I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 272: All Hail The True King

Chapter 272: All Hail The True King

At the same time the bright light appears, Ian and Marko also arrive at the scene. During this time, the surrounding restless soul who touches the bright light seems to vanish into nothingness.

Then, a massive explosion sound was heard from the bright light's center and left a small shockwave toward the surrounding area.

A moment later, from the center of the bright light appeared a young teenage boy. This teenage boy is none other than Angus, who managed to get out from the sealed space.

'Huft… Wetland check. unending rainstorm check. It seems I managed to get out of that space.' thought Angus while observing the surroundings.

After observing the surrounding, "I hope you all didn't hold a grudge against me." said Angus.

Suddenly, in the surrounding Angus appear many souls who are looking at him.

"Tch.. To think I will lose because of my own power." said the Eternity King.

"Well, it's too late to regret now. Besides, we are all already long gone." said another warrior.

"Yeah, it's true. There is no reason for the dead to hold grudges against the living." said another warrior.

"Although it is for a moment, you managed to beat all of us and free us at the same time, O the heir of the forgotten king." said the dimensional witch.

"You know?" asked Angus.

"Of course. We have known it since the first time. This is also the reason why we are eager to teach you in the first place. However, it seems you are stronger than we expected."

"Even though everyone and the world have already forgotten him, he is the true king of the king that we serve. Our loyalty will never let us forget his grace." said the dimensional witch.

"Haa.. I guess I become sort of a troublesome king's heir." said Angus blatantly.

"Hahaha…" everyone laughed.

"Hmm… I guess it's time for you to return from this cursed land." said the dimensional witch as she flicked her hand in the air.

Then, a deep dark bluish portal appeared from thin air. In the meantime, the nearby warrior souls begin to disappear into thin air.

"I hope you could realize whatever dream you have, O young heir. ALL HAIL TO THE TRUE KING!!" said the Eternal King while raising his giant axe.

"ALL HAIL TO THE TRUE KING!!" shouted all the souls as they raised their own weapons.

Then, everyone starts to disappear into nothingness. Seeing this, for the first time since his reincarnation, Angus has a complicated emotion. As an expert, he gets the meaning of all this soul wants to convey to him.

'Their king has already long gone and died, yet their loyalty is still with him. Even in front of their death, they still show loyalty towards him. Such a king…' thought Angus.

Since all these warriors were enveloped in Angus's Domain before, he knows how strong each of them is, especially the one called Eternal King. Because of his unworldly power, Angus managed to stop everyone with his superior domain.

Otherwise, he could only be beaten continuously by them without having a chance to win. Yet all these powerful warriors have a great loyalty toward the forgotten king. This shows how incredible this king is.

'Did I really deserve to become his heir?' thought Angus silently.

Then, Angus once again remembers Jayna's face.

"Whatever... as long as I can be with Jayna. I don't care about this heir stuff." said Angus resolutely.

At this moment, Ian and Marko approach Angus.

"A-Angus… You are Angus, right?" exclaimed Ian.

"Ian.. how come you are here?" replied Angus as he was surprised to find Ian in this place.

Before Ian could reply, "I suggest you save your chit-chat later. This space has become unstable, and the exit could be gone any moment." said Miesta, who arrived at Angus's location.

Seeing the familiar dark elf, "Alright, let's go back first." said Angus as he entered the deep blue portal followed by the surrounding survivor.

At the same time, outside the Endless Battlefield, a battle with a monster horde keeps going on. The monster keeps coming like an unending wave towards the portal. The situation is very dire, even with the help of Jade and Hayden.

"Damn it, How much longer until they come out?" asked someone who kept fighting the monster.

"I don't know either. It could be days or weeks. The rumor said time works differently inside that space." replied another person.

At the same time, Jayna and the others are already at their limit. They even already use all their potions to replenish their strength. However, the monster keeps attacking them like an unending wave.

Fortunately, a bright green fire came and helped them fend off the monster in a precarious time. They could see a green phoenix flying from burning all the surrounding monsters from the air in the sky.

