"Master?! I never knew that a strong seventh grade such as yourself is subordinate to someone else." replied the muscular person.

"Hohoho… I am just an old servant serving my master." said Darren, smiling warmly.

If Darren didn't keep releasing his menacing aura, he would look like a harmless neighborhood grandpa. Unfortunately, this old vampire not only takes back his aura but also increases further. Feeling Darren's power, the muscular man couldn't help but have a cold sweat.

As the Altras race, the muscular man knows many seventh-grade combatants in Firuman. He knows the silver-haired old man in front of him belongs to one of the most powerful seventh grades he has ever met.

'This is… It seems the Eternal Kingdom is not getting weaker but stronger. Also, who is this master that could have such a powerful subordinate?!' thought the muscular man.

"May I know who is this master of yours?!" asked the muscular man.

"Hmm?! I thought you Altras should know already. The Vampire race only serves one and only master." said Darren.

"That means…" said the muscular man as he finally noticed the silver-haired girl with deep green eyes.

Staring at Mira's green eyes, the muscular person feels like looking at the boundless horizon. No matter how much he observed the girl, he couldn't find anything about the girl. It is like something is preventing him from knowing more.

He feels like looking at the world in the surrounding. No matter how strong and intelligent a person is, they will never be able to comprehend the world completely.

"Rude." said Mira shortly.

*BOOOM* a massive crater appeared at the Darren location. Fortunately, the muscular man reacted fast and was able to dodge him. Still, half of his body is gouged like it is getting hit by a powerful force. Fortunately, his body could easily regenerate from this kind of wound.

In the meantime, the elder examiner somehow manages to leave the scene after getting forced back by Darren's aftermath attack.

"YOU DARE!! HOW DARE YOU LOOKING AT MY MASTER WITH THOSE TREACHEROUS EYES!!" yelled Darren as his body was covered with full armor in red color.

Without waiting for the muscular man's reply, Darren again charged at him while the muscular person tried to counterattack. However, he is not as fast as the old vampire. Therefore, he planned to receive the attack and launch his counterattack afterward.

Still, he underestimates Darren's attack power. As Darren's fist close by, he feels a monstrous amount of super dense mana on it. He could even see a few droplets of the liquid form of mana enveloping his hand.

Before Darren's red gauntlet hit the muscular man, "Darren, stop." said Mira.

Like a faithful servant, Darren completely stopped his attack before his fist touched the muscular man. The old vampire can also completely control his mana and retrieve it without affecting the surrounding area.

"E-Elder Yawan!!" called the other Altras worriedly as seeing Darren's punch almost hit the muscular man.

After taking back his fist, "You better not carelessly look at my master again." said Darren in an angry tone.

Everyone knows that Darren is still angry from Yawan's previous observation. As the atmosphere became tense, Mira suddenly appeared near the two seventh grade and looked at Elder Yawan.

"Test." said Mira.

Hearing an unexpected word, "Test?!" replied Yawan.

"Master wants to know the content of our test?" asked Darren with a cold tone.

"Ahh.. That's…" replied Yawan before stopping his sentence as Darren sent a murderous glare at him.

It is as if Darren is trying to warn him not to create an absurd test or they will fight to the death here. Knowing Darren's intention, Yawan immediately continued his sentence afterthought for a moment.

"Red. Yeah, that's it. Bring me a hundred Red-striped rabbits before a week." said Yawan.

Mira didn't reply and only nodded before walking toward Anna, who stayed silent the whole time. Despite staying silent, she is already wearing her Power Arm and covering her little fist with invisible miasma.

"Mira, are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Did that Flesh Musclehead hurt you?" asked Anna worriedly.

Mira shook her head and replied shortly, "No."

"Really?? Anna is truly worried. Just tell me if that Musclehead bothers you again, Anna will definitely beat Musclehead to oblivion." said Anna with confidence.

"Umm." nodded Mira while getting a hug from her worried friend.

Everyone could hear the little troublemaker's words, but everyone heard a coughing sound before they could comment on anything.

"Ehem… Well, it seems everything is over. Now, let's hunt the rabbit." said Angus casually to break the atmosphere.

