Chapter 217. Spread of the plague (2) The bad news came straight to my ears.

“The number of people showing symptoms of high fever throughout the kingdom is increasing...

After looking at the report and the official letter sent down from the castle a while ago, I put both of them down and sighed.

Both are truly heartbreaking.

let me knock on the desk

As if my aides are watching me, I am just silent.

Normally, the atmosphere inside my office allows me to express my opinion first.

Today was a bit different than usual.

“It's an epidemic throughout the kingdom.”

Because I feel extremely dirty right now.

And that uncomfortable planting is revealed as it is.

Since I kept being silent and creating this atmosphere, everyone at least noticed that I was very uncomfortable with my planting, unlike usual.

“hmm'? Oh no.”

After realizing everyone's mood, I reflected a little.

Nothing gets better if you get blatantly angry.

“....sorry. Now is not the time to be upset.”

You can't keep the mood down.

I smiled bitterly and apologized.

Yeah, you'll have to think about getting upset later.

“Forget about my ugliness now.”

Then, he shook his head, saying, “Not everyone.”

“By the way... Sir Arell? Is it true that there is an epidemic?”

“okay. The royal castle has already finally recognized it and issued an official letter.

….really fast.”

I said in a half sarcastic tone.

It was three days ago that the report arrived from the spy whom I personally ordered to investigate.

....Yes, it's an epidemic.

“There have been reports that some epidemics have occurred in the western, central, and southern territories where damage has occurred so far.”

The damage was spreading faster than expected.

“You guys... are you okay with your hometown?”

“I appreciate Arel-nim's concern. Fortunately, things are fine in my hometown.”

Asha said with a slight relief.

Fortunately, her hometown was not affected by the plague.

From what I've heard, Iret, who attends the academy in the royal capital, doesn't seem to be sick.

This is because the disease did not spread to the capital.

“There is no problem on my side either.”

Fortunately, there were no problems in Seina's hometown.

The territory where her hometown is located is also the area where the damage occurred, and only that village was safe.

Does it have anything to do with origin or lineage?

From what I've heard, no one among the dwarves has ever been sick.

However, there is no time for such consideration now.

It was urgent to deal with it first.

“…is there little damage to the northern side?

But for the time being, I'll close all the gates and offer access.”

In order to prevent the spread, lords in the kingdom have already taken measures to close their domains.

Anywhere now, the gateway is firmly closed.

‘This isn't good...

Because of just one disease, trade and transportation in all areas of the kingdom were completely paralyzed.

It's never something to be taken lightly.

Even in a short period of time, large economic losses can occur.

In the long term, the disease causes a great disruption to the operation of the country.

Neither the danger from the inside nor the threat from the outside was something to be easily overlooked in either sense.

“Damn…yes. In the end, he did it, right?”

A lament comes out of nowhere.

Did you really not want to look at me?

I thought there was a chance this could happen.

However, on the other hand, there was a part that thought that it would not be the end.

yes i was wrong

That bitch is more stupid than you can imagine.

“I knew it would happen, but.”

It was fortunate that we had already prepared all the countermeasures.

“First of all, let’s just deal with what we have prepared. Are you all ready?”

“...Arell-sama is also using it?”

Damon asked cautiously.

“okay. For now, as long as it's reported, that alone should be effective. Let's do the rest as planned.”

By the way, there are enough medicines to use throughout the kingdom in a separate warehouse.

These are the medicines that Damon and Dia were instructed to complete before.

It would be enough to be used not only for Pahilia but also for the entire Ernesia Kingdom.

‘What would have happened if I hadn't expected it...

Once again, I was irritated, but I suppressed it.

“Just in case, conduct a thorough crackdown, and if any of the residents show symptoms, inform them to report and deal with it immediately.”

First of all, the basic policy has been delivered.

“And I have to apply for other territories too... I will talk about the royal castle.”

This is a small negotiation, so I have no intention of doing business.

There is no time for that in the first place.

“First of all, we will focus our efforts only on solving this epidemic.”

No matter what happens, there is no problem as long as you are prepared.

Still, I was thinking that if possible, it would be most desirable for me to step on the wrong leg.

‘Fortunately, there was a drug that worked...

I personally analyzed the contents of the black bottle I had previously obtained and was convinced.

As expected, the diseases now circulating are of a manageable kind.

Among the basic antibiotics I suggested, there is a medicine that works.

However, that alone cannot be reassuring.

It is realistically difficult to treat all diseases with only medicine.

Fortunately, something that made up for that shortcoming already existed in this world.

Fortunately, there is magic here.

If you use healing magic, your wounds will heal to some extent and you can restore your physical strength.

“It's a healing magic... It's something that doctors in a world without magic would be shocked to hear.”

On the other hand, the pharmacy is just as crude on this side.

At best, the absurd idea of brewing medicinal herbs or making medicine by squeezing the blood of an unheard of creature is proudly described in medical books.

I had to hold back quite a bit because of this cultural difference while reading the medical books here because of my recent drug problem.

