I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 271: Lord of the Death

Chapter 271: Lord of the Death

After hearing the story behind Endless Battlefield, "Hmm…. I see. So, this thing is very dangerous?" said Angus while pointing to the deep red crystal.

"Yes, it is." said one of the people in the surrounding area.

'Haa… This is really a waste of time. To think that attracted me is something as cursed and dangerous as this. Well, whatever... I don't have anything to do with it.' thought Angus.

"So, How did I come out of this place?" asked Angus

"You can't. There is no exit route from this place." said the dimensional witch.

"Haa??? What do you mean there is no exit?!!" exclaimed Angus.

"As we told you before, we seal this thing with all of our power. So, technically this place could be called the seal itself. The only way to get out of this area is by beating all of us and releasing the seal. However, it will also release that thing." explained another person.

"Wait… Wait a second. So, you mean unless I unseal this place, I will never go back. Can't you just do something like teleporting me or something?!!" said Angus.

"I am afraid that's impossible. Over the years, that thing keeps absorbing countless souls and becomes stronger. Just a little bit of hole in a moment will completely break the seal. I am sorry, but it seems you need to stay here with us." said another person in the room.

'Shit!! Did I need to stay here forever?!' thought Angus.

Suddenly, Angus begins to remember Jayna's face.

'No, I will not stay here and leave Jayna alone.' thought Angus.

"I see... then all I need to do is destroy this thing, right?" said Angus as he approached the red crystal.

However, everyone in the room begins to block his way.

"What do you think you're all doing?" said Angus coldly.

"I am sorry, kid. But, we can't let you touch the crystal. Since you somehow get called by the crystal, who knows what is going to happen after you touch the crystal." said one of the warriors.

"Just give up already, kid. You are not going anywhere, and we will not let you touch this thing." said another person.

'Haa… I should touch the crystal when I have a chance.' thought Angus while releasing a long sigh.

"Sorry, not a chance. I can't stay here forever." said Angus coldly.

"Then, we will not stay idle either." said another warrior.

"Haaa.. This is annoying." said Angus as he began to charge at them.

Looking that both sides are going to battle.

"Wait… We can't kill him here. Who knows what effect his soul has on the crystal." said the dimensional witch.

"Then, what do you suggest? Even if we are trapped here, he will only die of old age later." said another warrior.

"We could train him until he is at least not dying from old age." replied another warrior.

"I see.. Then, let's do this." said the first warrior who met Angus before.

Then, the warrior slammed his gigantic axe to the ground [Eternal Ground]. The entire space immediately shines bright and envelopes everyone.

"Huhh??" replied Angus looking at the surrounding space.

"This is one of my powers. It creates a space with few laws. The first law, no one could die in this world, which saves us trouble in holding back and not killing you."

"The second law is that every living being in this place will be granted inexhaustible power. This way, you don't need to worry about your energy. However, this law also works for us." explained the warrior.

Hearing this, Angus grasped his hand a few times and looked at the surroundings.

'This is similar to the domain.' thought Angus.

"Alright, kid. Ready for our lesson??" asked the other warrior.

"Pffttt…. Hahahaha…" laughed Angus.

"Hmm… What is so funny??" asked one of the warriors.

"Are you truly saying I will get inexhaustible energy and cannot die in this place? Who's stupid enough to create a place like this?" said Angus.

"Shut up, kid. I created this place so we could have tea.." said the warrior.

"You don't have the right to teach me." said Angus coldly as his entire aura changed.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but have a cold sweat.

"Haa… Since this is a different kind of life, I guess it is okay to break the vow. [Domain - Lord of the Death.]." said Angus. *Whoosshh*

Suddenly, the bright space changes into a red blood color. Be it the sky or the ground turns into dark red blood.

At the same time, every warrior in this place couldn't move a single inch while being glared at by Angus. They feel insurmountable killing from Angus.

"Fiuhh… it really gives me some kind of infinite energy. I never thought I could use this skill again." said Angus while walking leisurely toward the frozen warrior.

"URRGGH!!" Some of the warriors tried to move their bodies but couldn't move at all and even injured themself.

"It's futile. Did you know every single living being has something they fear subconsciously? Unless you can overcome that fear, you will always be stuck in this place until I release you." said Angus while walking past everyone.

"Impossible!! How can a kid like you have this kind of strength?!!" said one of the warriors.

"Normally, I can't do this. Even using this skill for a moment will kill me. But you change this place and give me all the energy I need to use this skill." said Angus.

"Shitt!! Eternal King, undo your skill!!" said one of the warriors.

"I.. I can't. I lose control of my power." said the warrior with a giant axe.

"I am not sure what kind of power you use, but it is similar to my domain. I guess this is the first time for you to feel this way since domain users are very scarce. When two domains are used at the same place, the superior domain will 'eat' the other domain."

"Therefore, the two domains will keep existing as long as the superior domain's user will it. Basically, now I control both of the domains." explained Angus.

"Impossible!! How could your skill be stronger than mine?!!" exclaimed the warrior.

"I am not sure either. But your skill is pretty weak compared to mine. Hmm… Now, what should I do with this crystal?" said Angus as he arrived in front of the crystal.

"Alright, I have decided. Let's go all out from the start. [God of War Point]" said Angus as he hit a few of his own acupuncture points.

Suddenly, Angus releases a massive amount of energy. Like turning into a mad beast, Angus roaring loudly and massive killing intent envelop the entire area. Then, all the surrounding blood gathered into his hand.

At this point, his body is continuously cracking and broken apart. However, the law in space itself keeps him alive.

"Haa.. Haa.. This will be the strongest attack in my entire life. One thousand journeys start from a single step. Nine mountains and the hundred seas, nothing I can't destroy. [True World Punch]." Shouted Angus as he slammed his fist to the red crystal. *BAMM*

As Angus's fist reaches the red crystal, everything is enveloped in bright light. At the same time, the entire Endless Battlefield begins to shake and tremble like the whole space itself will be destroyed.

In the meantime, inside the depths of the Endless Battlefield, a person opened his eyes.

"This is not a common tremor. It seems it is time for me to go. Kukuku.. Let's show the world the truth!!" said the person and disappeared from the spot.

At the same time, Ian and Marko, who are already healed, run from the restless soul.

"Damn, They are persistent. Moreover, what is going on?!! Why is there a nonstop earthquake now?!" commented Ian.

"I don't know either?!! But we need to get out of this place now!!" replied Marko while increasing his speed.

In another direction, Miesta, the dark elf, is also trying to run from the restless soul pursuit. Currently, her condition is very terrible and having rough breath.

"Damn.. It's been a month since I got the ancestor's blessing. But, where is the exit?! Furthermore, what is this earthquake? It feels like the entire space is going to crumble." thought Miesta while running. Suddenly, she finds a gigantic blizzard not far from her.

*BLAM* as the surrounding temperature begins to drop. The unending rainstorm turned into a hailstorm.

Then, from the center of the hailstorm appears a woman who is holding a wooden staff. This woman is none other than Layla, the owner of [Absolute Zero] ancient power.

As the women looked at each other, A bright light appeared out of nowhere not far from their location. Seeing a bright light, all the surrounding souls begin to howl madly and charge at it.

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