"Hold on!! Did you think we will just let you go after all of this?!" exclaimed one of the young examiners.

*BANG* The young examiner gets hit in the head by Kelraz.

"My apologies. It seems there is something wrong with his head." said Kelraz.

As someone who bears a full killing intent from Darren, he knows the opposite party is someone they could not mess with. Although Nirvas are strong, they don't want to create unnecessary conflict and bloodshed.

Otherwise, they will never be able to maintain their neutrality over other significant forces in Firuman.

"Then, I will excuse myself first. Kelraz, take care of everything." said Elder Yawan before disappearing.

'Hmm.. As I thought, he used some sort of space-related skills or ability.' thought Angus after looking at the disappearance of Yawan.

The seventh-grade Altras may look like he was moving fast, but Angus could feel some space element as he disappeared.

Moreover, he also noticed a massive space element in the distorted scene that began to be covered with mist in the distance. Angus' is certain that Altras must have some space-related skill or artifact.

'It seems Jayna's previous conjecture is right.' thought Angus.

Knowing her speculation is correct, Jayna releases a small giggle sound while teasing Angus through their bond. It is rare for Angus to mistake something. The Fire Phoenix girl will not let this chance pass to tease him.

After that, Angus' group decided to leave as they had already attracted too much attention. During the whole incident, many people and spies also saw them. Some people even speculate that the Heart Kingdom cooperates with the Eternal Kingdom.

In the past, the Eternal Kingdom was famous for being one of the most hated kingdoms in Firuman. The Vampire race is renowned for being super racist and prideful. They also like to slave other races and do many kinds of abomination experiments.

Since only the Pureblood Vampire is able to conceive a child, they also completely look down on women and think of them as tools for sexual relief. It is also the nest for wanted outlaws from various nations.

Therefore, many kingdoms hold a grudge against the Eternal Kingdom. If it were not for the ridiculous undying vampire trait, the Eternal Kingdom would have been destroyed a long time ago.

Unfortunately, they don't know that the Eternal Kingdom has already changed under the new leader. As Angus's group retreat, Nergal's crown prince has a cold smile after seeing this incident. No one knows what he is thinking.

"Brother Arnet, is something wrong?! Your face looks weird." asked Princess Brigida beside him.

​ "Ohh.. Nothing. Let's go back to the hotel. It seems we may be able to do the test tomorrow." replied the Nergal's Crown Prince to his sister.

"Really?! That's good. I already miss my training equipment from all this journey." said Princess Brigida.

Seeing the two sibling interactions, 'Damn… How could someone with that kind of talent is so stupid not to notice her cunning sibling.' thought the Mad Monk Orpus beside him.

Princess Brigida may be blessed with immense talent in combat. However, she is socially inept and too slow to read people's intentions. During her stay in the Nergal, other low nobles often used her easily with the pretext of helping the kingdom.

'If it is not because of Crown Prince Arnet, she may have been forced to work tirelessly by those nobles until now. It seems all nobles are the same scumbag as usual even in different kingdoms.' thought Orpus as he recalled the story of the dumb princess.

In the meantime, Angus and the others are going toward the misty forest out of the town. To complete the first entrance test, they need to hunt red-striped rabbits. Fortunately, this kind of rabbit is native to Twilbo Woods.

On the way to the forest, "Aunt, Is this going to be alright?!" asked Crown Prince Eric.

"About what?!" asked Aunt Extalia back.

"Everyone sees us join hands with…" said Eric before hesitating to continue.

"Eric, it seems you still have much to learn. Did you think the other kingdoms will attack us just by joining hands with the Eternal Kingdom?!" asked Aunt Extalia.

"Err.. That's.." said Eric as he didn't know what to say.

"Did you know why the Eternal Kingdom, despite being the most hateful kingdom, still exists today?" asked Aunt Extalia.

"Isn't it because of their powerful undying ability?" asked Eric.

"That's one reason, but there is another major reason." said Aunt Extalia.

"The kingdom in Firuman is not as peaceful as you thought. Each day there will be war, fight, and probably small kingdoms will fall."

"One of the reasons why the Eternal Kingdom still exists is because the other kingdom is not willing to cooperate with each other." explained Aunt Extalia.

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