"Don't space out!! I just don't want my sisters getting killed by a lowly being like them!!" said the green phoenix towards Jayna and Mia.

Suddenly, the portal became slightly bright, and some people got thrown up from it.

"Urrghh… This is the worst portal I ever had." said Angus while holding his head and keeping his urge to vomiting.

"Angus!!" said Jayna before running towards him.

Then, the entrance portal becomes smaller and disappears into nothingness. The nearby high-grade monsters immediately regain their sanity and escape from this location while the low-grade one runs berserk like usual.

Seeing that only a few people managed to return, some groups couldn't help but be sad. This made the others couldn't celebrate despite their success in returning.

"Huft… Glad you are finally back." said Jade appeared beside Angus.

"Huhh?? I don't think I am going for a long time." said Angus while hugging Jayna.

"What do you mean not a long time? We have been fighting here a whole day already." said Jayna.

"A whole day?? It feels like only a few hours to me." said Angus.

"Well, time works differently in that space. The last time I spent about a week in that space while the old man Draught spent about a hundred years in that space despite us only spending a few days outside." explained Jade.

"Big kitty!!" exclaimed Anna, who was hugging the big unconscious white lion beside Angus.

At the same time, *Cough* *Cough* *Vomiting* Ian, who is beside Marko, still has a terrible headache and couldn't help but keep vomiting. On the other hand, Marko, the white lion, could only slump on the ground unconsciously and be hugged byAnna.

"Ehh… Ian??" said Millie and Mia at the same time.

Seeing the horrible condition of Ian and his beast, "I think we should go back to Porros to rest first." said Angus.

"Yeah, let's do that." said Jade.

Just as they want to go, Hayden and Layla block their way.

"Kid, you are not free of your debt yet!!" said Hayden.

"Hayden, do you really want to do this?" asked Jade coldly as he also knew about their dispute.

"Don't get in my way, Jade. I only have business with these three kids." said Hayden.

"I see… Then, you will need to pass my corpse before you harm them." said Jade readying himself to battle.

Seeing this, Angus's group is immediately ready to battle once again despite their exhausted body. Before the two sides clashed, a black figure landed between them.

"Master!!" exclaimed Millie, who recognized the figure.

"Ahh... my young disciple. your soul is as pure as always." replied the soul keeper.

Seeing this, Hayden immediately has a bad feeling, "Soul Keeper, move away!! This has nothing to do with you." said Hayden.

Then, the soul keeper glanced at Hayden and Layla.

"Leave.." said the soul keeper coldly.

Hearing this, Hayden and Layla could only grit their teeth. Although Hayden is a seventh-grade combatant, he is still no match to the Soul Keeper, who uses mysterious power. Moreover, both of them are also not in their top condition.

"Hmph... don't think this is already done!!" said Hayden before leaving the area.

"Now, young one. It seems you bring something dangerous from the Endless Battlefield. Care to come with us for a moment?" said the soul keeper to Angus.

"Ohhh, you noticed. Alright, lead the way." replied Angus calmly.

"Angus…" called Jayna worriedly.

"Don't worry, I will be back in a moment." said Angus reassuring Jayna before following the soul keeper towards the group of soul keepers.

After arriving in the group, one of the soul keepers immediately uses their power and creates a powerful barrier to the surrounding them [Maximize Soul Barrier].

"Now, young one. Care to show us the dreadful item?" said the Soul Keeper.

"Alright." replied Angus as he started to take off his clothes.

Then, everyone immediately sees a deep red blood crystal embedded in Angus's chest. Seeing the crystal, the soul keepers begin to look at each other and whisper in an unknown language one with each other.

This red crystal is the same crystal in the sealed area. After receiving Angus's strongest attack, the red crystal somehow entered Angus's body and embedded it in his chest.

Angus planned to check this crystal later, but the soul keeper managed to notice the crystal inside his body first. While the soul keeper has their own discussion, Angus looks back at his idle system log as he hears a few notifications when he touches the crystal.

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