Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 595: .3 - Picking up clothes ?

"Hmm…..This is not bad."

Maya took one final look at herself in the mirror, her reflection staring back with quiet determination. She had carefully chosen her outfit—a soft cream-colored cropped sweater paired with a sleek black skirt, the simplicity of the look balanced by the subtle elegance of her accessories.

Her lavenderish purple hair framed her face perfectly, and her golden bracelets added just enough of a sparkle to catch the eye without being overbearing. It was an outfit that was both casual and refined, a deliberate choice as they were going out to the city.

But there was more to it than just dressing for the occasion—she wanted to impress him.

She smoothed out a wrinkle in her skirt, adjusting the small details as her thoughts briefly wandered to Astron. He had a way of staying composed, always focused and collected, but that didn't stop her from wanting to stand out in his eyes. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she turned to leave the room, feeling both confident and a little nervous.

"My lady, you look beautiful enough," her attendant said softly, offering a gentle smile as she stood behind Maya.

Maya turned to face her, a playful glint in her eyes. "Really?" she asked, though she knew the answer already.

The attendant nodded with sincerity. "Absolutely, my lady. Everything is perfect, and I believe it would be hard for anyone to resist your charm now. Surely, he will be no different."

Maya chuckled softly, her nerves easing just a little. "I suppose we'll see, then," she said, the faintest trace of excitement in her voice. She took a final glance at herself in the mirror before gracefully turning on her heel and heading for the door. "Thank you," she added as she left, her heart fluttering with the anticipation of the day ahead.

As she made her way to the lounge, where Astron was waiting, her mind raced with thoughts of how the day would unfold. When she reached the entrance, she paused briefly, taking a calming breath before stepping into the room.

Astron was standing by the window, dressed casually yet managing to look effortlessly elegant. His usual calm, reserved demeanor was present, and while his clothes were simple, there was something about the way he carried himself that made him appear... dazzling. Or maybe it was just her perception of him. Either way, the sight of him caused her pulse to quicken just slightly.

"Did you wait for long?" she asked, her voice light and casual as she approached.

Astron turned his head toward her, his violet eyes briefly scanning her from head to toe. For the smallest fraction of a second, his normally stoic expression shifted—a flicker of something, maybe surprise or appreciation, crossed his face. But just as quickly, he composed himself, his features returning to their usual calm.

"No," he said, his voice steady. "I didn't wait long."

Maya smiled, feeling a bit of satisfaction at that brief reaction, however small. "Well, let's get going, then," she said, motioning toward the door. "There's so much to see in the city, and I have a few places I'm excited to show you."

Astron nodded, following her out of the lounge as they prepared for the day ahead.

As they made their way toward the airship hangar, the cool morning breeze carried a sense of excitement and anticipation. The towering trees of the Evergreen estate cast long shadows on the path, their leaves rustling softly as Maya and Astron walked in comfortable silence. The faint hum of the airship's engine could already be heard in the distance, signaling that their ride was ready.


As they made their way toward the airship hangar, the cool morning breeze carried a sense of excitement and anticipation. The towering trees of the Evergreen estate cast long shadows on the path, their leaves rustling softly as Maya and Astron walked in comfortable silence. The faint hum of the airship's engine could already be heard in the distance, signaling that their ride was ready.

When they arrived at the hangar, the sleek, elegant design of the Evergreen family's private airship stood out against the backdrop of the sky. It was a vessel befitting their status—polished to perfection with intricate patterns decorating its exterior.

The pilot, dressed in the distinguished uniform of the Evergreen household, was already standing by, waiting for them. He gave a respectful bow as they approached. "Everything is ready, my lady," he said formally, his voice carrying a hint of pride. "We can depart as soon as you're aboard."

Maya smiled and nodded. "Thank you. We'll board right away."

They stepped onto the airship, the interior just as refined as its exterior, with plush seats and soft lighting that created a sense of comfort and luxury. Astron followed her in, his gaze briefly scanning their surroundings, ever composed yet quietly observant.

As soon as they were seated, the pilot closed the hatch, and the airship began to hum louder, preparing for takeoff. Maya glanced out of the large windows, watching as the hangar slowly disappeared from view, replaced by the breathtaking sight of the sprawling forests and hills that surrounded their estate.

The airship rose gracefully into the sky, gliding higher with each passing second. The world below them became a patchwork of greenery and distant mountains, the horizon stretching endlessly before them. The gentle vibrations of the ship's engines created a peaceful ambiance as they ascended into the clear blue sky.

Maya and Astron both peered out of the large window, watching the land below shrink. The view from the ship was unlike any other—a panoramic scene of the vast forests, rivers, and fields that stretched as far as the eye could see. The early morning sunlight cast a soft glow over the landscape, making the world below seem peaceful and distant.

Astron broke the silence first, his voice calm but filled with a subtle curiosity. "Does every piece of land around here belong to your family?"

Maya nodded, a small smile playing at her lips. "Yes, most of it. While there are other families in the region, many of them rent their fields and lands from us. We rarely sell any of our land—it's part of the legacy that's been passed down through generations. The Evergreen family prefers to maintain control over our territories."

Astron's eyes swept over the vast expanse below, taking in the scope of what she had said. "It's like ruling an empire," he remarked, his tone thoughtful.

Maya chuckled softly. "In a way, yes. We have our own network of lands and tenants, each contributing to the overall prosperity of the estate. It's a careful balance of management, trade, and protection." She paused, glancing at Astron before continuing. "That's why learning how to govern these lands is a key part of my education. Even though I'm a mage, I've spent a lot of time studying the economics, the crops, and the various resources we have at our disposal."

