A month passed by since the Temple of Death incident. After Angus submitted his graduation mission, he officially graduated from the Royal Academy and decided to work in the research center as one of their researchers.

Normally, to join the Research Center, Angus needs to submit a few research papers on his own before getting approved. However, Master Valeron knows Angus's secret achievement. There is no way he will not approve Angus's request.

Moreover, Master Valeron also needs someone proficient in magic, spells, and enchantment like Angus. Many of the spells and skills that Angus gives to King Leon require divine power to work.

Divine power is a different kind of energy than mana and miasma. The myth said divine power comes from God itself and could never be replicated. However, in the magic world like Firuman, nothing is impossible.

This phrase has already been proven many times since the founding of magic. Most experts and scholars have a deep belief that nothing in this world is impossible, only the things that are still not yet discovered.

After receiving the spells and skills from Angus, King Leon tasked Master Valeron to find an alternative way to recreate divine power or use the spells/skills.

As someone proficient at modifying spells and skills, Angus immediately gets this task when he joins the research center. Angus wasn't surprised at such a task since he is the one that submitted the spells/skills. Moreover, he initially wanted to recreate these divine powers.

Angus also didn't forget about his own Magic Gun project. With the advanced tools inside the Research Facility, Angus was able to create better Magic Gun prototypes.

Currently, Angus is working on the spells he gets from the Temple of Death. He tried to modify the spells so they could be used with mana.

After hours of modifying, "Urgg… That's it, I need to take a break first." said Angus as his mind had already reached its limit.

Then, Angus decided to go towards the cafeteria inside the research center. After ordering his food, he finds Gilford sitting with Vigo having their lunch.

Noticing Angus, "Ahh.. Angus, here." called Gilford.

"Long time no see, Gil, Vigo." replied Angus while sitting beside them.

"Sure, it's been months since we last met." said Gilford.

"Ahh… Angus, just the right time. I managed to fix and upgrade your Power Arm recently." said Vigo while bringing out a pair of gloves.

"Ohh.. I didn't expect you to manage to fix it so quickly. How much did I owe you?" said Angus.

"Don't worry about that. I owe you guys a lot from before. Just make sure not to break it again." said Vigo.

"Hahaha… You know I can't promise that, right?" replied Angus playfully.

At this moment, someone calls Angus from afar, "Oii… Brat, you are here too!!"

Then, everyone could see Balrug and Benjamin, who was in disguise as ordinary people coming towards their sitting area.

"Ahh.. Master Benjamin, long time no see." said Angus ignoring the Balrug purposely.

"Nice to see you again, kid. You should visit Lily sometime. She seems to miss you." replied Benjamin.

"More like to miss having sparred with me." rebuked Angus.

Suddenly, Angus diverted his head to the side and dodged Balrug's fist.

"Oi.. crazy old man. Are you out of your mind?!! Suddenly attacking me." said Angus

"Then, stop ignoring me. Did you know how much trouble I get because of you?!!" said Balrug.

"Trouble?? Me? It seems you need to check your head first." replied Angus.

"Brat!! How dare you!! Did you know that because of you, I need to compensate a lot for those old bones?" said Balrug as he launched another fist.

"Huh?? What do you mean?" asked Angus while dodging the fist.

"It's your second opening!! Because of your monstrous second opening, those old elders nagged me without end." said Balrug.

"Why is it my fault? I also don't know if my second opening will create that much sensation." said Angus.

"Arrghh.. It's all your fault that my precious wine collection now is gone!!" said Balrug while trying to hit Angus.

However, Angus could easily dodge every single of Balrug's attacks effortlessly. While they have their little brawl, Benjamin and the others ignore them.

They know how stubborn and reasonable Balrug could get after his stay in the Research Center. Moreover, they also know Angus is strong enough to get hurt by something like this.

After being frustrated as he couldn't touch Angus for a while, "Brat, it seems you get stronger a lot than the last time." said Balrug.

"So?? Anyway, don't disturb my precious break time anymore." said Angus as he went back to his seat.

"Tch.. Stinky brat as always. Anyway, what's that in your hand?" asked Balrug.

