Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 596: .4 - Picking up clothes ?

Chapter 596 132.4 - Picking up clothes ?

As they looked out over the city from their high vantage point, the sky stretched endlessly above them, and the hustle and bustle of the streets below seemed like a distant world. The ambiance was serene, almost dreamlike, and for a moment, Maya felt as though they were removed from the complexities of their lives, suspended in this peaceful space together.

The waiter approached with a bottle of the restaurant's finest wine, offering to pour them each a glass. Maya nodded, allowing the ritual to continue as she glanced back at Astron.

"This is quite the setting," she said softly, her voice light but with a touch of thoughtfulness. "I thought it would be a nice way to start the day."

Astron raised his glass slightly in acknowledgment, though his expression remained neutral. "You've chosen well."

Maya chuckled softly, her gaze lingering on him for a moment before she took a sip of her wine. She knew that while Astron appreciated precision and efficiency, there was something about enjoying moments like this that he was still getting used to. It made her all the more determined to show him what life could be like beyond the constant focus on training and preparation.

As they waited for their meal to arrive, Maya found herself leaning slightly forward, resting her arms on the table as she looked at him more intently. "You know," she began, her tone playful yet sincere, "this is the first time I've come to such a place with a man."

Astron's violet eyes flicked to hers, his expression as composed as ever, but Maya didn't miss the brief pause in his movements. It was subtle, almost imperceptible, but it was there—a momentary shift in his usually controlled demeanor.

Her statement wasn't just an offhand remark; it was a quiet confession. Despite her upbringing, her status, and the many people she interacted with, Astron was the first person she had brought into her personal life in such a way. She had gone to different places with friends and even her close companion Amelia, but never had she ventured into such a space with a boy.

Astron remained quiet for a moment, his gaze steady but thoughtful as he processed her words. "I see," he said slowly, his tone as measured as always, but there was a certain weight to it now. He took a sip of his wine, glancing out at the panoramic view for a second before returning his gaze to her.

Maya's smile deepened, feeling a sense of satisfaction at having broken through his usually stoic facade, even if only slightly. "I'm not just saying that to flatter you," she added with a softer tone, her voice sincere. "It's the truth. You're the first person I've brought into this part of my world."

Astron's eyes softened for just a moment as he set down his glass. "Then I'll take that as an honor," he replied, his voice low but sincere.

There was no grand declaration or overly emotional response—just a quiet acknowledgment of the significance behind her words. But that was Astron, always understated yet profound.

"And….You are the first woman to take me on a dinner like this."

Maya's heart skipped a beat at his words, her eyes widening slightly in surprise. She hadn't expected that. Though Astron's tone was calm, his statement held a quiet weight that sent a ripple through her emotions. He had just matched her subtle confession with one of his own, and in his own understated way, it was just as meaningful.

For a moment, she was speechless, her usual composure faltering as she processed what he had said. She felt a warmth spread through her chest, and a soft blush crept up to her cheeks before she could stop it.

"Is that so?" she managed to say, her voice softer now, almost tentative. She felt a small flutter of excitement at the thought of being the first person to share such a moment with him. It made everything feel more significant, more intimate.

Astron nodded, his violet eyes meeting hers with that same quiet intensity. "Yes," he replied simply. There was no need for further explanation—the simplicity of his statement carried all the meaning that needed to be conveyed.

Maya's lips curled into a soft smile, a mix of playfulness and warmth. "Then I'll take that as an honor, too," she said, echoing his earlier words.

For a few moments, the air between them was filled with a comfortable silence, the kind that didn't need to be broken.

Well, at least that was the case for Astron.

For Maya…

Well, things were a little different.

The reason?

The people surrounding them and what they were talking about.

While Maya sat there, savoring the quiet moment with Astron, her heightened senses began to pick up on the conversations from the nearby tables.

At first, it was just snippets of idle chatter, the kind that filled the background of any high-end restaurant. Couples laughing softly, the occasional clink of glasses, and waiters moving gracefully across the room. But soon, her ears honed in on something more specific—words that seemed to circle around one familiar subject.


The tables filled with girls scattered across the restaurant were buzzing with hushed excitement. Though their voices were low, Maya could easily make out bits and pieces of what they were saying.

"Look at him. That guy over there… he's so handsome. Do you think he's from one of the noble families?"

"His eyes… I've never seen anything like them. He has to be someone important."

"He's probably not single. No way someone like him isn't already taken… but who's that girl with him?"

Maya's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she picked up on the last comment, her possessiveness flaring to life once more. Her gaze flickered briefly toward the table of girls who were now casting subtle glances in Astron's direction. They were all clearly captivated, their interest barely masked behind quiet whispers and delicate gestures.

Astron, of course, seemed completely unaware—or perhaps simply unbothered—by the attention he was receiving. He remained as composed and focused as ever, casually sipping his drink as if nothing in the world could distract him.