However, this is not something to criticize.

I can't help but look at the customs of the times here.

“Thanks to you, I think it will be resolved somehow.”

If you mobilize this and the magicians and use your strength to heal, the situation will be able to be quelled early.

To make up for the insufficient number of wizards, he made a request to the Mage Tower.

Fortunately, Helmin readily accepted my request.

Of course, that wasn't free either.

This is unavoidable.

It takes money and manpower to move the wizards.

Even if it's cheap, it should be worth it.

“I wonder how much damage this will cause....

As I skim through the documents, I automatically frown.

It's even more irritating when the approximate damage figures are calculated.

In addition, I sneaked out of the territory once and looked around the area where the disease was prevalent.

If you have the inner workings of a person like me, there is no problem with any disease or poison.

I personally did my research and was convinced.

‘It was spread by artificial means...

The rate of outbreak of the disease is too fast.

What should have taken months has spread in a matter of weeks.

Even if it is a viral disease, this speed cannot be common sense.

At this point, you have to admit.

‘Seongguk... No, that saintess has the ability to control disease...

Of course, it is not known to the public.

I guess so.

If it is known that she can manipulate disease, is that a saint? witch.

Like the fact that I jumped over the barriers of my city at will.

It is possible that you are hiding your power.

....Well, I'm not in a position to complain to anyone about hiding their powers.

However, it is still unclear whether it is her power or a technical factor.

It's a question.. You can grab the person in question and ask.

There are other questions, but they are not something to be resolved now.

First of all, the immediate solution to the situation is first...

‘Rather.... did I just have to see the end in my hands?'

Actually, I expected it.

I'm sure he didn't try to trick Leonil-hyung into causing trouble.

If it was a country that didn't care whether it was good or not, I'd rather give up the capital and play tricks on the local territories.

And sure enough, I really did.

Wouldn't it have been better to smash it with my own hands at the point of threat?

It's not that I didn't worry about that.

‘There's nothing I can't do.'

It will be a long, long game of tag, but it won't be impossible.

But it can't be.

It shouldn't be.

It's not because it's annoying.

....No what. There's a little bit of that too.

The real reason is obvious.

First of all, I needed a justification to slay her.

‘I'm not sure of the saintess' real skills...

It's like the fact that she ignored the barriers of my city and went in and out.

Like the trick that shook Leonil hyung-nim.

Something is strange.

Even then, if you put your mind to it, you could catch it.

In other words, I can't catch her move unless I'm really determined.

The power of the saintess known to the world and the feeling of seeing it in real life are quite different.

‘Well, it's common sense to hide your skills on the floor... but

for now, let's deal with it carefully.

First of all, I didn't want to rush into it.

Because a human who has the ability to specialize in escaping will hide properly once he thinks he's wrong.

Even like me, if something goes wrong, I have prepared one or two means to go away enjoying a prosperous life for about 100 years.

So it was necessary to properly hold the pod and drive it.

After thoroughly burying it in the world, you have to hunt it after making it have no place to set foot.

That's why... I had no choice but to neglect some actions.

....On the other hand, I also thought that a woman who took the name of a saint would really get her hands dirty here.

I was even amazed at the fact that he acted wonderfully as expected.

‘That bitch already took the fight.'

You'll need to do a little more research on why it's doing this. But it was clear that she was quarreling.

Yes, admit it. It's a great declaration of war.

Then there is only one way left.

‘If possible, I have to drive it properly and catch it... but

I have roughly thought of the means.

It was about as if I was contemplating what to do while examining the crystal ball-shaped magic tools that I had arranged on the desk.

Someone knocked on my office door.

These footsteps are Diagun.

“come in.”

Quietly, Dia entered and bowed her head to me.

“You came a little later than expected.”


“No, I don’t mean to condemn you… More Dia.”

I examined her face.

If I am not mistaken, there is less expression on the face than usual.

“A little while ago you didn’t say a word.”


While discussing the matter of illness, Dia's condition was a little strange.

He didn't talk too much.

Of course, when asked, he answered and gave simple opinions.

But other than that, there was no personal opinion per se.

The whole time Dia was lost in thought.

It's not me who can't notice it.

At first, I wondered if it was because I asked my close friends about their hometowns, but it didn't seem like a simple reason.

“...Arel-nim, there's something I want to ask you.”

“Tell me it’s okay.”

“Previously, Arel-sama was expecting the disease to turn.”

“Yeah it was.”

Thanks to that, I was able to cope somehow.

“What are you curious about? Be honest.”

“…Could it be that this epidemic was caused artificially?”

I see. Was that what you were curious about?

“Why are you curious about that?”

“It kept bothering me.”

Dia calmly continued as if suppressing something faintly.

“As soon as I saw the report on this disease, I felt a sense of deja vu.”

“Feeling of déjà vu?”

“Yes… I am not new to this disease.”

Dia feels familiar with the widespread disease in the kingdom.

“It's not unfamiliar...

what does that mean?

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