Chapter 149. Gorgeous housewarming (5) Of course, the first people to send invitations to this banquet are my father and mother.

Invitations were sent to other members of the royal family as a matter of etiquette, but no one responded that they would all attend.

The concubines have no reason to come.

The royal family was also absent for various reasons.

It seems that Jeil hyung-nim is busy running around trying to sort out the people who are still anxious about the undead gun.

Kania's older sister heard that she had left to challenge one of the sword masters of the Honey Kingdom to a duel.

When I contacted her, the adjutant who works for my sister's knights was nervous and accepted.

It seems that he really intends to defeat them and gain recognition.

Will Nuna be able to defeat them?

Well, that's up to the older sister.

And the other siblings are absent for their own reasons.

Therefore, the only people who come are father and mother.

Since the distance was a distance, I had already planned to use the teleportation magic circle rather than moving by carriage.

When the teleport magic circle was activated, a person who had just arrived from the other side of the magic circle appeared after a while.

The first to arrive was my mother and my nanny, Chena, who served as the maid of honor for my mother.

“....oh? Surely this is convenient. How can you arrive so quickly?”

My mother was admiring it, as if she had never used teleport magic before.

Normally, this type of magic circle doesn't have an average installation and maintenance cost, so it probably wasn't used much.

“mom! Thanks for coming.”

We greeted each other with a light hug.

“It's Arel's banquet, so of course you shouldn't come.”

Apparently, my mother was more than happy about the fact that I held the banquet myself.

As much as you secretly felt sorry for me when I was a baby, that I was not treated properly by other nobles as a member of the royal family, you must be genuinely happy to see me now.

That's why as soon as I contacted that I was holding a celebration banquet, my mother said she would come at once.

Chena, my nanny, is also thrilled, even shedding tears.

“I would never have thought that Arel-nim, who used to shout ‘I'm not going!' even when talking about a social church, would hold a banquet like this himself.”

....Is that thrilling enough to make you cry?

Sometimes I wonder if I was too lazy in the past, and at times like this, I feel a little strange.

“Your Majesty is also looking forward to what kind of banquet Arel will hold.”

“Ahahaha… I have to make sure that I live up to those expectations.”

My mother arrived first, but my father said he would come as soon as he finished his housework.

Even if it was a banquet held by my son, it would not be normal for the king to come to an event held in a region like this.

It may be proof that the expectations placed on me this time are high.

When the night of the banquet began, the invited guests, who had been resting to attend, headed to the place where the banquet was held, guided by servants.

At first, the invitees, who had high expectations of what kind of banquet was to be held, had to swallow embarrassed moans as soon as they arrived at the banquet hall.

“Hey, what do you mean here?”

As if hoping they would answer no, I ask the servant who guided me, but they politely reply, “This is correct.”

“Ah... no, but isn't this just a plaza?”

As he pointed out, it was a banquet hall, and the place he was guided to was none other than a plaza located right in the center of the city.

At first I thought it was a joke.

Soon after seeing the tables arranged in the plaza and the food and wine placed on them, I understood that it was real.

Of course, there is the concept of an outdoor banquet.

However, it is possible only when there is a landscape that pleases the eyes of the participants, such as a garden or flower field.

The exterior of this city is also beautiful, so there's nothing that can't be met.

But now it's night.

City nights are dark and eerie.

Isn't that even a square?

What are you doing in a dark place like this?

Right now, this banquet is a banquet where high-ranking nobles in the kingdom, as well as the king, will soon appear.

Wouldn't it be against the etiquette to do it outdoors?

‘As expected... did you make such a mistake because you had no experience in a social church?'

Most of the participants thought it was Arel's mistake.

However, if he hesitates to protest, he will have no choice but to hate Arel.

At a time like this, it seemed right to just endure and hang out.

And you can take the method of personally contacting me later and discreetly letting me know.

It's good. If that's the case, you can naturally create a connection point with Arell later.

When everyone thought so and was about to give up their expectations for the banquet.

“It seems like everyone is disappointed, right?”

Arel's voice was heard from somewhere.

Everyone looked around to see if he had appeared, but they couldn't find Arel's face.

It seems that only the voice is heard using some kind of magic tool.

“It is still too early to be disappointed.”

A slightly excited voice, like a child about to play a prank.

Right after that, as if sending a signal, ‘Taak!'

I heard a ringing sound.

“This... is this?!”

Participants burst into admiration at the same time.

Under the black sky above the plaza, where only the stars could be seen, a light shining more brilliantly than the stars appeared and illuminated the plaza.

In an instant, the dark plaza was transformed into a splendidly shining banquet hall.

“Could it be magic...?”