But for Maya, it was a different story. She felt a sudden, unspoken need to assert herself, to silently remind everyone around them that Astron wasn't just any mysterious stranger—they were together. And while the curious stares from the men at other tables didn't bother her in the slightest, the attention being drawn to Astron… that was another matter entirely.

She shifted slightly in her seat, a small, almost imperceptible movement, but one that sent a clear message. Her body language became subtly possessive, her hand moving closer to Astron's side of the table as if to close the space between them.

'They can look all they want,' Maya thought, her smile never faltering. 'But he's here with me.'

Inwardly, she chastised herself for feeling so territorial. It wasn't like her to be so easily affected by others. But when it came to Astron, things seemed different—her emotions were different. She wanted him to notice her, to see her in ways he didn't see anyone else. And hearing those other girls talk about him, even in admiration, sparked something primal within her.

She leaned back slightly, her eyes briefly scanning the room before she turned her attention fully back to Astron. "You know," she said, her tone light but with a hidden edge, "it seems like you've become quite the subject of conversation."

Astron glanced up at her, his expression neutral. "In such a place, even I can't mask my presence all the time."

Maya couldn't help but chuckle softly at Astron's response. Of course, he had noticed. He was always so perceptive, always aware of his surroundings, even when it seemed like he wasn't paying attention.

It was one of the things that made him stand out, his sharp awareness of everything around him, and the way he remained unaffected by it.

But what struck her most was his calm acceptance of the situation. It was as if he had already come to terms with the attention—like it was just another part of his life now, something to be endured rather than acknowledged. And Maya knew that, from now on, this kind of attention would likely be something she would have to get used to as well.

She let her gaze wander around the room for a moment, noting the glances in their direction, both toward her and Astron. The attention wasn't exactly new to her—being the first-ranked student of the Arcadia Hunter Academy and her beautiful face had always come with a certain level of public scrutiny.

But something about this moment felt different. The way people were looking at her now wasn't just because of her talent or her elven beauty.

It was something else entirely.

The way she had dressed, her careful choice of clothing, had clearly paid off. She could feel the gazes on her, lingering longer than usual, a mix of admiration and curiosity following her every move. And despite her earlier possessiveness regarding Astron, she couldn't deny that she was also enjoying the attention—at least a little.

With a quiet, almost imperceptible sigh, she leaned back in her chair, her eyes meeting Astron's again. "I suppose that makes two of us, then," she said, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "It seems we're both drawing attention today."

Astron's gaze flickered briefly, his eyes scanning the room for a split second before returning to hers. "You must have already accustomed to this."

"You didn't?"

Astron gave a slight shrug, his gaze steady as he replied, "It doesn't bother me. I just don't care about the attention." His words were calm, devoid of any arrogance, just a simple truth.

Maya's smile lingered as she watched him. His nonchalance was both intriguing and admirable. There was something refreshing about the way he carried himself, unaffected by the opinions of others. It was part of what made him so different from anyone else she had ever known.

"I suppose that's another way to look at it," she said lightly, her tone playful, though there was a deeper truth behind her words. She leaned forward slightly, resting her chin on her hand as she studied him. "Maybe I should take a page from your book."

Astron glanced at her, his expression still calm but with a hint of curiosity. "And why's that?"

"Because," she began with a thoughtful smile, "being in the spotlight all the time can get tiring. It's nice to have someone who just... doesn't care about all that."

Astron's expression remained calm, though a faint flicker of something passed through his eyes as he recalled their first interactions. "Considering how you acted when we first met—ordering me to eat snacks, acting so free-spirited—I thought you didn't care about what others thought."

Maya's smile widened as she leaned back slightly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "It's not that I don't care," she admitted with a soft laugh. "It's just... when I'm at the academy, it feels like all those other people are little hatchlings that need nurturing. I can't help but feel responsible for them in a way." Her tone was light, but there was an underlying sincerity to her words. She always had a way of balancing her carefree attitude with a deeper sense of duty.

Astron raised an eyebrow at that, a hint of curiosity flickering in his violet eyes. "So, am I also one of those little hatchlings you feel the need to nurture?"

Maya's smirk grew as she crossed her arms, leaning in with a playful glint in her eyes. "Of course," she teased, her voice carrying a hint of mischief. "You, Astron, are the adolescent hatchling who needs the most care. Always pushing yourself, always too focused on things you can't control. Someone has to keep you in check."

For the first time, Astron's usual stoic expression faltered, his eyebrows twitching ever so slightly. "Is that so?" His voice was calm, but there was a subtle challenge in his tone, as if he were silently debating the truth of her statement.

Maya couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction, clearly enjoying the rare moment of teasing him. "Yes, that's exactly how I see it," she replied, her tone playful yet firm. "You may think you're the one always in control, but even the strongest need a little guidance now and then."

Astron didn't respond immediately, his eyes narrowing slightly as he regarded her. There was a moment of silence, but rather than a verbal retort, he simply allowed a small, almost imperceptible smile to form on his lips—a rare sign of amusement, though fleeting.

It was Maya's victory.

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