A week passed since the Temple of God signed the contract with the Heart Kingdom. During this time, inside the Temple of God's main base, chaos happened.

"What did you mean, all of them gone?" asked a person wearing gray attire, signifying he is a high priest.

"We are not sure either. However, all our secret knowledge seems to either be stolen during the relocation process or suddenly gone from our vault." reported the person in gray-colored armor while kneeling.

"Tch.. Did you know who is doing it?" asked the other person in gray attire.

"No, High priest. All our investigation reached a dead end as if the perpetrator had suddenly gone into thin air. Moreover, all of them happen within the same day." explained the person with armor.

"The same day?!! That means the preparator is from the same group." said a woman in gray attire.

"Don't tell me it is those Heart Kingdom?!!" said one of the high priests.

"Certainly, we have a dispute with the Heart Kingdom. But, I think it is still impossible for the Heart Kingdom to hit all of our subsidiary organizations simultaneously. Unless they have already planned this for a long time." said another high priest.

"I agreed. Our relationship with the Heart Kingdom has been completely fine until now. Besides, They also have their own problems with the nearby kingdom. It is impossible for them to arrange such a meticulous plan like this without us knowing at all." said another high priest.

"True. Moreover, from the report, it seems the other party has a vast number of sixth-grade combatants. The Heart Kingdom may be on the rise. But, currently, they don't have enough sixth-grade combatants to hit all our bases at the same time." said another high priest.

"Then, who is it?" asked another high priest.

"It could be those heretics or the other religious organizations. Only them that could benefit and dare enough to steal our secret art." said another high priest.

"Supreme Pontiff, what's your thought?" asked one of the high priests.

"Hmm… It seems we got hit really bad this time. There are not many forces or organizations that could move a lot of sixth-grade combatants at once. Most of them come from heretic cult and other religious organizations."

"We should start investigating all these organizations first. I doubt they will stay silent after getting our secret art." said the Supreme Pontiff, the current highest rank in the Temple of Death.

While the Temple of Death is frantically searching for the preparator who is stealing their secret art and vault, Angus continues his research in creating his Magic Gun in his manor house basement.

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* Angus shoots at the enchanted dummy using a magic gun that is similar to an assault rifle. After shooting the bullet rapidly, suddenly, the Magic Gun bloated.

Looking at this, Angus immediately throws the Magic Gun and activates the protection rune he had prepared before. *BOOOM* The explosion is so intense that it could make the Angus protection barrier crack.

"Tch.. Another failure. Damn, hundreds of thousands of gold coin resources vanished just like that." grumbled Angus.

Just as Angus wanted to revise his scheme, "That's certainly an interesting weapon." Angus heard a voice from behind.

Hearing this, Angus immediately brings out his weapon and is ready to battle.

"Relax. If I want you to die, you already died long ago." said the black-cloaked figure while covered with black haze.

'I can't even feel his presence despite already being this close. No, I can't even feel him at all if I don't see him in front of me.' thought Angus inwardly.

"You are.." asked Angus while still keeping his vigilance.

"I am here to give you the goods." said the person while throwing a space pouch to Angus.

Angus catches the space pouch while keep looking at the person in front of him.

"I assume the task is successfully done." asked Angus.

"It's just a small matter for us." said the person.

"Good, at least I didn't waste my money." said Angus.

Looking at the person still didn't go, "Is there anything else?" said Angus while keeping his vigilance more.

"Hoo… Such good vigilance. No matter how many times I see it, I still can't help but marvel at you." said the person in front of Angus.

"Are you perhaps the person from a few years ago?" asked Angus.

"And a sharp mind too. What a marvelous talent?" said the person.

"What exactly did you want?" asked Angus.

"Have you ever thought of becoming an assassin?" asked the person directly.

Angus didn't reply and only kept looking at the person expressionlessly.

"Kukuku… As I thought, you are no ordinary boy since the first time I saw you. Although you managed to hide it well, I could still feel it with my instinct. You are the same kind as us. No wonder you could find our base easily." said the person.

"Is that all?" asked Angus coldly.

"Well, if you happen to be searching for a 'job', you know where to contact us." said the person while disappearing from the room slowly into nothingness.

After the man is gone, Angus keeps waiting for a while before sitting on the nearby table while releasing a long sigh.

"Haa.. This is why I don't want to get in touch with them. Those bunch of people always have something wrong in their minds. Not that I am too different. Haa… Forget it. Let's check the harvest first." grumbled Angus before checking the item in the space pouch.

After a few hours checking each item inside the space pouch he gets from the Bloody Star's assassin, "Healing and saving the poor my ass. Just looking at all these nasty spells and skills, I am really wondering why they are still not branded as the heretic cult yet." grumbled Angus.

"Well, this is still quite a harvest. It is truly a good decision to hire them to do the work. Though their price is really absurd." said Angus as he remembered the amount he needed to pay for his request.

In total, for stealing all the secret art and knowledge of the Temple of Death, Angus needs to pay for 5 million gold coins. After making a heavy purchase last time, Angus didn't have a lot of money left.

Even after borrowing some money from his father and mother, he could only get around 2 million gold coins. Fortunately, the Bloody star also received the core payment as well. As the enchanter and alchemist, Angus never sold the monster core he got from his system.

The monster core is an important resource for enchanters and alchemists as it is the main ingredient for almost all of their products. Hence, Angus has a lot of core inside his inventory.

Still, in the end, Angus needed to pay thousands of third-grade monster cores and a few hundred fourth-grade monster cores, which also almost emptied all the cores inside his inventory.

After looking at the things inside the space pouch one more time, he believes it is worth all the money he paid. The next day, Angus came towards his father's office early in the morning.

Entering his father's office, "Angus, what's bringing you here?" asked Jacob.

"Well, It's about the money I borrowed before." replied Angus.

"Ehh?? Don't tell me that much money is still not enough." said Jacob.

"No, it's enough. I just made some investments and got some rare resources. Here's the list of what I got." said Angus.

"Investment? Let me see it." said Jacob as he read the paper Angus gave.

After a moment, "Angus, is this real?? I mean, you are not joking, right?" asked Jacob.

"Yup, I am pretty serious." said Angus.

"What kind of investment did you do to get all this stuff?" asked Jacob.

"Well, that's a secret. Anyway, I thought this kind of stuff would be useless to me. Even though I decided to keep it, I didn't have the necessary strength to protect it." said Angus.

"So, you decide to give it to me for better safekeeping?" said Jacob.

"Haa?? You must be joking, right? Didn't I say that I don't have the necessary strength to protect it? What makes you think you could protect it better than me?" asked Angus.

"Y-You…" as Jacob couldn't refute his son's harsh remark.

After seeing Angus battling with the fifth-grade explosion bug, he knows his son has more or less the same battle capability as him. Still, having a harsh remark from his son made his heart bleed.

"I think we should give it to King Leon. Besides, after carefully checking the things in there, I believe they are too dangerous to be released to the public and ordinary people. It is better for uncle Jade or King Leon to protect it than us." said Angus.

"Well, that's certainly a good plan. I will tell this to His Majesty. Haa… You never let me have a rest, huh?? Why don't you just go into that dimension again? At least I will have less work to take care of your problem." said Jacob.

"Don't worry, I plan to stay low for a while. Besides, starting today I will start to work at the research center. What trouble could I possibly do there?" replied Angus.

"I hope you are right this time.." said Jacob.

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