Chapter 215. Ordinary brother's agony (2)

“I'm crazy....

Leonil returned to his place and clutched his head.

What the hell did you just do?

Originally, he had only visited to convey his opinion about where he would be staying in the future.

....But I don't know why I had to visit at this time.

Just because I had a strange urge.

The feeling that something is pushing one's will.

But right now, Leonil didn't feel a full-fledged sense of incongruity.

It was just that he felt a sense of shame at his ugliness a moment ago.

“...Huu, I'll have to apologize to His Majesty again later.”

‘This is all because of him.' Leonil glared at the table.

There, a black liquid in a transparent bottle emits an ominous light.

He picked up the bottle with trembling hands.

The aristocrat who previously gave him strange opinions.

His words strangely stuck in my head.

‘I shouldn't have listened.'

I regret it, but it's no use anymore.

His heart was still troubled.

“What is it? That nonsense!”

Why didn't he slit the neck of the person who said that?

I still can't understand

What's even weirder is that I don't even think about it at this moment.

Leonil recalled his previous conversation with Viscount Nebel.

“Aren’t you actually feeling anxious? The most tender part of His Majesty.”

As he said that, he handed the bottle to himself.

“Then use this.”

Then he explained the purpose of the bottle.

It was a content that gave goosebumps even to Leonil.

He called it an ordeal, but it was simply not the kind of thing to be passed on like that.

“If I am wrong, I can correct it. It's not too late. Who, who, who, who, who.”

that voice.

It was such a terrible word that I still can't understand why he didn't cut him down on the spot.

Even so, what I don't understand more is how I didn't reject it.

Even now, his words resonate in my head.

“It couldn't have been right...

He was about to put the black bottle back.

But for some reason it didn't come off my hands.

“It can't be right... such a nonsense... method... can't be right

. Is this really going to be proven?”

Suddenly, the words leaked out of his mouth in a hoarse voice.

The light disappears from the pupils.

Losing one's will in wandering.

His hand was tightly gripping the vial.

It looked like it would break at any moment.

Pudeug.... The moment when it sounds like it's cracking in vain.

“Is that what you were so worried about, Leonil hyung-nim? To the point of being seduced by such nonsense?”


In an instant, the strength was released from his hands.



Why is Arel here?

“It's a trivial curse...

” “What?”

“No, nothing. By the way, you seem to have received a pretty interesting present? Oh, I apologize for coming in on my own. Because I don’t think I will have time to visit slowly later.”

Although the tone was polite, Arell's gaze was infinitely cold as he gazed at the bottle Leonil was holding.

“I guess you liked Viscount Nebel's present?”

“Oh no! It's not like that. He just... um? just?”

Confused as if he was trying to make an excuse for Arel, Leonil opened his eyes blankly for a moment.

“...why did I get this stuff from him?”

“It seems that your judgment has been clouded for a moment.”

“Did you know?”

Arel stayed still for a moment and shook her head.

“If you look at the bottle, you can guess what it might be.”

“....I see.”

Leonil suddenly felt as if the strength was released from his shoulders.

Then, realizing that he was still holding the black bottle, he said sorry and carefully placed the bottle back on the table.

“What the hell... what was I thinking?!”

Only then did he groan as he covered his face with both hands, as if a sense of shame flooded him.

“It's not something your brother should blame himself for. It’s probably the skill of that Viscount Nebel.”

“...even so, it cannot be forgiven. I wish I hadn't!”

What would happen if you broke that bottle?

I got chills just imagining it.

The fear of the tragedy that will happen and the self-loathing that almost caused it eat away at the mind.

“Because I... am ordinary, I am also subject to such absurd sophistry.”

“yes? What do you mean?”

“You will not know. How does it feel to be swayed by such ridiculous sophistry because you are so ordinary and incompetent?”

“....well. how about that.”

Arel seemed to be thinking for a while, then suddenly started to say this.

“I’m rather envious of Leonil hyung-nim?”

“What do you mean?”

“What isn’t it? He's the prince of the most powerful country, and his face isn't as good as mine, but he's not bad either. Besides, I know.

I hear you've recently been engaged to a princess from a certain kingdom?”

“Um, but.”

Half-ignoring Leonil, who was a bit bewildered, Arel continued to chatter on his own.

“It’s normal, so I don’t even pay attention. I'm not even desperate for money. and? Then you're saying that no one cares even if you play very leisurely, right? It's really the best. and? I really envy you.”

“...I don't know what you're talking about.”

At Leonil, who did not understand, Arell shrugged his shoulders with a strange smile.

“What is it? For example, does someone else's rice cake look bigger? That's pretty much the logic. The position of others means that everyone is envious. Perhaps if you live a few more years, you will understand.”

“I don’t know…

Arel also doesn’t have any intention of making his point understandable.

Because this is just sophistry.

Anyway, this is his business.

