Chapter 216. Anguish of ordinary brothers (3) + Spread of plague (1)

“Yes, Nelve


However, Viscount Nebel's last words could not be heard in the end.

Before that, his body limp.

“You don’t know the subject to talk about the cost of a failed subject.”

Only then did Nelvenia laugh at him with contempt.

Then he sat down in the seat where he had been sitting a moment ago and let out a long sigh.

“Did you notice too?”

I already know what happened to that ‘illness' that I handed over to the royal castle.

She has several privileges to be known as a saint.

It has various powers, such as making holy water or destroying magic.

But there are also unknown powers.

Thanks to that, I can cross the border like this without any problems and decorate my work.

And very few people know this fact.

A few entourages and a certain prince.

“Well, there must be some kind of notice.”

also interfered.

He must have noticed Viscount Nebel's influence on Leonil at some point.

I can't guess how it was discovered.

Now this is the reality.

then you have to admit

“There is no point in finding out.”

If you notice it and try to catch it, then it's enough to run away.

Even if you raise an issue using unknown privilege as evidence, it is not difficult to pretend.

Because there will no longer be anyone in this mansion who can prove her actions.

As if trying to forget the smell of blood wafting from inside the mansion, she brought the glass to her lips from the table.

“It’s poisonous.”

It really couldn't be more of an extravagant drink than it deserved.

“That's sad.”

sincerely condoled.

Originally, I didn't want to be bothered like this.

She is also not free.

As expected, Arel noticed and acted.

A sigh comes out of nowhere.

He tried to motivate the 2nd prince of Ernesia Kingdom to work.

Originally, it doesn't make sense to simply say a few words and move on.

But even that is her prerogative.

Her ability as a saint can interfere with human thinking with just a few words.

It's easy to shake someone's heart just by giving her something to contain her power.

If you just poke the part you care about, everyone shakes and loses logic.

‘...This is all thanks to the privilege I received from ‘him'.'

However, it has never been used in state affairs.

If that was the case, the operation of the Holy Kingdom would have been easier, but someone would have noticed and suspected it.

It's not all-powerful enough to abuse it.

First of all, it was a failure to stimulate Leonil and directly attack the royal castle.

But it doesn't matter.

I was sure from the start that I would fail.

Because the real goal is different.

Nelvenia pulled out a bottle of black liquid.

I threw it down the terrace without hesitation.

The bottle hit the floor and shattered in vain, and the black liquid flowed out.

The black liquid eventually vaporizes in an instant and disappears.

It's not just about preparing.

Fragments of this bottle will already be rolling around in Ernesia Kingdom.

This is the purpose from the beginning.

She predicted the possibility that Arel would notice this method no matter what the circumstances.

There was a high probability of obstruction.

If that is the case, it is enough to induce them to limit the predictable range.

The purpose is to harm the royal family.

It just makes you think that way.

No matter how much Arell did, if he noticed only one castle, he wouldn't have looked elsewhere.

He carried out this plan himself without entrusting it to anyone else.

She has the power to make it undetectable by any magic.

So I had the confidence to sneak in without anyone noticing and plan the work.

No matter how much the opponent is a sage who is called a genius, he will not be able to catch a woman who wanders around ignoring even magic.

The only person who can do this anywhere in the world is you.

Nelvenia is so sure.

‘It's been 130 years. To use such a number...?'

Thinking about what was about to happen, a slightly bewildered smile leaked out.

what she decorates.

It is a terrible number that everyone will condemn if it is known to the world.

There is awareness.

But I think it can't be helped.

All for the sake of the kingdom.

And for the people she is supposed to lead.

‘God's will is only for the sake of the holy nation and all believers.'

Because she is just a saint who receives the meaning through revelation and unfolds it.

In other words, a puppet of God.

“Of course, if that god really exists.”

Finally having a drink.

she threw down the glass.

The moment the glass hit the floor and shattered, her figure was no longer there.

The last expression she made before disappearing was definitely.

It was a mockery that seemed to despise everything in the world.

A terrace where no one was left.

The sound of footsteps resonated in a place where footsteps should not be heard anymore.

Eventually, the sound of footsteps stopped only when they reached the terrace.

“That's right.... Even a woman who is called a saint, if she has power, does that inclination toward inwardness?”

A voice heard somewhere.

“Even if she is a saint who is infinitely benevolent towards the people of her own country, is she just a leader who is infinitely cruel to other countries, or is she just a hypocrite?”

The voice is lamenting.

“...that's foolish. You are really uncivilized.”

He lamented as if he was genuinely sorry, as if he was pitiful, and as if he was insignificant.

and laughed

He picked up a shard of glass scattered on the floor.

A piece of glass reflects the moonlight and emits a cold light.

“It is really stupid. A woman who claims to be a saint.”

Watching the light, he sincerely held a sneer in his mouth.

“Will you fulfill your will in this life...? or not.”

His eyes went elsewhere this time.

in the direction of the holy kingdom.

