Unlike other religious organizations, the Temple of Death didn't have a sacred maiden and couldn't produce any Champion of God. Hence, they somewhat lag behind other big religious organizations in terms of building power.

Although they could be said to be the most influential and wealthy religious organization, they are still nothing in front of absolute strength. In Firuman, the war between religious organizations is more brutal and ruthless than conflict between nations.

The religious organization always preaches the same thing and makes the people believe in their God. It is not rare if they have a conflict between one with the others about whose God is right or wrong.

Since the World Alliance never truly steps in for their conflict, they fight without restraint until death. If the Temple of Death loses their credibility and reputation, the other big religious organization will definitely use this opportunity to attack them.

In the end, Temple of Death may not only face retaliation from the Heart Kingdom but also fight the other big religious organization that is already targeting them. This is the worst scenario for the Temple of Death and the last thing they want to happen.

A few days passed by since the incident with the Temple of Death. In the end, the Temple of Death decided to comply with the demand from the Heart Kingdom.

Not only do they need to give all their healing art knowledge and spells, but they also need to provide a few items and resources as compensation. Moreover, they also need to lend their priests/healers in case the Heart is going to war for the next twenty years.

After hours of negotiation, both Temple of Death and Heart Kingdom sides begin to sign the contract to bind their agreement. However, the Temple of Death still could use some loophole in the contract, like sending their most secret knowledge first to their sub-branch organization.

This way, they could still manage to preserve their most secret knowledge and art despite already being bound by the contract. The Heart Kingdom didn't care about this since their harvest is already a lot from this incident.

Pushing the Temple of Death more will only create a harsh retaliation from them. Although King Leon wasn't afraid to go to war with them, it's better to gain what they achieved now since they also didn't need to lose everything.

However, this is the only first nightmare the Temple of Death needs to face. Hidden in the dark, Angus still is not forgiving them as they try to harm Jayna even though it was kind of a misunderstanding.

The next day after Angus heard they needed a few days to finalize the contract, Angus went out towards the capital city street and reached the border of the slum area. After walking for a while, Angus arrived in front of a mysterious tavern.

Despite the Tavern's appearance, no one in the surrounding area seems to notice it. Although the tavern looks ordinary compared to other run-down buildings nearby, it looks very eye-catching. Still, no one is entering the tavern and completely ignoring it.

This is the same tavern that Angus found a few years ago along with Vergil. At that time, Angus already feels weird about this tavern and has a hunch about the identity of this tavern. However, he completely ignored it since it didn't have anything to do with him.

If the Temple of Death didn't try to antagonize him this time, Angus also would never come to this place again and would prefer to stay as far away as possible from it. After coming to this mysterious tavern for a second time, he is confident about this mysterious tavern's identity.

Looking at the Crimson Tavern name from the outside, Angus couldn't help but marvel at the building. The first time he came to this tavern with Vergil, he didn't notice many things.

But, with his current experience and knowledge about enchantment, Angus could find thousands of complex runes on every corner of the building. Angus even feels like this building is second to the Royal Palace when it comes to defense mechanisms.

"Even the research center still didn't have this kind of complex and sophisticated defensive rune. Now, such a place has existed under our noses without no one noticing." muttered Angus.

Without wasting any more time, Angus decides to enter the Crimson Tavern. Entering the tavern, Angus could see the same room many years ago, along with a bartender and waitress behind the bar table.

"Welcome to the Crimson Tavern. Please take a seat." called the waitress.

Angus didn't take a seat and went in front of the Bartender. The waitress and bartender look at Angus silently. However, using Angus' sharp observation, he knows both of them are ready to attack him at a moment of notice.

"Uhh.. excuse me. Could you help me with something?" asked Angus.

"Sure, what can I help you with?" asked the bartender back.

"A few years ago, someone felt indebted to me and gave me this card. Did you happen to recognize this card?" asked Angus while taking out a card with the word Silent Killer on it.

This is the card Angus got a few years ago from one of the Bloody Star's assassins when protecting Jayna. Looking at the card, the bartender's warm smile is completely gone and turned into expressionless.

"I assume you already know about our identity. May I know from whom you heard about us?" asked the bartender expressionlessly.

Hearing the bartender's sentence, Angus feels weird. Normally, people will try to deny or pretend not to know about the card since it comes from an assassin.

'Either he is stupid or confident in his strength, so he didn't bother to hide things. Judging by his calm gesture, it seems he is confident in his strength. As expected of the number one assassin organization Bloody Star.' analyzed Angus in his heart.

"I didn't hear from anyone. I just assume and feel you are related to the assassin organization. For an organization that dares to operate inside the capital city and still survive this long despite being under the watch of His Majesty, it must be no ordinary organization." said Angus.

"Hoo.. *clap* *clap* Such a great deduction and you are right about it. Mary, could you please close the shop first." said the bartender.

Then, the waitress beside activated a certain enchantment and a translucent barrier appeared, isolating the whole tavern.

"Welcome to the Bloody Star of the Heart Kingdom's branch, young master Angus." said the bartender while bowing his head a little bit.

"Hmm… I don't remember ever introducing myself." chimed Angus.

"Hahahaha… you must be joking, right? Young master Angus. As one of the cardholders and the people who invented the miasma curing potion, not to mention all your incredible inventions. You are listed among the people we should keep watch." replied the bartender blatantly.

"Hmm… As expected of the Bloody Star. I hope I am not on your bad list yet." said Angus playfully and at the same time was surprised a little bit about such a revelation.

"Don't worry, you are actually listed among the people that we can't assassinate." replied the Bartender.

"Huh?? I don't know an assassination organization has such a list of people they can't assassinate." said Angus.

"That's because we are not a normal assassination organization. As the biggest organization, we have a lot of rules, especially about the target."

"I can't tell you too many details. But, I can tell you we are forbidden to target anyone from the leader or royalty family. We are also forbidden to target the people that are under our special list like yourself." explained the bartender.

"What weird rules? Is there any reason I am entering your special list?" asked Angus.

"I am sorry, young master Angus. I don't know the reason either and even if I know, I also couldn't tell you because of the special contract. What I know is you are under our special list." said the bartender.

"I see.. Is there a way for me to check the list?" asked Angus.

"I am sorry once again, but that will be impossible. The list is under the heavy protection of the main branch. Not even I have the authority to access it." said the bartender.

"Ehh.. Then, what happens if I want you to assassinate someone, but they are under the list?" asked Angus.

"If they are under our special list, your request will be immediately terminated and there will be no remuneration from the payment." explained the bartender.

"What troublesome rules?! I guess I also need to pay in full first before my request is submitted." said Angus.

"Exactly. I suggest you choose your target and task carefully before requesting our service. Now, what can we help you with?" asked the Bartender.

Angus didn't directly reply and looked at the waitress beside the bartender.

"Ohh.. Don't worry about Mary. She is my assistant and also under a strict contract like me." said the Bartender as he could guess what Angus was worried about.

"I see… Then, did you also do some sabotaging and stealing jobs?" asked Angus.

"Hoo… It's quite a rare job for us, but we still do it. May I know who the target is?" asked the Bartender.

"Temple of Death." replied Angus coldly.

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