Arell picked up the black bottle.

“That is dangerous.”

“I know. That's why I came to collect it myself.”

Arel looked at the contents of the bottle in the moonlight and sighed.

“Anyway, I'll take care of this.”

Arell put the black bottle into his chest and said.

“Um… you have no face. hmm? But Arel, how are you here? How the hell...?”

“Ah, it seems that you have noticed the discomfort now. hmm? I didn’t really think of an excuse for that, so just sleep in moderation.”

Arell snapped his fingers.

At that moment, Leonil's vision turned black.

As if fainting, Arel raised the body of the second prince with only magic power and carried him to the bedroom.

“...When you open your eyes, you'll forget all about this.”

However, there is no way Leonil will be able to hear his words any longer.

So Arel disappeared on the spot without a sound.

No one will know that he has come and gone.

same time.

Viscount Nebel was out on the terrace of the mansion, quietly watching the moonlit night and enjoying the scent of the liquor in his glass.

Perhaps because it is quite expensive, both taste and smell are satisfactory.

“Oh, it seems that things went well?”

A woman's voice came from behind him, who was quietly immersed in the aesthetics of the moon and alcohol.

“When did you come here?”

“I should say mk now.”

“If you had told me in advance, I would have gone out to meet you. I am truly sorry for this. Holy Maiden.”

Viscount Nebel smiled and welcomed the saintess Nelvenia, who did not know when she appeared.

There is no sincerity in his words anyway.

At this point, she is nothing more than an intruder hiding in the kingdom.

But he never blinked an eye at her.

“I don’t know if you did what I asked you to do.”

“Is it possible? As requested by the saintess, I delivered the goods properly.”


The saintess laughed happily.

“Thanks for your efforts.”

“There is nothing to be said for hard work. It was really simple to write this that the saintess gave me.”

Viscount Nebel held out the tool given to him by the saintess.

It is said that part of her powers are contained in this.

Did you say that even if you have it, others will listen to your voice?

Although he was half-suspicious, Prince Leonil really easily fell for his sophistry.

‘The power to seduce people... is that a saint? Aren't they just witches?'

Viscount Nebel despised her in his heart.

This is because he knows what kind of goods he conveyed because he paid close attention to them.

I know the catastrophe that is about to happen, so to be honest, I can't respect it.

‘...I never thought the saintess would be like this.'

But it doesn't really matter.

Even knowing it, it was he who held hands with her.

“It doesn't matter if I despise you.”

Nelvenia smiled as if she could see through him.

Do you still see through to there?

Instead of evasive words with a wry smile, Viscount Nebel admitted it honestly.

“...To be honest, I don't know what kind of scheming the saintess plans.”

“is that so?”

The reason why Viscount Nebel had done something tantamount to betrayal to the Ernesian royal family was insignificant.

just for wealth.

Anyway, he was a faction that supported Prince Leonil.

At this point when the first person sits on the throne, there will be no way for him to enjoy his power.

Then, wouldn't it be nice to enjoy the wealth and honor in another way?

There is no reason for Nelvenia to abandon herself anyway, as long as she knows her true nature.

Viscount Nebel was so confident.

There is no such thing as guilt.

It is thanks to the fact that I have received so many things that I do not feel such personal feelings.

“Did I say Viscount Nebel? You are amazing too. You know what my plan is and yet you help me like this.”

“I don't think that's what the saintess would say, but... well, it's done. I just need to get what I deserve.”

Having said that, he smiled wickedly.

“Of course, if you give me more, I won't ask for anything.”

Saying that, he openly demanded more from Nelvania.


“Wouldn't you have to show that much sincerity to make my mouth feel heavy?”

They've already done it, so if they step out now, both of them won't be safe.

If you say you can't give it to me, just say that you will report it to Ernesia Castle right away.

It's enough to just pretend you've been threatened.

Believing that, Viscount Nebel demanded an additional payment from Nelvania.

Money is money, but it would be better to ask for a position in the Holy Kingdom.

Sooner or later, Ernesia Kingdom will notice.

Considering what was about to happen there, it would be safer to head to the Holy Land.

He had already prepared all of his family and servants for it.

“It makes sense. Well, considering the hard work, I can't ignore you.”

“Huhuhu, as expected, the saintess is different.”

“I am ashamed to say such a thing.”

Nelvenia smiled very slightly, genuinely embarrassed.

“Yes, it is really embarrassing.”

And that smile disappeared in an instant.


Viscount Nebel's eyes suddenly widened.

He clutched his chest as if tearing it apart and screamed in pain.

However, what leaked from his throat was not a sound, but a terrifyingly large amount of blood.

But can't do anything.

power drains from the body

“Oh, why are you doing that? Oops...

It looks like you're not feeling well. It looks like you've had too much to drink.”

Nelvenia just looked down at him as if he was struggling, crawling on the floor.

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