hoenn, the city came to be as the clean water present there made food abundant, the local market started to grow and it soon became a harbor for ships and boats which carry goods, it's a merchant paradise" ​​

Julian "What about the people leaving there?"

Captain "The people living there are fine, Ah there is this one person who is very famous in Slateport city, his name is Captain Stern, he is an undersea explorer who also runs the Stern's Shipyard"

Julian "I see"

Their conversation comes to an end and Julian gets back to his room and waits for the ferry to reach the city.

After traveling for a few days the ferry finally reach Slateport city, Julian gets off the ferry and feel the ocean breeze on his skin, he looked at the ocean and noticed that the water was clearer than normal seawater, kids were running around the beach playing while adults were relaxing on the beach getting their tan on.

Julian 'This looks more like a tourist place than a ship harbor'

Julian was surprised to see that the entrance to the city was by going through the beach, the other entrance is on the north side of the city which will lead to Mauville city.

He finally entered the city and saw it was very lively, people were walking around freely with their pokemon, he rode around and saw a huge lighthouse and few tourists were hanging around it taking pictures.

He decided to go to the pokemon center and give his pokemons a quick checkup so they can refresh them self from the long tiring trip they had on the ferry.

Julian went to the pokemon center and gave his pokemons to Nurse Joy, after giving them to Nurse Joy she started to look around and he found something interesting on the bulletin board.

Julian "Pokemon Fan Club, what kind of fan club is this? I should go check it out"

After waiting for a while Nurse Joy came back and gave him his pokemon, he then went straight towards the building which addressed the Pokemon Fan Club in that bulletin board, soon he arrived in front of a building which was decorated with pretty decorations and a huge banner which stated Pokemon Fan Club in huge bold letters.

Julian didn't want to judge the book by its cover so he went inside to see people of all ages interacting with each other happily.

Julian 'Not bad'

Julian liked the vibe inside this fan club each and everyone was respectful towards each other and discussed pokemons, some showed off their pokemons and talked about their experience growing up with them, what Julian didn't like about this fan club was that this was only based on cute pokemons, there was nothing wrong about this but Julian liked to talk about different species and their kind so only talking about cute pokemons mad him bored so he decided to leave.

While he was leaving he saw two men entering the fan club and overheard their conversation.

Man 1 "Hey did you see those people in blue uniform, surrounding the Oceanic Museum"

Man 2 "Yes, whenever people try to enter they would stop them, they didn't look like security at all, it looked quite fishy to me"

Man 1 "I had the same thought"

Julian listened to them and got curious as well.

Julian 'Oceanic Museum, it is on the northeast side of the city and if I am not wrong it should be one of Captain Stern's estates'

Since there was nothing else for him to do at the Fan Club he decided to give a quick visit to this Museum and see if anything interesting is happening there.

Julian hopped onto his bike and accelerated towards the northeast side of the city when he reached there he saw exactly what he heard from those two men, he saw a group of people in blue surrounding the Museum, he also notices that they had a pirate type theme going on with their dress.

Julian realized who these people where.

Julian 'Team Aqua, what are they doing here?'

Julian tried to recall anything he remembers about them but he had no memories about them at all.

Julian 'Is the Blue Orb kept here?'

Julian recalled about what he read in the Granite cave and imagined what would happen if these group of idiots set Kyogre free, he didn't want to ruin his peaceful days and if either Kyogre or Groudon is released his peaceful days will be over so he had to interfere even though he didn't want to.

He went to the side and took out a red long coat and black mask to hide his face and walked towards the museum.

The Team Aqua grunts who were on the watch saw a tall man wearing a red coat and black mask approaching them, seeing his wearing red they thought that he is a member of team magma so they became alert.

Julian stopped right in front of them as he saw ten grunts surrounding him as they holed Pokeball in their hands.

Grunt 1 "You Team Magma grunt leave now or you will pay the price interfering with the might Team Aqua"

Julian was ticked when he heard them call him a member of Team Magma.

Julian "Don't compare me with the likes of you and those idiots"

Grunt 2 "Stop talking, let's show him what does it mean to challenge Team Aqua"

They all sent out their pokemons and they were all Corphish and Poochyena.

Julian "Gyarados"

Julian sent out Gyarados and as soon as Gyarados came out it stared down on these tiny pokemons which looked like ants and his ability Intimidate kicked it, all Corphish and Poochyena were scared shitlessly and abandoned their trainers and ran away, the same could be said to those Grunts, when they saw this huge 14 meter tall Gyarados they couldn't help but shiver in fear.

Grunt 3 "Haha we were just joking, what is Team Aqua? We are just cosplayers, bye bye"

They escaped as soon as possible, abandoning their attires and running away for their life.

