Chapter 150. Gorgeous houses (6) Ugh.... It became very annoying to go out.

In the first place, since the banquet itself met the standards of common-sense aristocrats, it didn't suit my taste.

The music makes me sleepy too.

Food... Well, I managed this myself, so there's no problem.

The only annoying thing is that I'm already going to go out in front of them and receive their stalker-like stares, and I'm already getting goosebumps.

This is the suffering of a popular person.

um i can't help it

Everyone is looking forward to it, but it is inevitable that it will appear.

“Arel-nim, it’s time.”

The servant cautiously told me that I had to leave now.

ok don't go

“Is everyone ready?”

Now it was my turn to appear, so I ordered everyone to come.

A servant went to call them, and after a while my aides arrived to accompany me.

Three aides in dresses arrived one after another.

Seina entered first, walking more cautiously than usual.

Normally, I only saw him wearing clothes that emphasized activity, officer uniforms, and armor.

Unlike usual, the appearance of wearing a red dress that reveals the outline of the body is quite new.

“It suits you well.”

“Ahahaha, that's an honor. It's just that I'm not used to it, so it's a little uneasy to move.”

Even if you say that, Seina doesn't feel like she hates it so much.

“But is that a wig?”

I asked, noticing that Seina's hair was slightly longer than usual.

“Ah, just because this one suits you better, why don’t you wear it on your own?”

“Hmm, okay? It suits you well.”

Actually, since I have short hair, I guess wearing it like this suits me.

When I praised her honestly, Seina tried to scratch the back of her hair, but stopped when she realized it was a wig.

He must have been nagging the servants to be careful because he had a lot of trouble while dressing up.

“Umm, I thought about it before, but isn’t the dress revealing quite a bit?”

“I agree.”

‘That's why it's good,' I muttered in my heart.

In fact, even though she says so, Seina herself doesn't care at all even when she wears a dress that shows off her shoulders and legs quite boldly.

Quite the opposite of that girl who hesitates behind her.

“Asha, why don’t you come out properly and show me?”

“Oh Arell?! No matter how much this is...

“If he doesn’t come out, see Seina and ask him to come out?”

Asha, who hesitated at first, walked forward slowly, probably thinking that it was not the right thing to keep hiding from me.

A sky blue dress with a design that boldly reveals the neck down to the collarbone.

Maybe because of that, Asha looks shy even though she is wearing it.

“…wasn’t that the first social church? What are you so ashamed of?”

I don't know why you're shy.

“Isn't this the first time you've tried on a dress?”

“I was too young at the time. Even back then... I've never worn anything revealing so much.”

“Isn’t that normal?”

Even though the design of the dress she's wearing right now isn't particularly erotic in the first place.

To be honest, things that are trending these days are worse.

However, the act of covering the area around the nape of the neck because he is so shy makes it look more erotic for some reason.

That's why it's like I'm wearing something I shouldn't be wearing.

“If you hesitate like that, you look even more suspicious, so stay confident like Seina.”


“Because it suits you, have confidence.”

“is that so?”

“Yeah, it suits you.”

It's not empty words, but in Asha's case, there is nothing unnatural at all if she acts confidently, probably because she had the tendency to be educated as an aristocrat when she was young.

In addition, the original beauty is outstanding, so the dress goes well with it.

“As expected, I was rewarded with my choice.”

“...It's embarrassing to see you staring at me like that.”

Asha blushed slightly and averted her gaze.

By the way, Seina, Asha, and Dia's still waiting were all selected by my order.

Well, it's none other than the banquet I hosted, and even if it's an escort, if they look shabby, it'll damage my pride.

For once, I put it on them with that excuse.

Above all, I had a purpose that my eyes should be enjoyable.

It is an important law to have a proper formality for the position.

“Arel-sama, how about me?”

In the end, Dia, who had been waiting for her, came out as if to ask for a look at herself.

yes, don't miss it

I chose a slightly darker color for Dia's dress to match her black hair, and it was ‘correct'.

Darkness doesn't always make you feel gloomy.

The right accessories, good design, and a better hanger stand out more than a flimsy flashy color.

Besides, she stands out even more because she has the most outstanding figure among the three.

When I raise my thumb, Dia calmly does the same.

I'd rather he be a little as shy as half Asha.

“Okay, all three are great.”

I just wondered if today's banquet could end with this.

Satisfied with a strange sense of fulfillment, and thinking that I really shouldn't end the banquet, I took the lead, saying that we should leave now.

“Arell? The exit is over there.”

Asha tilted her head.

It was because I was walking down the hallway opposite to the aisle leading to the banquet hall.

“No, it’s this way this time. I have prepared the way this way.”

“???? yes?”

As if she hadn't heard at all, Asha was at a loss for words.

Seina, who already knew, smiled wryly while Dia didn't say anything.

