Chapter 151. Gorgeous housewarming (7) Huhuhu. yes, look see more

keep watching

Depending on my gestures, the perspective view of the city rotates this way and that way, and expands and contracts.

“This is roughly how the first stage is currently completed.”

But it's not automatic. It just seems that way anyway.

In fact, I was just manipulating the hologram magic tool as Dia had practiced beforehand, following my hand gestures.

I secretly practiced to keep my hands and feet aligned like this, and Dia and I spent quite a toilful day.

Now, all instructions can be given with hand gestures.

It is because of such exhausting practice that they show fantastic breathing.

“This will be the distribution window for all transactions in Pahilia in the future, and it will also be a source of affluent living for the residents.”

Of course, it was the merchants who were most interested in this matter.

Is it really possible to enter your business here?

You must be weighing it in your head.

“The safety of the city is also prepared with perfect measures. First of all, barriers.”

When you gesture, the image of the thick barrier is enlarged and displayed.

“The rocks used for the barriers here are harder than most steel, so monsters live here. And no army can be crushed in case of emergency. In addition, the strength is further increased by using and maintaining multiple barriers.”


Well, if you claim to be solid with words, you won't believe it.

“As for the robber, you can trust me because I personally asked the 7th class Master Fei An of the Mage Tower to prove it.”

“Wh... are you saying that you can't stand the magic of a 7th class master?”

As he said, he directly asked him to conduct an experiment.

There is also evidence left behind.

When asked if he was surprised by that, I smiled and nodded.

In fact, to break down this wall, at least a dragon would have to come and hit the breath with all their might to open a hole.

There are also hidden protective measures.

I can confidently guarantee that the level of safety is higher than the royal road.

“Hey Arell. There is one thing I would like to ask you.”

One of the nobles asked cautiously.

I let him go and he continued.

“I know the weather here is harsh. Although it is a great city, is there really no problem for people to live in?”

“That is a good question.”

It's a question that just needs an explanation.

In fact, the aristocrat asking the question was someone I had recruited in advance.

If you ask questions indiscriminately, only strange sounds will come out.

That's why the guys to ask questions were decided in advance.

This is a necessary step, of course.

“As soon as you enter this city, you must have felt a sense of incongruity.”

“Speaking of discomfort…?”

“Isn’t it warm?”

“Can you say it’s warm?”

Of course, few people doubted it.

However, if you ask a question directly, it is a human being who thinks in case.

The attendees wandered around.

“There is one special magic tool installed in this city.”

As I waved my hand, this time the shape of a magic tool in the shape of a cylinder was reflected.

“...Isn't that the mana house, a magical agricultural tool developed by Arell-sama? No... it's a little bigger.”


Who was the one who just asked?

It's not the voice of the guy I coaxed in advance.

what happened After all, it's already famous that I use magic tools for farming.

“Yes, this is an improved version of that mana house. It is a newly developed model for application in the city.”

This is the secret to this warm weather.

“However, the effect is distinctly different from that of the Mana House.”

Unlike the Mana House, which only raises the temperature to keep it warm, it has more complex and diverse principles and functions.

“From simply adjusting the temperature.

Wind, for example.”

At that moment, a slightly lukewarm wind blew.

“Or an eye for luck sometimes.”

At that moment, a slight but faint snow fell.

Within this city, an optimal environment can be maintained for comfort and enjoyment.

This is a micro-environmental maintenance device.

Judging that the last mana house was useful, I immediately came up with an improvement plan for it, ordered it to research, and succeeded in putting it into practical use.

With this, no matter how cold the land is, the residents living here can live in pleasant weather.

In addition, it can be managed in very delicate units, such as keeping the air clean.

All the participants were shocked by the fact and could not even groan.

“Is that true?”

“It really is possible.”

So, am I kidding you in a place like this?

Of course, it is not a simple technique.

There is a lot of knowledge from previous lives, so there are many skills that can be referred to.

But if it was a problem, applying it wasn't too much of a headache.

How much did our wizards have to work overtime for this.

How much money did you put into it?

“Huh... that's amazing.”

Only then did the nobles... especially the faces of those with estates began to harden seriously.

Yes, now I understand the situation.

“Well, first of all, a brief explanation is this. Actually, I want to explain more, but I think the food will get cold.”

What I show you is here.

Originally, not showing everything, showing it in moderation and cutting it off is the way to get soy sauce.

hang up properly.

This is important.

“Then please continue to enjoy the banquet.

I will be there as well, so if you have any personal business, please talk to me and I will give you an answer.”

After that, the reaction of the participants was really funny.

They didn't have the courage to run to me right away, so they noticed each other and came to me in turn to talk.

And it's really gratifying to see other guys desperately trying to steal the story they share.

