Chapter 148. Gorgeous houses (4)

“I didn’t expect the city to be this complete.”

As soon as the wagon carrying them passed the gate, he had to believe his eyes.

The sight unfolding inside the gray city walls was a landscape with a beauty comparable to that of any other city.

I can't imagine that the pure architecture and arrangement of the buildings would give me such admiration.

Although he had been to countless beautiful tourist destinations or famous cities in other countries, he could not help but admire.

The only regret was that the city was not yet lively, but that was because the city was not open yet.

If it is opened in earnest, it will surely be full of energy soon.

Duke Gast, who was in awe of it, realized belatedly that the servant was waiting impatiently.

“Hmm, I lost my mind for a while. Yes, please guide me to a place where I can rest before the banquet.”

Moving according to the guidance of the servant, Duke Gast smacked his lips.

‘It's even more regretful to think that way.'

It is definitely a great city.

I admit it so honestly, but what is regrettable is what kind of region this place is.

It is such a region where there is crazy snowfall in winter and the ground barely melts even in summer.

No matter how excellent and beautiful the city is, will it have enough charm to overcome the harsh cold?

‘...but it's not that cold today.'

When he was young he had passed this neighborhood.

That's why I know very well how cold it feels to cut out flesh here.

“hmm? Was it this kind of weather?”

However, the weather here today was strangely warm.

Even though I was wearing it, I felt that it was somehow hot.

Did you wear it because you were wary of the cold?

I wonder if I'm the only one who has this kind of question, so I turn my head to the other nobles who are being guided in the same way.

Or, there were those who took off their thick coats because it was hot.

“ did this happen?”

Isn't the weather here warm for obviously winter?

Who would consider this weather to be the famous frozen land?

He was genuinely bewildered.

The servants were told in advance to report the reaction of the nobles who arrived, even if it was trivial.

There were many reasons, but more than anything else, it was because I was very curious about the first reaction of the nobles who entered my city.

“Whoop whoop. Did you say it was hot?”

Suspicious laughter comes out of nowhere.

I was satisfied with the admiration for the city's appearance, but more than anything else, I was pleased with the news that the thickly clad aristocrats were sweating and taking off their best clothes as soon as they entered the city.

Some say, “Is the weather nice today?”

I didn't think it was a big deal, but the sensible guys already noticed something and said they were looking surprised.

“okay. It will be hot, it will be very hot. It will be hotter.”

Those who realize the incongruity of the weather here will increase one by one.

And when you realize the truth, what kind of face will you make?

“I’m really looking forward to it.”

“Arell? No matter how kind you look, such an ungrateful smile is not good.”

while I let out a mean laugh.

Asha came to visit me just in time to report on the preparations for the banquet.

“Ah, are you ready?”

“I don’t think there will be any problems.”

Finally, I checked to see if there were any problems and nodded.

Asha said, “Whew….With a sigh of relief, she finished the report on the banquet preparations to me.

We prepared all the little things, such as the place and the food.

Especially for food, I even handed down some recipes myself.

city architecture celebration banquet.

There are no gaps.

“Yeah, no problem. great job.”

I know that while Asha commanded her servants, she tried in many ways, including seeking opinions from other nobles she had lost contact with to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything.

“no. It's my job to be loyal to Arel.”

When I praised her hard work, Asha smiled lightly and said so.

“By the way…

” “Hmm? why?”

“No, rather than a problem. Are you really going to hold the banquet there…?”

She, who had never questioned my opinion until now, asks this one question a little uneasy.

“Why do you think it would be perfect for a banquet hall promoting urban architecture? It also fits perfectly as the meaning of introducing this city.”

Of course, everyone will be confused at first.

However, they will soon realize the big picture I have drawn and will be surprised with their mouths open.

I wanted to see it, so I made a suggestion to Asha about the venue for the banquet.

Of course, she understood that the proposal was reasonable enough, so she obediently complied with it, but it seemed that at least one anxiety remained.

“are you okay. Nothing I've ever done has been wrong.”

I'm right. So no problem.

That's enough.

Asha also nodded her head in agreement, as if she had no intention of objecting to my opinion.

“Then the big preparations must be over. Asha, why don’t you get some rest too?”

“No, I cannot rest.”

“But if you want to participate in the banquet, you might as well take a break, right? There are things to be prepared for.”

“yes? .... Arell? What are you talking about?”

Asha responded that she had no idea.

Oh, come to think of it, haven't I told him yet?

I was also out of my mind for a while.

“I told Dia and Seina beforehand. I haven't told you yet.”

“???? yes?”

“Asha, I will have you attend the banquet too.