“It's a banquet that's going to be held, so shouldn't you show up nicely as the host?”

There is always a way for a leading actor to appear.

Yeah, appearing plain is not to my liking.

I'll show you who's the craziest... no, the most brilliant human being in this district.

“Arel Ernesia-sama is eating it.”

At once, everyone's attention was focused on one place.

This is the moment when the long-awaited owner of this snowy estate finally appears.

The participants stopped chatting and waited for Arell to appear at the same time.


There is no news from where Arel should appear.

“hmm? Isn't Arel-sama coming?”

Finally, unable to hold back his curiosity, someone murmured softly.

What broke their doubts was the strange sound from the fountain.

the music stops

I heard a rumbling sound of something moving from inside the floor.


the participants let out a small moan.

The fountain splits in four directions, and white smoke rises.

Then something came up from under it.


Lipana, who was watching, covered her mouth and was startled.

What came up from the underground was a stone statue that imitated Arel's appearance.

A scale of 5:1!

A statue of Arell Ernesia!

only on this day.

A worthless crystal of money that was cut to decorate the plaza.

And in front of the stone statue that was in full swing, Arel and his aides were coming up together.

Arel smiles as she leans back a bit arrogantly while sitting in her chair. And guards stood by him.

All participants were at a loss for words.

For just one appearance, a passage was installed underground in the city and a precise device that automatically made it appear.

Everyone forgot to lift a finger at the sight of him appearing so eccentrically with three beauties.

Rather than admiration, it seemed that he was just surprised.

Everyone was staring blankly at what to admire at the appearance of a way to show off money and technology.

“...Arel-nim's taste is still the same.”

Marquis Karet, who was watching, smiled bitterly.

I was aware of the fact that he secretly dislikes acting normally and likes to show off, but I never thought it would be this much.

He, too, admired in many ways.

“But what does it really mean?”

No one answered that question.

If there is a meaning

everyone is looking at me

Yes, everyone wants to see me like that.

When everyone's eyes were gathered like that, I started to get excited for some reason.

After all, it feels good to attract people's attention.

While enjoying the blank stares from everyone, I quietly took a few steps forward.

“To those who participated in this banquet to commemorate the city’s architecture, the lord of this place, Arell Ernesia, would like to express his gratitude.”

First of all, as the owner of the banquet, he politely greeted the participants, and only then did he hear applause from among the absent-minded participants, and soon they started clapping all at once.

“For food and alcohol, I prepared the best of what I could prepare, so I hope you enjoy it. I'm sure you won't have any complaints.”

Any complaints?

It'll be fun. Say it once. Please accept the reception.

I continued my speech with a smile on my face.

“First of all, the purpose of this banquet is to introduce you to this city.

I would appreciate it if the nobles would look at it with interest. Shop owners should imagine that good deals will be made in the future. And I hope other people will think about what it would be like to move their lives here once.”

He showed a smile that was moderately likable without any obstruction and spoke all the way.

“First of all, I want to show off the city like a chimney, but before that, I would like to introduce you to the last VIP to arrive.”

The last guest to arrive.

They were not agitated, for they already knew in advance who would arrive.

At the same time, as the surroundings became quiet, they set their manners so as not to be disrespectful in the slightest.

“His Majesty Theonel Ernesia has just arrived.”

When I calmly announced my father's arrival, he appeared at the banquet hall, accompanied by his attendants.

At the same time, all participants bow to the king with respect.

“Yes.... As the king and as the child's father, I am very happy that you have come from such a long distance to Arel's first banquet.”

Saying proud words without losing as much dignity as possible, my father sat down at the table prepared in advance.

Then he got up and took his mother's hand to greet him.

“I’m sorry for coming late, Lipana.”

“No, Your Majesty. I can't tell you how happy I am as the mother of that child to come to Arel's banquet in person.”

After a light greeting, let my father sit down.

The music started playing again.

“Then, since Your Majesty has also arrived, we are having a banquet, but let me briefly introduce you to the Fahilia Territory.”

This is an introduction to this city, which is the original purpose.

I even thought about introducing it at the very end, but I thought it would be better if I let you know when I'm not drunk yet, so I tried to explain it first and move on.

“Please look this way.”

I pointed to the sky.

Then, Dia worked hard to manipulate the magic tool according to the signal, and the hologram magic tool started operating according to the signal.

The lights embroidered in the night sky began to move as soon as I pointed at them, and the lights soon took on a certain shape.

It was an entire perspective view of the city we are now in.

It is shown using a hologram magic tool to guide you on purpose in an easy-to-understand manner.

After all, it is better to understand not only by words, but also by showing with your eyes.

“What you see now is the commercial residential district of this new city, Fahilia.”

They won't be interested if you just explain it, so make it as colorful as possible.

Also, that was the correct answer.

Everyone is concentrating on the perspective view of the city.

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