"So what? Why are you concerned about it? Your family has framed me and forced me to marry your sister. What else do you want from me?" Nico asked coldly.

It was unusual for him to speak to Raka this way. But Nico couldn't trust him now.


He did not expect Raka to trap him like this.

"You doubt me?" Raka asked after listening to Nico's words.

"Should I not doubt you?" Nico sneered. "It so happened that there was no signal in the room and there was also some sort of strange smell inside. We were waiting for help, but you came along with some reporters instead. Raka, are you really my friend?"

"It wasn't me who brought the journalist," Raka replied.

"Swear it."

"Why did you bring Raisa to the hotel? Someone saw you renting a hotel room. And CCTV also caught you entering the room together with my sister. I should be the one mad at you. Raisa's reputation has been damaged for getting caught entering the same hotel room with you, but you don't intend to take responsibility. Then what can she do?" Raka said angrily.

"What do you want from me? Marry her?" Nico said defiantly.

"Nico, don't be a jerk. I will never let Raisa marry you. Instead of you getting mad at me like this, we better find a solution," Raka replied calmly.

Hearing that Raka had no intention of asking him to marry Raisa, Nico calmed down a little. "How is Raisa doing now?"

"The medicine is still working, but she has been sedated. She still hasn't woken up until now. Nico, give me an explanation why you brought Raisa to the hotel," Raka demanded.

"Raisa called me, said that she saw Nadine at the hotel. The Srijaya family wants Nadine to be Jonathan's wife. Apparently, Toni Srijaya set them up. I went to the hotel to find Nadine, but the receptionist wouldn't let me go up. Raisa tried to solve it by renting a room, so we could go upstairs to find Nadine. But we ended up having an argument with a middle-aged woman and returned to the room Raisa had rented to escape from her. When we wanted to get out, the door was locked from the outside," Nico explained the incident patiently.

Raka frowned deeply. If the Srijaya Family wanted to frame Nadine, why did Nico and Raisa had to be involved?

"What about Nadine? Did you find her?" Raka asked.

"We found Nadine in the next room. Fortunately, Jonathan Srijaya is a good man. But I am one hundred percent sure that Toni Srijaya did it. They dared to do this to Nadine. Our family won't just let it go. Today, I want to thank Raisa for telling me. I will take responsibility if anything happens to her," Nico knew that Raisa would not want to marry him.

Even if he was willing to take responsibility, there was no point if Raisa refused. She would probably cry in two or three days and her family would have no other choice but to yield to her.

What should Nico be afraid of? He didn't do anything!

"Nico, you have disappointed me. I know you are worried for your sister. But Raisa is my sister. You're afraid Nadine is getting framed. But have you ever thought what it means when you go up to the hotel room together with Raisa? If you say you are looking for Nadine, will anyone believe you?" Raka then hung up the phone.

After being scolded by Raka like that, Nico felt enlightened.

It was true he was stupid. He and Raka were close friends so he considered Raisa to be his own sister.

But in the eyes of an outsider, they were just a pair of youngsters who rented a hotel room to do something indecent.

He complained and worried that others would misunderstand him. But he didn't think deeper about it and ended up making Raisa's reputation ruined.

If this problem couldn't be resolved, should he marry Raisa?

Nico was still thinking about the matter intently when Tara suddenly called him. "Nico, are you cheating on me?"

He immediately panicked at Tara's question.

"This is just a misunderstanding!" Nico refuted.

"I've seen the news on the internet. You opened a hotel room together with Raisa, went inside with her and caught together. It was only 34 minutes before they caught you. Nico, does your stamina only last that short? 34 minutes and you're done, are you sick?" Tara asked.

Nico could only massage his forehead. He felt hurt.

Tara was his fiancée. He and Raisa were caught opening a hotel room and the news got spread like a wild fire on the internet. As a fiancée, wasn't it natural if Tara scolded him for having an affair?

But that's not what Tara thought. She thought about Nico's physical condition instead. Were all doctors like this?

"Tara, are you sure you want to ask that question at times like this?" Nico asked helplessly.

"You are still young. You can still recover," Tara said seriously.

"Where are you? I'll see you," Nico felt so angry. He had to clear this up with her.

"I'm home. When you come, bring me some food, "Tara said casually.

"Do you have beer at your house?"

"Of course. Are you really going to bring me food?" Tara asked excitedly.

"If you want to eat, I'll buy it for you," Nico ended the call and immediately called his friend who owned a restaurant and ordered a lot of food for Tara.

"My fiancee wants to eat barbecue. Wrap me some. I'll take it later."

"I don't have a barbecue restaurant. This is a teppanyaki restaurant," his friend replied irritably.

"What's the difference? Then make me Japanese style barbecue. Make sure to make me a lot."

"Nico, how come you can still eat this much? You have a fiancée, but you took Raisa to the hotel. You are in very big trouble right now!"

"Raisa is like my own sister. How could I do that to her? Don't worry, Raka can solve everything. Now hurry up and take care of my order. I rely on your cooking to win my fiancée's heart!" Nico knew Tara very well.

To get to her heart, he had to ensure her stomach wouldn't rumble!

Around eleven in the evening, Nico arrived at Tara's house with a variety of foods.

Tara had her own house near her clinic. While on her day off, she would return to her grandfather's house.

"Wow! So many!" Tara's eyes lit up when she saw the food that Nico bought for her. She immediately welcomed the guy with a warm smile.

Nico took a beer can and sat down at the dining table and saw Tara calling Anya.

"Anya, I was just about to eat," Tara said from the video call.

Anya had just finished taking a shower and was about to get ready for bed. When she saw Tara calling her, she immediately picked up.

"Don't eat too much at night. You will have a stomachache later," Anya said half jokingly. She felt a little relieved seeing Tara's reaction.

If Tara could still eat a lot, it meant that the news on the internet didn't really affect her.

But then Tara said sadly. "Nico cheated on me and made me in a very bad mood. Only food can make me happy!"

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