Like the other day, everyone began to register themself in an orderly manner without commotion. Experiencing people from many different races in queues orderly without fighting somewhat piques Angus' interest.

According to the information he gathered, Altras examiner is not only able to make the entrance test more difficult but also quite strong to retaliate against any strong force in Firuman.

Moreover, there is some rumor that they must do the entrance test before being able to enter the Nirvas Kingdom. Even the seventh-grade combatant cannot escape from this rule.

Angus concludes some unique power or powerful being is overseeing the entrance. Because of this powerful being, no one dares to create conflict in this place.

At the same time, Jayna thought differently. With the Fire Phoenix's memories, she speculates that Nirvas is located inside a special dimension like Endless Battlefield.

From her memories, only this special dimension can restrict powerful beings like seventh-grade people. Otherwise, many seventh-grade combatants could easily enter and exit the Endless Battlefield.

However, Angus' theory is still possible. Fire Phoenix may have vast experience, but many important ones are sealed for Jayna's mind safety.

Unless she uses rough force to break the seal, she will only know a few trivial things about it. Moreover, Fire Phoenix is also sealed inside the cave for who knows how long. During this time, she is already missing countless developments in magic and civilization.

Her standard may not be the same as when she is still alive. Before being sealed, Fire Phoenix had never heard of a being called a Soul Keeper. Yet, they can meet a few of these beings with strange soul power that could even defeat her strongest sister easily.

Blue Phoenix is one of the phoenixes with the only power below Fire Red Phoenix. Although she somehow couldn't break through seventh grade all this time, she is still able to fight or run against any seventh grade.

Yet, this mighty phoenix is defeated easily by a being called Soul Keeper, whose strength couldn't be measured by standard core grade.

After a long queue, they can finally register themself and go towards the rocky hill to do a mandatory power test. Since their group is quite a lot, they divided their group into as only two people could do the test at the same time.

The first one that will be going is Aunt Extalia and Crown Prince Eric, who easily pass the test. The Duchess casually punches the rocky hill with her ridiculous strength while Eric uses an intense fourth circle fire-based spell to pass the test.

When it is Angus and Jayna's turn, Angus decides to wait for Jayna to finish her test first. Before the test, they were already warned not to create unwanted attention. However, Angus wants to try something different as he remembers Princess Brigida's casual swing attack before.

Knowing Angus' thought of another girl makes Jayna burn with jealousy. At first, she planned to attack the rocky hill with a strong sword skill. However, Angus thought able to influence her emotion and spark her Fire Phoenix.

*Whoosh* Suddenly, Jayna's sword is enveloped in burning fire and slashes the rocky hill like butter [Sword Art - Blazing Slash]. Seeing the trail of burning fire on the rocky hill, the examiner was surprised as he knew how sturdy and strong this rocky hill was.

Unless it is someone at the level of a seventh-grade combatant, no one could even put a scratch on it. The examiner feels Jayna's mana core aura is only third grade. But, his instinct also tells him to stay away from her fire.

Realizing her blunder, Jayna immediately returns from her jealousy without changing her cold outer face. However, Angus knows Jayna is actually quite panicked inside and keeps asking him for help through their bond.

Seeing his distressed lover, Angus couldn't help but release a sigh. He knows Jayna is sometimes unable to perfectly control her emotions despite Angus' hard training all these years.

Not only does she have [Possession] skill which makes her mentally unstable, but she also has Fire Phoenix's emotion fire ability. Any strong emotion could easily make her blind and lose her rational thinking.

If it is not because of high mastery over [Heart of Perseverance] and [Arctic Heart], she will enter [Possession] combined with Fire Phoenix's fire ability without a sane mind.

Seeing everyone attracted to Jayna's burning slashing mark on the rocky hill, Angus decided to make his move. He takes a small pebble from the ground and casually throws it at the rocky hill. *BAM* *Crack* Loud booming and cracking sound heard by everyone.

Everyone could see a small pebble completely stuck on the rocky hill while creating a crack in the small area surrounding it. After seeing Angus' performance, the examiner immediately approached the pebble and took it out.