“Am I just going to remain an asshole?”

Spread of plague (1)

There are many means to strengthen harmony among nobles.

From a simple banquet to a ball where you can enjoy music and dance.

They show off their culture through various means and enjoy interacting with other nobles.

And as a venue for such exchanges, this is one of the things men typically enjoy.

A young nobleman on horseback drew the bowstring.

A plump fox was running away from where the arrow pointed.

A fox that runs away at a moderately good speed for hunting.

The nobleman who was aiming for it shot an arrow.

A flurry

of arrows flew and pierced the body of the fleeing fox.

As it is, well-tamed hounds rush at the staggering fox and skillfully suffocate it.

“You're good with a bow!”

Let's admire the best with a bright smile.

A noble holding a bow that had just been placed near him tidied up his clothes and bowed his head.

“Lord Luzel's bow skills are always excellent.”

“I was just lucky.”

Humbly, he handed the bow to the hunting servant and took a step back.

Now, the head of each influential noble family, including Jeil, or the eldest sons of the family, are enjoying hunting and chatting in the hunting garden owned by the royal family.

Just as wives compete at social gatherings, showing off their knowledge of dress, popular food, and music.

Men show off their culture through bows like this.

Any aristocrat should learn the minimum amount of swords and bows from an early age as culture.

And the place where you can show it off most beautifully is a hunting party like this.

A garden cultivated exclusively for hunting.....

It is more like a kind of forest than a garden, but he releases foxes and deer there in advance and drives them to show off his archery skills.

It is the play of typical noble men.

Moreover, the weather was good today, so it was a good day to enjoy hunting.

“Then, I’ll try it this time.”

Earl Fugern, who had a territory in the west, took his usual bow and aimed an arrow at the deer he found at the right time.

When he let go of the bowstring, the arrow flew past the deer's body and missed.


“I must have had bad luck.”

When Jeil offered words of consolation, he smiled bitterly and tried to shoot the arrow again, but the deer had already noticed and ran away.

Exclamations of nobles came from everywhere.

“It’s such a waste.”

“It looks like your bow skills have slowed down because you've had a lot of work.”

He just laughed at the nobles' words, whether they were comforting or teasing him.

It's third-rate if you go overboard in a place like this.

“Anyway, I have to give up on that deer.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

Jeil narrowed his eyes and glared at the deer running away.

Then, suddenly, he aimed his bowstring at the deer.

“your majesty?”

Are you sure you're going to shoot a deer that runs away?

While everyone is holding their breath and wondering.

Jeil shot the bow casually.

The arrow flew freely and pierced the deer's neck.

There is no need for the hound to stop breathing.

It really can't be that great workmanship.

“You are wonderful, Your Majesty.”

“I see.... It was a skill that reminded me of His Majesty the King.”

“Thank you. But my father would have caught it with his bare hands.”

Jeil smiled softly in front of the nobles who praised his skills.

After enjoying some hunting.

They sat at a table in a moderately shady spot to rest for a while and sipped their tea.

“It's surprising how much better your bow skills are after ascending the throne.”

“I have been practicing for a while. Wouldn’t that save face in front of the Lords?”

“Saying that again… It’s a pity that Leonil-sama was absent today.”

“Hmm, you don’t look well.”

Originally, Leonil had to participate in this hunting party.

However, for some reason, he had previously expressed his intention not to attend.

And one of the other princes, Arel, doesn't have much interest in hunting, so he doesn't usually show up at hunting parties like this.

“It's a big deal if you're not feeling well. There's a good pharmacist I know, and I'd like to make some medicine for him and send it to him.”

“Leonil will be happy too.”

While chatting moderately, one of the nobles suddenly made a choking noise.

It was Count Fugern, who had just missed the arrow.

When everyone's heads were focused at the sudden sound of coughing, he lowered his head, covering the corners of his mouth.

“It just ruined the mood.”

“no. Don't worry. Anyway, I guess I'm not feeling well. Then you wouldn't have to force yourself to come out...

“No. It's just because I'm tired these days. It's nothing special, so it's nothing to worry about, Your Majesty.”

Contrary to what he said, however, in reality his complexion was a little off.

Is that all?

In fact, the faces of some nobles were not seen during this hunting party.

Like Leonil, they were those who expressed their intention to not attend, saying they were not feeling well.

“Anyway, since the seasons change, it seems to be a time when it is easy to get sick. Hmmm... there shouldn't be any problem...

Jeil made a slightly worried face.

There was something that bothered me a little.

It reminded me of the fact that there have been frequent reports of an increase in the number of people complaining of illness recently.

“I think His Majesty would do well to be careful too.”

“I guess so. I think it would be better to organize the hunt at this point.”

No one else disagreed with Jeil's decision.

“.Please, this shouldn't be a big deal.”

As if the world had answered his concerns.

After a while, the Ernesia castle had to declare a state of emergency.

A plague has begun to spread throughout the

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