Of course, not just you, but Seina and Dia as well.”

It's been a long time since I've been in the middle of a long time, but it's not fair that she and other aides don't participate.

So I thought of getting everyone involved, including her.

Wouldn't it be much more natural to participate together than to watch from a distance, even in the sense of escorting them?

“Oh Arell?! It's too sudden!

Even if you suddenly ask me to participate… I didn’t prepare anything?”

Asha said embarrassed.

Well, it would be embarrassing if I suddenly ordered them to attend.

Well, like clothes, you won't be able to prepare right away.

but i am someone

“don't worry? Aren’t I that ignorant?”


“I took care of everything.”

I knew it would happen and I prepared it in my line in advance!

You can look forward to it later.

“ruler! The rest please!”

As I beckoned, the servants approached me with skilful movements, “Yes.” He answered at the same time, grabbing Asha and escorting her away.

Our house servants are trained.

Only a careless knight can be taken in at once.

As such, Asha was dragged out by their hands with a blank face.

Whoop whoop. yes, looking forward to it

I put my arms on the desk and smiled.

Good job Asha. Now, I'll take care of this.

I leave the troublesome things to her, and I direct the important things.

this is my way

This is the spooning method.

Now it's time to instruct the preparation of the banquet in my own way.

“Dia are you ready?”

Dia's voice came out as I asked while operating the small communication tool.

“...We prepared perfectly so as not to disappoint Arell-nim's expectations.”

Now she's busy somewhere in the city, preparing some gadgets as I instructed.


I smiled contentedly.

From now on, let's go to my liking.

Eventually, everything was ready and about two hours before the banquet started.

It is said that most of the guests, including the invited local lord, have arrived in Fahilia.

In addition, the names of various figures, such as the heads of each business association and famous people who are known to some extent, are written on the reported list.

“Everyone who is coming has come.”

As a result, none of those who received the invitation had yet arrived except the royal family.

Money is scary.

Compared to when I was still a toddler, my perception of myself is completely different.

An existence that can be ignored in the past.

If there is any possibility of offending even a little bit, he should be removed on the spot.

But now, if you ignore me, you will be swept away by the storm of money flowing out of your wallet and you will not be safe.

look When I told you to come, why don't you ride the wagon trembling all the way to this distant country?

This is why people have to earn money.

Such a reality is both fun and funny.

I never thought people's perceptions would completely change with just a few pennies on a piece of iron like this.

“It’s insignificant.”

“...Ah Arell-sama? Do you have any discomfort somewhere?”

I suddenly gave a subtle smile, and the servant who was changing my clothes paused and examined my complexion.

I was still, and I suddenly smirked, so it was more like a misunderstanding than something uncomfortable.

“don't mind. I was just thinking about something else for a second.”

I reassured the maid and told her to continue.

With two hours left for the banquet, I had to prepare in earnest.

Because of that, I am surrounded by servants, trying on this and that, and I am having a hard time deciding which clothes are suitable for the hangers.

‘...Can't I just wear it roughly?'

The desire to ask is like a chimney.

The maids are so serious that I can't bear to say it.

Since I'm the host of this banquet, of course I can't dress uglier than others, so I'm holding back for now.

Hmm... To be honest, I think I'm better than the other guys even if I just go out naked.

Because I'm good looking!

Of course, if I brought these thoughts out in words, everyone would freak out and try to stop me, so I just thought about it.

After another hour of wandering around in front of the servants going back and forth to decide on my clothes, I realized that I had finally changed my clothes.

Then, as if showing off, he brought a mirror the size of me and put it in front of me.

“How is it?”

When I carefully asked for my opinion, I checked myself in the mirror for a moment and nodded.

After all, the completion of fashion is hangers.

There is nothing that doesn't suit me when I wear it.

I'm cool today too.

“Good job.”

I nodded as if I liked it, and the servants bowed their heads and retreated.

Finally left alone again, I sat down on the sofa as it was.

Even if I want to lie down and roll around, I can't help it because the clothes I wear at most get wrinkled.

“Whew... It's a banquet, so it's impossible to do it twice...

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... A moan like an undead bursts out.

Also, it doesn't suit me.

If it wasn't for the purpose of completing my paradise, I wouldn't have been able to stand it.

As I was thinking about what to do with the rest of my time, the maid who had withdrawn from outside suddenly knocked on the door.

“what's the matter?”

“There has been a request to activate the teleport magic circle from the capital.”

“Um, are you ready to come already?”

Now it seems it is the turn of one of the most important guests to arrive.

The source of this is fre𝒆w(e)bn(o)vel

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