"One of the reasons why the Eternal Kingdom still exists is because the other kingdom is not willing to cooperate with each other." explained Aunt Extalia.

"Each of them has their own matter to take care of. From resource problems to the prevention of rebellion. Each kingdom has a lot of matter in their hand to completely focus on destroying a strong kingdom like the Eternal kingdom."

"Now, let me ask you. Why did you think the world alliance needed more than a hundred years to destroy Plargos believers? Moreover, why can they even develop to almost killing more than half of the world's population?" asked Aunt Extalia.

"This…" said Eric as he began to realize something.

As the Crown Prince, he knows there are a lot of strong and big kingdoms in Firuman. Each of them has at least a seventh-grade combatant as its leader. Plargos' believers may be strong, but they lack a seventh-grade combatant.

It is common knowledge that any religious group in Firuman couldn't produce seventh-grade combatants. In return, they can use their god's divine power through some sacrifice or ritual.

Still, they will never stand a chance of getting attacked by a group of seventh-grade combatants, much less all the seventh-grade in Firuman. It is not until Plargos becomes too much of a threat for them that they are willing to work together.

Realizing this, Eric knows he still underestimates the true power and conflict in this world. In the Heart Kingdom alone, he knows how busy his father is before Jade's return.

With the fall of the noble in power and quality, he even thought they would lose some territory from the surrounding kingdom during the war with Nergal. Because of this, the Crown Prince is busy trying to make his own faction to prove his worth in retrieving the lost territory.

Unfortunately, he didn't expect that they didn't lose any territory but also become feared by other kingdoms. Currently, no one dares to make a move to the Heart Kingdom without a concrete plan. Otherwise, they will never know when the Meteor Jade will land on their kingdom.

The news of Jade becoming a meteor flying in the sky and hitting the five Duke/Duchess of the Nergal Kingdom is already spreading around. One man could easily stand against five strong sixth-grade combatants.

Although the fight did not continue for a long time and Jade was not getting serious, all the spies at that time could still witness Jade beat three sixth-grade combatants easily. If it is not because of the Krugguar Emperor's interruption, Jade may have already killed three Duke/Duchess.

Eric underestimates the true power of a seventh-grade combatant since he decides to take the diplomacy path rather than pursuing true strength.

He thought his father was getting old and weaker, but he didn't know seventh graders are practically immortal people. Even if they get a severe injury, they only get weaker but not dead.

It will be very difficult to make seventh-grade people die without getting any injury. Moreover, King Leon never shares this kind of information with anyone as everything related to seventh-grade combatants is highly classified.

Most people only know the rough power of seventh grade while the detail is concealed. Even Jade also didn't share any information about this stuff casually. He only knows the true power of seventh grade from Old Man Draught and his servant Warton.

For Ordinary people, they are just very powerful people that people couldn't reach. But, for someone who knows their true power, they are akin to God in this world.

Unlike Eric, Angus has already tasted the true pinnacle in his previous world and knows how the true powerhouse world works. Although he does not stay in that position for long and Firuman is an entirely different place than Earth, he still knows a little bit about how they work.

He knows that only the true powerhouse can do what they want. Whether fighting, killing others, getting fame or even having a peaceful life, all of these could be achieved if they have enough true strength.

While Aunt Extalia explained the other kingdom's situation and the rumor about the Eternal Kingdom, Darren and Mira didn't comment anything about it. Nor do they try to correct her that the Eternal Kingdom is now changing.

The eternal Kingdom is just one of the places Mira created a long time ago on a whim. It didn't matter if it was destroyed or not. For her, it is just more convenient to have territory on her own and not to get attacked frequently by others in the past.

The eternal Kingdom is one of the oldest strong kingdoms in Firuman. Because of the Vampire's ability and combat power, no one dared to attack it carelessly. Therefore, it is a good place for Mira to slumber without getting disturbed.