Julian called back Gyarados, his intention was to scare them right away and not waste time battling weaklings so he used Gyarados.

He entered the Museum and saw that the first floor was empty, he walked forwards and heard a thud sound behind the receptionist desk, he looked behind and saw a blond lady tied up struggling to break free.

When the Blond lady saw Julian she got scared as he was covering his face and looked very suspicious, Julian didn't mind her terrified gaze as it was a normal reaction from a commoner, Julian bent down and untied her.

Julian "Run away and don't try to meddle"

The Blond lady was still scared but she realized that this man has saved her, she bowed and ran away, Julian slowly walked inside and noticed two Aqua grunts near the staircase.

Julian 'If I battle them it might alert the once in the top, I should silently knock them out'

Julian took a step back and hid behind a wall and blew a soft whistle, one of the Aqua grunts heard it and looked left and right.

Grunt 1 "Did you hear anything?"

Grunt 2 "Hmm? I didn't"

Grunt 1 "Strange, wait here let me check"

The Grunt walked towards Julian and came near the receptionist area, he didn't notice Julian at all and before he knew it Julian gave a chop to the back of his head and he was knocked out.

The other Grunt who heard a thud coming from the direction where Grunt 1 went, he became suspicious and tried to run up to warn others but before he could, he felt a sharp pain behind his neck and he fainted as well.

Julian caught the falling grunt and placed him to the side and walked up the stairs.

When he reached the second floor he heard voices, he closed in and saw a 50-year-old man with brown hair tied on to a chair and in front of him was a huge bulky man wearing blue pants, he had a Crawdaunt to his side and he was interrogating the 50-year-old man.

Julian 'If I am not wrong that old man must be Captain Stern and that bulky fellow must be one of the admins of Team Aqua'

Grunt "Boss Matt we should get going, or the police might arrive soon"

Matt "Hmph, looks like I have to force it from you, Captain Stern, give me the Infinity Generator or we will have to hurt you"

Stern "Ha, I would never give it to you"

Matt "Than it can't be helped, Crawdaunt"

The Crawdaunt beside him was about to take action when they heard a voice coming from behind.

Julian "Hold your horsea, Gentlemen"

Team Aqua Grunts and Matt turned around to see a tall man in a red coat and mask smiling at them.

Matt "Are you from Team Magma"

Again it got to his nerves.

Julian "Does anyone wearing red means he is from Team Magma?"

Matt "It doesn't"

Julian "Then that's clear, now let's get to the real business, leave that man alone and leave or else I would have to force you"

Matt laughed hearing Julian followed up by the rest of the grunts.

Matt "You are a funny man aren't ya, how can just you force every one of us out of here"

Julian "Wow, that's the only logical question you asked me, well them for your answer"

Julian took out a Pokeball and showed it towards Matt.

Matt looked at Julian and became curious.

Matt 'What kind of ace is he holding to be so confident about challenging all of us or he is just stupidly overconfident'

Matt "HAHAHAHA, you are a brave one but also foolish. Everyone, show him the power of Team Aqua"

Every Grunt including Matt present on the floor sent out their pokemons, Corphish, Crawdaunt, Poochyena, Mightyena. There were at least 15 pokemons facing against Julian.

Julian "Well that's Interesting, let me show you how I will force you out, GO"

Julian sent the Pokeball he was holding up in the air and next Heatran came out of the Pokeball and looked at 15 pokemons in front of him.

Matt "What kind of pokemon is that?

Julian "A special kind"

Matt "Well it doesn't matter, everyone attack"

All the Aqua member called out an attack and sent it shooting towards Heatran.

Julian "Magma Storm"

Heatran created a huge raging tornado formed from hot magma which went crashing towards the Team Aqua grunts and their pokemons, all their attacks were crushed by Magma Storm and sent them flying across the room and crashing into the wall.

Matt and the conscious members of Team Aqua were shocked and couldn't believe what just happened.

Julian "So Gentlemen are you sure you don't want to leave?"

Matt looked at Julian and stayed silent.

Matt "let's go"

Matt walked away as it was the best decision he could take right now, the grunts called back their pokemons and followed behind.

Julian walked towards the tied up Captain Stern and untied him.

Stern "Thank you mister for saving me"

Julian "Don't mention it, I only did this for myself"

Julian "Then I will be leaving"

Julian called back Heatran and walked away, as soon as Julian left the police came and saw that the whole second floor was in a mess and Captain Stern was standing there still.

Officer Jenny "Mr. Stern are you all right?"

Stern "Thanks to a stranger I am fine, but I hope you tighten the security around the Museum for a few days until our project is over"

Officer Jenny "I will look into it"

Stern 'Who could that young man be?'.

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