Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 594: .2 - Picking up clothes ?

'This is... going to be a long morning.'

As Maya settled into her meditation, attempting to drown out the distracting thoughts, she realized that it was harder to focus than usual. Astron's presence nearby, along with the residual energy from their intense conversation the night before, had unsettled her in ways she hadn't expected.

'This won't do,' she thought, reluctantly accepting that concentration would not come easily today.

With a soft sigh, she rose from her seated position and decided to remedy the situation another way. Her family's heritage as part of the Elven lineage granted them access to rare and high-quality herbs—resources that, in many other parts of the world, would be considered luxuries. Here, however, such herbs were a common part of their daily life, used for everything from medicine to relaxation.

Maya gently pressed a small rune on her bracelet, connecting her to the mansion's communication system. "Please have a drink prepared for me," she requested, her voice calm and composed. "The usual mix: [Serenity Brew]." This specialized blend was something created specifically for her, using rare herbs that heightened clarity and balance, and it was a perfect drink to complement her training.

She paused, then added thoughtfully, "Also, prepare a rejuvenating drink for Astron. Use the [Vervain Vitalis]—the one made from the [Paraxial Rebirth Herbs]." The [Vervain Elixir] was an expensive, potent blend known for its invigorating and restorative properties, something designed for those who pushed their bodies to the limit.

Well…..Someone who is rich and pushes themselves to the limit would be more appropriate to say.

Normally, it would be a drink that not many people would even ever dream of drinking, but knowing Astron's tireless nature, Maya felt it was an appropriate gesture.

Also, she did not have any shortage of such things in their storage either. Instead of rotting them in there like that, wouldn't it be better for them to be used in such a manner?

Her maids would understand her orders perfectly. Their estate prided itself on blending refinement and practicality, and she trusted that both drinks would be ready soon.

As she waited, she glanced back at Astron, watching his movements again, though this time from a more relaxed perspective. Despite the earlier distractions, she couldn't help but admire his dedication.

'I wonder if he's ever had anything like the [Vervain Elixir],' she mused quietly. It wasn't something most people would encounter.

Maya couldn't help but indulge in the thought as she watched Astron, her lips curving into a small, amused smile. 'Even if my junior is as capable as he is,' she mused, 'surely he's never had anything like the [Vervain Elixir], right? It's not exactly something you come across easily—especially not in the circles outside our family's reach.'

The idea entertained her more than she expected, a lightness settling in her chest. For all of Astron's skills, his intellect, and the mysterious air he carried, there was still something about introducing him to these small luxuries that gave her a sense of satisfaction.

'Does that mean I've claimed another first from him?' The silly thought brought a bit more warmth to her smile, a playful feeling bubbling up inside her. It wasn't often she allowed herself such lighthearted indulgences, but the idea of showing Astron something new—something only she could give him—felt oddly significant.

Her gaze lingered on him as he continued his rigorous training, unaware of her internal musings. Despite the cool morning air and the early hour, there was a graceful intensity to his movements, a kind of controlled power that never ceased to impress her.

Still, the thought of sharing this small luxury with him—a gesture only she could offer—filled her with a sense of quiet pride.

While it is true that it was not she who had built this wealth, at the end of the day, this richness was also a quality that belonged to her, wasn't it?

As Maya's thoughts danced around the idea of claiming another small victory in her silent game with Astron, she was pulled from her reverie by the soft sound of footsteps approaching. Her maids had arrived, moving with their usual grace, carrying the carefully prepared drinks she had ordered. They placed her personalized mix down on the table before her, and one of the maids, with a respectful bow, held the tray with the [Vervain Elixir] intended for Astron.

"Shall I deliver this to the...Young Master?" the maid asked, her voice polite and measured.

At first, it seemed like an innocent question, one spoken in the line of duty. But something bothered her.

It was a slightly tingling feeling that made Maya narrow her eyes. Her senses were warning.

And as if to prove that, when Maya looked up, something about the maid's expression caught her attention—a faint blush coloring her cheeks as her eyes briefly flickered to Astron, who was still in the middle of his intense training. There was a softness in her gaze, a clear sign that the maid was not entirely unaffected by his presence.

Maya's lips tightened slightly, her eyes narrowing as she observed the subtle shift in the maid's demeanor. The realization hit her instantly. Even though Astron was focused solely on his training, it appeared that he had unknowingly charmed the maid, a feat that was no small thing. The Evergreen household was filled with those who possessed natural beauty, grace, and refinement thanks to their elven lineage, and the maids who served here were well-trained, disciplined, and not easily swayed by outward appearances.

Yet, somehow, Astron had managed to make an impression.

For a brief moment, Maya felt a pang of irritation flare in her chest. It was an irrational feeling, she knew, but it was there all the same. 'Of course,' she thought, her mind bristling with a possessive edge she hadn't expected. It wasn't just anyone who could hold her attention like this, and seeing someone else—even a maid—react to him in that way didn't sit well with her.

Her response was immediate and curt, her tone carrying a sharpness that surprised even her. "No," she said, her voice firm, leaving no room for argument. "I will bring it to him myself."