As for Darren, he only cares about Mira. Besides that, he didn't care if the Eternal kingdom became the most notorious kingdom in the world. As long as others didn't try to insult his master, he would not care about the kingdom.

Hearing the Eternal Kingdom, "Mira… Mira… Is that Eternal Kingdom your house?" asked Anna.

Mira didn't reply and tilted her head confusedly at Anna's question.

"You know the house where you sleep, eat, and poop." said Anna playfully.

Mira touched her chin like thinking something for a moment before nodding her head.

Seeing Mira's agreement, "Hee… Interesting. So, what kind of place is that?" asked Anna.

"Blood." replied Mira.

"Blood?!" asked Anna confusedly.

"Lady Anna, Eternal Kingdom is a kingdom located very far away from here. More than 80% of its population is a Vampire…" explained Darren as he helped his master explain the Eternal Kingdom to the little troublemaker.

Hearing about the general information of the Eternal Kingdom also makes the others pay attention to Darren's words.

After hearing Darren's explanation, "Hmm… That seems interesting. Can Anna go there?" asked Anna.

"Mmm." replied Mira shortly while nodding her head.

"Yeyyy… Anna will have a sleepover at Mira's house. Yeay… Yeay…" said Anna excitedly.

'Sleepover?!' thought everyone as they realized why the little troublemaker was interested in the Eternal Kingdom in the first place.

Still, Angus and the others didn't comment as they just heard some information about the Eternal Kingdom. To their surprise, the Eternal Kingdom is more like an outlaw place rather than a nation. Crimes like slavery, violence, illegal market, and murder are common occurrences.

Moreover, they also collect large amounts of blood in each of their cities to make a large pool of blood. They often use force when gathering blood without regard for other people.

Each time for the gathering session, hundreds or thousands of people will turn into dry corpses. Because of this, the Eternal Kingdom is also called the Blood Kingdom. Blood is flowing faster than water in the Eternal Kingdom.

Just by this general information, it is not a place for a little girl to have a sleepover. But, they didn't dare to comment for fear of offending Mira or Darren. As for Angus and Jayna, they didn't care as long as Anna stayed safe and happy.

They will never prohibit Anna from venturing on her own in the first place. Moreover, this is one of the good opportunities for her to experience things with Mira.

After a while, they finally leave the town and reach the misty forest. Fortunately, Darren and Angus are adept at space-related skills/spells. Therefore, they didn't need to be afraid of getting lost as they had already marked Craghost Town with their special rune.

In fact, Angus is not proficient enough to do this marking. But, Darren decides to give some helping hand to him as it will be more convenient in an emergency case. Still, it is not easy to hunt red-striped rabbits, especially in this mist.

Red-striped rabbit is one of the creatures called half animal and half beast. They have the same characteristics and behavior as ordinary rabbits. Because of the harsh environment, they are adapted and can use mana to a certain extent despite not having a core.

As the most knowledgeable person in the group besides Darren, Angus decided to share what he knew about the Red-striped rabbit. The most troublesome thing about red-striped rabbits is not only their agility but also their unique escaping skill.

The rabbit is famous for being hard to catch, even by experienced fifth-grade hunters. Unfortunately, Darren also didn't have any more information besides what Angus told them since it is not a common animal in their region.

After walking deep into the forest, "Excuse me, master. It seems there are some matters that I need to handle." asked Darren to Mira while bowing his head.

"Mmmm." replied Mira while nodding her head.

"Then, I will leave Master in your hand, Young Baron Angus." said Darren with a warm smile.

"Huh?!" reacted Angus.

Before he could ask what he meant, Darren disappeared from his spot.

"Why the hell did he ask me and not Aunt Extalia?! Tch.. Troublesome." said Angus.

"Angus…" called Aunt Extalia in a serious tone.

"I know we are being followed, but what can they do? We are inside the thick misty forest where detection skills/spells are useless. It will take a while for them to find us. I will just leave some traps on our way while we keep looking for the rabbit." said Angus as he took a few magic tools.

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