As they looked down from the airship, Maya began pointing out specific areas below. "That field there," she said, gesturing toward a vast stretch of land, "is used for growing a rare medicinal herb that's highly sought after in the Federation. The soil here is rich in nutrients, making it the perfect place to cultivate plants that are difficult to grow elsewhere."

Astron listened intently, his gaze shifting to each area she indicated. Maya's knowledge of her lands was impressive, and her passion for managing them was evident. Despite her focus on magic, it was clear she had a deep understanding of the responsibilities that came with her family's legacy.

"And that river," Maya continued, pointing toward a silver ribbon winding through the hills, "runs through most of our territory. It's the main water source for many of the farmlands we rent out. My family has been careful to protect it, ensuring it stays clean and sustainable for future generations."

Astron gave a small nod, taking in the wealth of information. "You've learned all this despite being a mage?"

"Of course," Maya replied, her tone firm. "It's not just about magic. I have a duty to my family and to the people who live on our lands. Managing an estate like this requires more than just strength in battle. It requires knowledge, patience, and a willingness to understand how every piece fits together." She paused, a hint of pride in her voice. "My parents made sure I was prepared for that responsibility, and I've never shied away from learning more."

Astron's eyes lingered on her for a moment before returning to the view outside. He admired her dedication, though he didn't say it out loud. The scope of the Evergreen family's influence was impressive, and the way Maya carried herself, balancing her mage duties with her responsibilities to her family, only deepened his respect for her.

As they continued to soar over the land, Maya's voice filled the space with descriptions of the various crops, forests, and resources below, detailing the intricate web of governance that kept everything running smoothly. Her knowledge was vast, and it was clear she had taken every lesson seriously, ensuring that she would be ready to lead when the time came.

Astron was not someone who shied away from learning new things either, which is why he let Maya run a rampage with her 'informing session.'

However, he was really impressed with the knowledge that Maya displayed. As they neared the city, the sprawling landscape gradually gave way to the bustling metropolis of Ardmont. The towering buildings stretched upward toward the sky, their gleaming facades catching the sunlight. The airship began its slow descent, and Maya's voice, which had been enthusiastically explaining every aspect of the Evergreen family's land and resources, finally trailed off as she realized just how much she had spoken.

She glanced at Astron, suddenly feeling a wave of embarrassment. "Ah… I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was talking so much. I guess I got a bit carried away…"

Astron shook his head with a calm expression, his violet eyes meeting hers. "It's fine. I enjoyed it."

Maya blinked, a bit surprised by his response, but her expression softened, and a small smile crept onto her lips. She knew Astron wasn't the type to say things just for the sake of being polite. If he said he enjoyed it, then he truly did. It was something she appreciated about him—his straightforwardness. Even so, she felt a flicker of warmth at his words.

"Thank you," she said softly, feeling more at ease.

The airship touched down smoothly, and the pilot signaled that they had arrived. As they stepped off the ship, a sleek car was already waiting for them. The driver, dressed immaculately in a black suit, opened the door for them, and they climbed inside.

Their destination? The most exclusive restaurant in all of Ardmont—located on the 80th floor of the Ardmont Tower. The restaurant was known for its luxurious ambiance and unmatched culinary experience, offering a panoramic view of the entire city from its top floor. It was a place where only the elite dined, a true symbol of wealth and power in the Federation.

As the car weaved through the busy streets, Maya couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and anticipation.

It wasn't just about the prestige of the restaurant but the fact that she was sharing this experience with Astron.

She glanced out of the window, watching the city's vibrant life unfold before them, though her thoughts kept drifting back to him.

When they arrived at the towering building, the sheer size of it was awe-inspiring. The Ardmont Tower loomed above them, its glass exterior gleaming in the morning light. The driver pulled up to the front entrance, and attendants swiftly opened the car doors for them.

As they entered the grand lobby, they were greeted by staff who led them to a private elevator, reserved only for the restaurant's elite guests. The ride up was smooth, and within moments, the doors slid open to reveal the breathtaking interior of the restaurant.

The décor was sleek and modern, with a sophisticated elegance that spoke of wealth and refinement. Soft music played in the background, and the large windows offered an unobstructed view of the city below, making it feel as if they were dining among the clouds.

A hostess approached them with a warm smile. "Welcome, Lady Evergreen and guest. Your table is ready."

They were led to a secluded corner of the restaurant, where the view was even more spectacular. The table was set with fine china and crystal glasses, the menu already prepared with a selection of the finest dishes the restaurant had to offer.

Maya settled into her seat, taking a moment to appreciate the luxurious atmosphere around them. She glanced at Astron, who, as usual, seemed unfazed by the opulence of the setting. Despite the grandeur of their surroundings, he remained composed, his violet eyes calmly taking in the view before them.

'Well….This is good, since the banquet will have a similar concept.'

The reason why she chose such a high-end restaurant was to make sure that Astron would not draw unnecessary attention. Even though he was someone who paid attention to every bit of detail, everyone could make mistakes, and having a bit of a rehearsal would never do any harm.

And she couldn't help but smile to herself, seeing that even in a place like this how, he carried the same aura of quiet confidence, his attention focused yet seemingly unaffected by the luxury that surrounded them.

However, she also wanted to treat herself.

It was fine, wasn't it?

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