Magic was the only way I could think of to cause this nonsensical phenomenon.

That's not the only thing that surprised them.

The interiors of the buildings throughout the city and the lights installed on each street lit up all at once and began to illuminate the entire city.

It is incomparable to the lanterns that are often lit to illuminate the road at night.

I can't believe it's night when the whole city is shining brightly.

“Could it be that the plaza was intentionally converted into a banquet hall to show this…?”

Some were shocked, while others looked around at the colorfully changed sky and surroundings as if it were red.

Certainly, no one can easily imitate this.

It is a sight that can only be seen in this city.

“I am still far from surprised. What I'm going to show you is just the beginning. Then we will see you formally in a little while.”

After that, Arel's voice was no longer heard.

But no one complained.

They were beginning to anticipate what more Arel would show them.

Yes, as expected, you are disappointed with just the right feeling. I

smirked as I watched the stiff expressions of the participants who gathered in

the banquet hall... square with a farsighted magic tool .

why don't you know me

I know that a banquet like this should be held in the proper place.

But did you think I'd just go that route?

“Yeah, even more disappointed. It is good to continue to be disappointed.”

For some reason, the tension rises, and the joke leaks out without my knowledge.

The more disappointed they are, the more they expect a surprising reaction after a while.

The lower the expectations, the greater the impression.

Okay, now the atmosphere has cooled down just right.

I let them hear my voice using the magic tools installed in the plaza.

“It seems like everyone is disappointed, right?”

what kind of guy I reflexively tried to nod my head, but then paused.

“It is still too early to be disappointed.”

After I shouted confidently, I raised my finger ‘Tack!' It rang.

Immediately, a secretly deployed team of wizards simultaneously activated the prepared magic tools.

In an instant, the night sky is covered with a stage emitting colorful lights.

It is a magical tool deliberately prepared for this day.

The effect of magic tools overlays illusions over the city.

And the light emitted by the fantasy is used as lighting.

This can provide a softer and more beautiful light than any high-end chandelier.

In terms of science, it is similar to holographic imaging technology.

In fact, this magic tool was developed by reflecting some of that theory in magic, so it won't be much different.

All of this is the result of our mage's magic tool development skills improved after I researched them.

In addition, thanks to having a large amount of gold and silver, it was also possible to make more precise and powerful magic tools.

and another one.

All lights installed in the city, including the lights in the building, were activated.

It illuminates every corner of the city with enough light to wash away the perception that it is often dark at night.

No matter which city you go to, you won't find a place that's so bright at night.

‘Let's taste some of our technology with this.'

After all, the goal of this banquet is to be the pride of the city.

And it is the pride of our territory's technology.

Of course, there is more to show than this.

There are many other things to be proud of.

So, let's capture the hearts of our guests today.

It will make the first steps in the city soon to be open gorgeously.

....But the real purpose is to take their souls out and enjoy watching them.

“I am still far from surprised. What I'm going to show you is just the beginning. Then we will see you formally in a little while.”

I just said this and turned off the communication port.

I deliberately did not see their reaction after that.

Because I can already imagine what kind of face they will make.

Then, shall I prepare to go out soon?

The celebration banquet was going smoothly.

At first, the participants were hesitant about the fact that the banquet was held in the plaza, but thanks to the splendid night sky shown by the hologram magic tool and the soft music flowing somewhere, they forgot their complaints and began to enjoy the banquet.

delicious food and drinks.

The food was directly supervised by Arel to the point of stubbornness, so everyone admired it immediately.

“As expected... the food prepared by Mr. Arell is different.”

“oh? Is this recipe not going to be sold separately later?”

So, with just the food, the participants started talking, and thanks to all kinds of precious alcohol, the mood naturally relaxed as well.

When I actually enjoyed it, there was no feeling that it was a banquet held outside.

Even now, holograms covering the night sky are shining softly in the sky.

great music and drinks.

In addition.....

“The days are so warm that it's hard to believe it's winter.”

“It looks like Arell-nim has set the banquet date well.”

The weather was also cold and there was no wind at all.

Rather, she felt warm even though she was wearing a thin dress or formal attire.

Soon, they were talking and praising the banquet that Arel had opened.

After a while, Arel's mother, Lipana, appeared, and they began to praise Arel even more as if they had heard her.

It is obvious that there are no parents who hate praise for their children, so they are praising Arel on purpose to please her.

In reality, Lipana didn't seem to hate it when the participants praised Arel.

On the other hand, their gaze gradually wanders in search of the owner of the banquet.

When the hell is Allel coming out?

Everyone was fr𝒐m freew𝒆bnov𝒆l.c(o)m

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