"T-This.. This is impossible. It is only an ordinary pebble." declared the examiner.

"What?!! You are joking, right?" asked the other examiner.

"Nope. You could examine the pebble by yourself." said the previous examiner while giving the pebble.

"Hmm… It seems today's participant is quite interesting." said Kelraz, the elder examiner, while opening one of his closed eyes.

Seeing the performance of the two couples, the Duchess could only massage her forehead. She had already lost count of how often she had made this habit since they started their journey.

'No wonder Jade told me to relax before we departed here. Damn, Leon, you better be ready to give me compensation for this task!!' grumbled the Duchess inwardly.

While the Duchess is grumbling, the examiner declares Angus and Jayna pass. After the examiner declares his passing mark, Angus finds Princess Brigida looking intently at him.

Angus knows about the Princess' experience and talent. She will definitely notice what Angus has done is not just a casual throw with strong force. There is a complex and profound technique in Angus' throw.

Jayna also noticed this banter and immediately embraced her boyfriend's arm while twisting his waist skin with the same cold face.

"Ouch.." said Angus as he immediately shut his mouth before he sparked Jayna's anger again.

Then, it is time for Anna and Mira's turn. The two small girls have different contrasting expressions. The black-haired troublemaker has an exciting mischievous smile as she finds a great toy.

At the same time, the silver-haired girl who wears a black gothic style dress has a blank expression like a doll. Anna immediately approaches the rocky hill while spinning her arm, ready to give her best punch.

"Just to make sure you already told her to hold back, right?" asked the Duchess to Angus.

"Hmm… Yup, I told her to hold back her strength." said Angus.

"Good." said the Duchess.

"That if she wants. If she doesn't want to, I told her to follow her heart, " Angus said with an evil smile.

"You.. what?!" exclaimed the Duchess.

During this time, "Mira, this will be a contest. Whoever breaks this is the winner [Anna Punch]." said Anna excitedly, charging at the rocky hill.

In response to Anna's challenge, Mira nodded with the same expression. *BOOOMM* *BAAMMM* *Crack* Suddenly, a large shockwave appeared from the two rocky hills.

Hearing the thunderous sound, the elder examiner Kelraz even stood up from his spot and turned into muscular form.

"I-It destroyed!!" shouted the examiner while looking at the two rocky mountains.

Half of the rocky hill on Anna's side is crumbling while breaking away. In the meantime, the rocky mountain on Mira's side is completely gone.

Even the thick mist behind the rocky mountain is gone. Everyone could see some sort of distortion scene as the thick mist was gone.

"Too weak." commented Mira with a disappointed tone.

"It's okay, Mira. We will try again when we find something stronger than this." said Anna while trying to cheer up her friend.

She has already forgotten about their previous contest that she declared in the last few minutes.

"W-Wait… What the hell are you two doing?!" yelled the elder examiner Kelraz.

Before Kelraz could get near the two kids, Angus and the others suddenly appeared in front of the girls while taking out their weapons.

Even Aunt Extalia is taking her artifact and is ready to fight Kelraz at any moment. She may not like Anna but also needs to support her after seeing Mira's performance.

While Angus and the others appeared in front of the elder, Darren appeared behind him and pointed his sharp nail at the elder's throat.

"So much for a race that is famous for their neutrality." said Darren as he revealed his seventh-grade aura and cracked the whole area.

Moreover, his red-eyes are completely locked on Kelraz as predators look at their prey. One wrong move, Darren will not hesitate to kill him before he can regenerate.

"*Glup* S-Seventh Grade Vampire." muttered Kelraz as he noticed the person threatening him.

As the situation becomes tense, "My friends, please hold your hand." heard another voice from behind Darren.

A muscular red-skinned person with a cloak suddenly appeared behind Darren.

"And why should I?!" asked Darren without looking back.

"Does the Eternal Kingdom want a war with us?!" asked the person as he also revealed his seventh-grade power.

"War?! Hmph… If my master will it, she could easily take over your pitiful kingdom in less than a day." said Darren.

"Master?! I never knew that a strong seventh grade such as yourself is subordinate to someone else." replied the muscular person.

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