“Arel. Do you have anything in mind as to which store you would like to enter first? If not, we will…

“What are you talking about? Our company is a much better fit.”

Sanghojuju first to advance here.

They sometimes ask me for advice as if they are afraid that they will be left behind by other merchants.

As for the lords.

“Arel-sama, that environmental control magic tool. Is it possible to install it in other territories?”

Each of them earnestly asked me if I could give them the skills they coveted.

Well, I already have a plan in place to provide a few features with a cheap version.

One of the goals was to take advantage of it that way in the first place.

I was accepting their consultations one by one without intentionally expressing displeasure.

They are already more interested in the skill I boasted than the food.

It's so ardent that I hate myself for it.

‘It's so annoying I'm going to die...

Of course, I'm just sighing hard inside.

But for today, let's be patient.

Those who flock now are nothing more than pitiful fish that will be caught by me later.

There's nothing I can't stand when I think like that.

After a while, the music playing changed.

And the lighting also started to change to a more subdued color.

It's boring to just eat and talk.

It is to enjoy a dinner to some extent and when the atmosphere is ripe, open a ball to liven up the atmosphere.

Since the schedule was already announced in advance, the participants seemed to fit in with the atmosphere as if it were natural.

Each of the participants is looking for someone to dance with, or those who have already had their eyes on each other are already putting in work.

Among them, some of them are paying attention to my aides.

‘Are they Arel-sama's escorts?'

‘I see... Arel-nim is always worthy of being next to me.'

‘Rumors say he's stronger than the knight leader...?

From those who are simply seduced by their beauty.

There are also those who are interested in whether the girls are really excellent knights.

A guy with a bit of guts proudly stepped out in front of them.

“How about a song please? Won't you give me the honor to mingle with you?”

I applied for a dance confidently.

“sorry. Because there is a mission to escort Arel-sama...

And it was sunk.

It's ugly.

Normally, it's polite not to refuse, but if you face your duty as an escort, there's nothing you can do about it.

In reality, they don't know what will happen if this many people gather, so they are nervous inside even if they don't show it on the outside.

Still, I wondered what it would be like if they enjoyed the banquet, but they drew a line between them, probably trying not to forget their duty as escorts.

“Hmm... It would be nice if those guys could relax and enjoy themselves. hmm?”

A large number of people are approaching me who have been watching.

Among the nobles invited, they were young ladies.

Dressed to the fullest with fancy decorations and dresses, they cautiously approached me.

No footsteps and as gracefully as possible so I don't freak out.

It's nimble enough that even a tolerant master would cry.

However, it is certain that they are well-trained ladies who move quickly so as not to fall behind the other ladies.

It's like an animal hunting.

....hmm? So am I the prey?

Their purpose was obvious.

“Arell-nim, don’t stay private and how about a dance with me?”

Usually, the dance request is made by a man.

Maybe I'll stay still

In the end, it seems that the girls changed their strategy because they couldn't stand it and attacked first.

When the man appeared to be a sukmaek, did the young ladies change their strategy to approach as cautiously as possible and snatch it?

It's definitely hunting.

A hunt for my heart.

‘Hmm? You mean I'm the purpose?'

I laughed out of interest rather than displeasure.

Because that's what a social church is. I understand.

Somehow, among the nobles invited, I thought that many of them had daughters of the same age as me, so did they take this opportunity to appeal their daughters to me?

‘There are more than expected.'

Of course, when we met last time, rumors must have spread that I revealed that I had no intention of getting engaged yet.

It's just that I'm not going to get married right now, it's not that I don't intend to do it in the future.

So why don't you take action in advance aiming for that future?

‘It's obvious inside.'

However, if you are so blatant, you will inevitably end up laughing.

there's nothing you can't understand

This is also the true taste of social churches.

I'm not the type of guy who's so tight that I openly kick him if someone approaches me with an obvious ulterior motive.

Isn't it enough to enjoy it in moderation and not get caught?

In addition, my mother is also looking forward to me.

You said you understand the results of the last confrontation, but it's still a pity.

It seems that he wants to see his son connect with a true lady somehow.

Even though she doesn't say it in words, I can feel her mother's strong will in her gaze.


‘???? mom?'

‘Go ahead and dance.'


Don't you usually hate it when your son hangs out with women?

Somehow.... I'm a little sorry that I seem to have made you worry because I'm not interested in women.

‘...Let's try to reassure them a little and pretend to be together.'

I enjoy it too.

Certainly, my pride can't tolerate being misunderstood as Sukmaek.

I deliberately smiled softly and held the hand of the young lady who had asked me to dance first.

In a social church, this much is not even a point of flirting.

It is a banquet that has been opened.

Then shouldn't you enjoy it to the fullest?

Enjoy. That's life.

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