"Ohh.. this. This is Vigo's power arm. You may have heard of it since they decided to mass-produce this thing." said Angus.

"Hmm… Why do I feel this Power Arm is different from the normal one?" asked Balrug.

"Of course, Vigo decided to customize it a little bit for me." said Angus.

"Hoo.. Can you let me see it?" asked Balrug.

"Sure, just don't break it. I still have not even tried it yet." said Angus while giving his Power Arm to Balrug.

"Alright.. Alright, I am not a kid anymore." replied Balrug while snatching the Power Arm.

"Anyway, Angus, I already looked at your mysterious box." said Benjamin.

After knowing Benjamin can use some swirl pattern runes, Angus decides to let him inspect the mysterious box he got many years ago. After all these years, Angus didn't find any clue about the mysterious box or find a way to open it.

"Ehh.. Really?? Did you find anything?" asked Angus.

"Before that, where did you get the box?" asked Benjamin.

"I get it from an auction. If I am not wrong, they get it from Morvo kingdom's ruin. Did you find anything about it?" said Angus.

"Did you know that it saps your mana albeit at a minuscule rate through that wooden bracelet?" asked Benjamin.

"Yeah, I know." replied Angus.

"Hmm… Actually, I am also not sure what's inside the box and how to open it." said Benjamin.

"Ehh… But, didn't you use that swirl pattern rune before?" asked Angus.

"That's also the reason why I couldn't open it. The swirl pattern rune actually has many names, but it is famous for being called God Rune. Nobody knows who created it first, but it is said to be the most powerful rune in the world." explained Benjamin.

"Unlike the normal rune, it didn't need a language to create it. All it needs is powerful intent while applying the rune. Moreover, this rune is unbreakable and only could be opened after it met certain conditions." added Benjamin while taking out the mysterious box.

"Hmm… But, how can I open the seal in the Endless Battlefield dimension using this wooden bracelet?" asked Angus.

"I am not sure either. But, that bracelet is the same as this mysterious box." said Benjamin.

"Same? What do you mean?" asked Angus.

"I think it was created by the same person or something." replied Benjamin.

"Interesting… Can you teach me about this God rune?" said Angus.

"I can teach you the method. But, I hope you will never use it unless it is a very emergency situation." replied Benjamin.

"Ehh.. Why?" asked Angus.

"God Rune cannot be applied like a normal rune. It needs a living sacrifice for it to work. To be precise, it requires the life force of the living being.

"I could use it since I am immortal, but for others, it will instantly kill them or the people beside them. Even then, I will be forced to enter a weakened state for a long time." said Benjamin seriously.

"Hm.. that's certainly such a dangerous rune." said Angus.

"Yeah, did you still want to learn it?" asked Benjamin.

"Of course, I will never know when I will need it. But, I hope that time will never come." said Angus.

"How about you guys?" asked Benjamin.

"Nah.. It seems like a super forbidden thing. Who knows what kind of crazy thing I will do with it." replied Gilford.

"I will also pass. I am certain Master Draught also knows about this God Rune. If he didn't put it in his guidebook, then it means I am still not worthy of learning it yet." said Vigo.

"How about you, Balrug?" asked Benjamin.

"Me?? Nah.. Why should I want to learn those creepy runes?" said Balrug.

"Alright, I will give the technique to you later. So, what did you want to do with the box?" said Benjamin.

"What do you suggest?" asked Angus back.

"Sealed away along with that wooden bracelet." replied Benjamin.

"Huh?? Why?" asked Angus as everyone was curious about Benjamin's answer.

"Angus, you may not know this. But in ancient times, an item that could siphon mana was very dangerous, especially the sealed one. Anyway, have you ever consulted Vigo's master about this box?" asked Benjamin.

"Yeah, at that time, he only takes a glance before saying to leave it be." said Angus.

"It means he also doesn't know what is inside. Well, it is up to you what you want to do with it. But, let me tell you something. Among the God Rune that I ever found, the rune in these two is the strongest I ever found." explained Benjamin.

"In other words, it also sacrifices a powerful life force, and I think nothing good comes from such a thing.." added Benjamin.

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