The maid blinked, clearly sensing the shift in her mistress's tone. The underlying warning was unmistakable, and the blush that had colored her cheeks vanished almost as quickly as it had appeared. She immediately bowed her head, realizing her mistake. "Of course, my lady. My apologies," she said softly, stepping back with a look of quiet submission.

Maya's gaze lingered on the maid for a moment longer, her message clear. Even if this was not her man, the result would not matter.

Because of her occupation, this maid was not allowed to feel things like this, regardless of who was before her.

'Let this be a reminder for you.'

She thought as she saw the maid's gaze. The maid had a job, and right now, she needed to be professional, and she seemed to understand her mistake well.

Because of that, she allowed the maid to leave. Though she was angry a little, taking her anger out of this poor one did not suit her well.

After the maid bowed and retreated, Maya took a deep breath, calming the lingering irritation that had surfaced so unexpectedly. She looked down at the tray in her hands, the [Vervain Elixir] resting elegantly on its polished surface. The rejuvenating herbs mixed into the drink shimmered faintly under the morning light, a reflection of its rare and potent properties.

With a final glance toward the door where the maid had exited, Maya turned and made her way toward Astron, her steps deliberate and composed. The cool morning air brushed against her as she walked through the expansive garden, the familiar scents of the surrounding flora mingling with the fresh dew.

As she drew closer, she could see Astron moving with his usual focus, each of his strikes precise and calculated, as though he were battling unseen opponents. His form was flawless, his movements fluid and powerful, a testament to his rigorous training. But the moment she entered a certain range, the subtle shift in the air seemed to alert him to her presence.

Without breaking his rhythm completely, Astron's movements gradually slowed, and finally, he came to a stop. He straightened, his sharp violet eyes turning toward her, immediately recognizing her approach. His expression remained calm, but there was a faint glint of curiosity in his gaze as he observed the tray she carried.

Maya met his gaze with a slight smile, though her earlier irritation still lingered just beneath the surface. "You've been at it for a while," she said lightly as she approached. "I thought you might need something to help you recover."

Astron's eyes flicked down to the drink she offered, and he gave a small nod, stepping forward to meet her. His demeanor was, as always, composed and unreadable, though there was a brief flicker of appreciation in his gaze as he accepted the drink from her.

"Thank you," he said simply, his voice as calm as ever.

Maya watched him carefully as he took the glass in his hand, her mind still mulling over the events from earlier. But for now, she pushed those thoughts aside.

Astron brought the glass to his lips, taking a slow, measured sip of the drink Maya had offered. The moment the liquid touched his tongue, he could feel the effects almost immediately—a rush of energy coursing through him, soothing the weariness from his training and leaving a rejuvenating warmth in its wake.

He paused, lowering the glass slightly as he glanced at Maya with a subtle frown. "This..." he began, clearly intrigued by the potency of the herbs in the drink. The sensation was unlike anything he had experienced before.

Maya's smile widened, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Can you guess what it is?" she asked playfully, folding her arms as she watched him, fully aware that it was no ordinary drink.

Astron's gaze narrowed slightly in concentration as he took another small sip, trying to discern the specific ingredients. But despite his sharp senses and extensive experience, the unique combination of herbs in the drink was entirely foreign to him. He gave a faint shake of his head, his expression shifting from curiosity to quiet acknowledgment. "I've never had anything like this before," he admitted. "It's... unfamiliar."

Maya chuckled softly, clearly enjoying the moment. "I thought so," she said, her tone light. "It's called the [Vervain Elixir], made from the rare [Paraxial Rebirth Herbs]. Only a few can get their hands on it, and even fewer have the chance to drink it."

Hearing the name, Astron raised an eyebrow. And at her casual explanation, he could only shake his head slightly with a faint sigh. "I wouldn't expect less from you," he replied, the meaning behind his words clear. The drink was a luxury reserved for the wealthiest of the wealthy, and yet she had offered it to him casually as if it were no big deal.

Maya's eyes sparkled with quiet pride. "Well, when you're training as hard as you are, it's only fair to give you the best. Besides, it's not doing much good; it's just sitting in storage."

"...Makes sense…" Astron took another sip, savoring the drink with newfound appreciation. "Though, I see why it's so rare," he murmured. "The effects are... immediate."

Maya smiled to herself, a quiet thought crossing her mind. 'If you were to stay with me, you can have access to this whenever you want.' But she quickly pushed the idea aside, knowing that now wasn't the time to bring up such things. There were more pressing matters to attend to, after all.

She glanced back at Astron, who seemed to be savoring the drink and decided to shift the conversation. "When will your training be over?" she asked lightly. "We should start getting ready to leave for the city soon. There are quite a few places I want to show you."

Astron took one last sip of the elixir before setting the glass down, nodding in response. "I've trained enough for today. If you're ready, we can head out."

Maya smiled, feeling a sense of excitement begin to build. She had been looking forward to showing him the city and giving him a glimpse of the world she knew so well. "Good," she said with a hint of anticipation in her voice. "I'll go get ready, and then we'll leave."

With that, she turned to head back inside, the subtle tension from earlier fading away as the day ahead promised new experiences, a tour of her world that she hoped would bring them even closer together.

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