Chapter 270: Chaos

Endless Battlefield, like its name, is an ancient battlefield that keeps going on. By a mysterious force, everyone killed in this place will have their soul stay here and be unable to pass on.

All they can do is keep fighting with the grudge they have. Weak, strong, human, elves, monsters, beasts, and many more kinds of living beings are entrapped into this place.

Coincidently, all these restless people also never get tired of fighting and consistently killing each other. Some of them even start to hunt down the living beings that are entering the place. This place is even called pure chaos and hell.

No matter how strong you are, you will perish if being targeted by all these restless souls. They said there is even a stronger being than a seventh-grade combatant and releases destructive energy towards the surroundings.

Some even said that there is even a true god among the fallen ones. However, there is hope for those who come to this hell. It is by having fate on their side. As long as the person has a strong Fate, they could always survive in this chaotic place.

However, without Fate on their side, they could only find themselves getting killed. Still, there are a lot of people that are watching and coming to this place. The major reason for this is because this place is a treasure trove.

As the myth said, there are many kinds of relics and legacies in this place. These relics and legacies can't compare to others. Just by having the right one, people could become a major powerhouse in the world.

However, only the fated one could get them and get out from this Endless Battlefield. Some even said this place is like playing a luck game with betting your life.

Currently, inside this chaotic Battlefield, a group of people is trying to fend off the restless soul while making their escape.

This group is none other than the Miesta group who use a black cloth to hide their face and figure.

"Miesta, Go!! We will hold them back!! You need to reach the center as soon as possible!!" said one of the people in the group.

Hearing this, Miesta immediately threw her dagger in another direction and teleported in that direction. Although the Endless Battlefield appears like a circular shape on the outside, it is actually a vast uneven plot of land without end.

Because of the chaotic energy in the air, the space and time in this place are very unstable and make everyone lose their direction. Only the fated one could reach their destination without getting lost.

As Miesta ventures on this chaotic land alone, another group of people fights for their lives against a horde of restless souls.

Among this group, there is a girl that keeps freezing the restless soul with her ancient power. This girl is none other than Layla, who is also known as Ice Maiden.

"Haa.. Haa.. Damn, where is the ancestor remnant? It feels so close yet far at the same time." said Layla while starting to get tired.

In another direction, a boy is riding a white-skinned Lion. They run and avoid the pursuit of restless souls.

"Huaa!! Marko, can't you get faster." said Ian while avoiding the incoming projectile attack.

"Shut up, kid!! Don't bother me, or I will leave you here!!" said the white lion.

Suddenly, the rainstorm becomes harsher, and thunder continuously attacks all their surroundings. Looking at this, Ian immediately uses a rune card [3rd Circle - Fire Barrier] to protect him and the white lion.

However, the barrier broke from the thunder force. Fortunately, at the last moment, Marko moves to the side and dodges the incoming thunder.

Still, because of their wet ground and body from the rainstorm, both of them got electrocuted and rolled on the ground.

"Arrgghhh!!" screamed both Ian and Marko in pain.

"Urghh.. Marko!!"? Ian managed to stay awake with difficulty and approach Marko.

Currently, Marko is paralyzed, and his four feet are scorched by the thunder, making him almost disabled.

"Leave.. Leave me, kid. It seems I am not truly fated to survive in this place." said Marko in a rough breath.

"Nonsense… Fuck fate!! I will not leave you like this alone." yelled Ian trying to help the white lion.

At this time, a lot of restless souls start to appear from the surroundings. They start surrounding Ian and Marko while wielding their weapons.

Looking at the hopeless situation, "Leave me, kid!! You have a stronger fate than me." said Marko trying to persuade Ian, who is struggling to move Marko.

"Noo!! Shut up, with your fate nonsense!! If we die, we will die together!!" said Ian.

"As expected of my master, however, I am sorry, Ian. I cannot stay at your side any longer." said Marko while gathering his remaining strength in his mouth.

Just as Marko wanted to create an opening for Ian to escape, a loud roar was heard. *ROOARR* Suddenly, all the surrounding restless souls disappeared and turned into nothingness. In front of Ian and Marko, a huge white lion is looking at both of them.

"After all this time, finally someone worthy has come." said the gigantic lion while looking at Ian and Marko.

While all the people entering the Endless Battlefield are trying to survive and reach their destination. Angus arrives at the empty dark blank space without ground and sky after entering the portal.

'Hmm… Is this the Endless Battlefield?? It seems to look very different from Jade and Draught's story. Where are the rainstorms and the unending wetland??'? thought Angus.

"Hello, is anyone here?" said Angus towards the surrounding dark space.

Suddenly, the space brightens, and in front of Angus, there is a dark red crimson crystal. Angus didn't know, but he felt attracted to the crystal.

Just as he wanted to touch the crystal, "I would not do that if I were you." Angus heard a voice from his side.

Angus immediately finds a full metal armor person holding a massive gigantic ax,e.

"Umm.. Sir, where is this place? And what is this thing?" asked Angus.

"This place is the core of the Endless Battlefield. But, the real question is, how did you come here? It's been a long time since someone could arrive at this space." replied the man.

"The core?? Umm.. I am also not sure either. All I know is I entered the entrance portal then suddenly arrived here." said Angus.

"Huhh?? You are joking, right?" asked the man.

"Err… It's the truth." said Angus.

"Yes, he is telling the truth." said a mature woman who appeared out of nowhere.

"Dimensional Witch, why are you here?" said the man.

"I sense an anomaly from the core area. The others will also soon arrive here." said the woman while looking at Angus carefully.

Then, more people come to the core area and look at Angus.

After getting an uncomfortable stare from everyone, "Who are you, kid?" asked a person while wielding a giant sword.

"Umm… I am Angus, Angus Victory, a human race." replied Angus.

"That's not what we are asking here. What we want to know is what you are and why you could arrive here, passing all of us without our knowledge." said the dimensional witch.

"I am not sure either. All I did was just enter the portal to the Endless Battlefield and suddenly arrive here." replied Angus.

Hearing Angus's reply, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

"Boy, you may not know this. But, actually, this place is…" said one of the people in the area.

All of them start to tell Angus about this true nature place. According to these people's stories, this place has had a bizarre nature and force since ancient times. This place is actually an exile place for powerful beings like kings, gods, and many others.

The one who got trapped here will never get out of this place and will slowly die. For the powerful being like them who could not die from regular occurrence could only wait and be entrapped into this place forever.

Apparently, all these people in the room are those strong, mighty beings. This place is simply a prison for them. However, all of this changes as a star falls into this place. The falling star somehow could penetrate the barrier and reach this exile place where no one could reach.

Not only that, the falling star also starts to corrupt all the nearby souls and make them keep fighting forever. Furthermore, the perish soul is not passed on but spawned again after some time and fighting again.

Since the powerful have a strong will, they could resist the corruption and decide to use all their power to destroy the falling star before it spread more corruption. However, to their surprise, this falling star actually managed to withstand all of their attacks.

Finally, using all their power and their existence, they seal the falling star. However, the falling star slowly becomes stronger as it corrupts and eats more souls despite being in a sealed state. This falling star is none other than a deep red crystal in front of Angus.

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