"Nico cheated on me, making my mood really bad. Only food can make me happy now."

When she heard Tara's words, Anya immediately laughed. "You really believe that news? Don't pretend you don't know Raisa. How could she like Nico and how could he want a woman like her? You just need to eat your food."


"My smartest aunt!" Nico shouted from afar.

"Is Nico there? You purposely show me food in the middle of the night like this and want to show off your affectionate moments?" Anya said jokingly.

Nico immediately got up and sat beside Tara. Then he kissed her on the cheek in front of the camera. "Auntie, the only woman I love is my fiancée. You have to believe me!"

"Of course I believe in you. But people out there may not share the same opinion. Today is your fault. Tara's name has been dragged along and Raisa's reputation has also been destroyed because of you," Anya said, scolding Nico.

Nico scratched his head embarrassedly. "I didn't expect things to turn out like this. At that time, I was really worried about Nadine and my brain wasn't working properly…"

"Tara, is that good?" Anya asked with a smile.

"The meat is so soft. Do you want some?" Tara purposely took one of the chops and showed it to the camera.

"Do you know that all this food is very expensive? Would you like to pay in cash or transfer?" Nico asked.

Tara spattered the beer in her mouth at Nico's face. "Aren't you buying me these?"

Nico could only stay where he was while Tara held the smile on her face. Then she gave a tissue to Nico to wipe his face.

"Where's the bathroom? I'll wash my face," Nico immediately got up.

"Over there..." Tara pointed towards the bathroom and Nico immediately headed there.

Anya looked at them with a smile. Had she not separated from Aiden two years ago, Tara and Nico might've been married.

And today's event would never happen.

"Tara, only you can help Nico," Anya said calmly.

"I can only help him finish all this food. There is nothing else I can do. He must solve the problem himself. If he can't finish it then I'll leave him," Tara said before drinking her beer.

"Are you really going to give up on him? It's not easy to find a guy who's willing to deliver food to you in the middle of the night, you know. Two years of being engaged and he didn't even touch you without your permission. Are you sure you will hand Nico over to someone else?" Anya immediately exposed Tara's lie.

Tara laughed as she continued drinking her beer. "What else can I do? Tell everyone that Nico's stamina is incredible and he can't possibly finish making love in just 34 minutes?"

"If you trust him, you also have to help him prove his innocence. He caused this all, but you are also dragged into the mud and got humiliated," said Anya.

Tara chuckled, laughing at herself. "Of course I feel very embarrassed. Many people called me today. Some said that Nico doesn't respect me. They want me to feel that I have really been dumped."

"Tell them that Nico loves you very much and wants to marry you. Let me tell you a secret. Nico intends to wait for Aiden to come home and propose to you. Everything had been planned well, but now this unfortunate event suddenly happened. Nico is really sincere to you. I hope you two won't separate just because of what happened today. Don't leave him for ridiculous reasons like me," Anya felt a little sad. If only Aiden chose to discuss everything with her two years ago, maybe they would never have parted ways.

Anya really hoped Tara and Nico could end up together. They were happy in each other's presence and faced their problems together, unlike her and Aiden two years ago.

"I understand," Tara said with a smile.

Nico walked over to Tara with a pink bath towel around his waist. When she saw this, Anya tried to suppress her smile and said goodbye. "Tara, I'm sleepy. I'll sleep first, ok. Have fun."

Tara didn't understand what Anya meant. But as soon as she turned around, she found out why Anya had said she was going to 'have fun'.

"Nico, is there something wrong with your brain? Why do you take a bath at my house and use my towel?" Tara shouted.

"I don't mind using your old towel," Nico said.

"But I don't like it. Give the towel back to me!" Tara immediately rose to her feet and took the towel, not knowing that Nico was not wearing anything under it.

Nico didn't even hide it. He let Tara take the towel. And less than a second later, Tara's scream was heard.

Nico just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Don't blame me. You took the towel yourself."

"Why didn't you say that you weren't wearing anything underneath!" Tara said angrily.

"When you shower, do you wear clothes?" Nico stood in front of her.

Tara felt her face hot and her heart beating fast. Her breathing became unstable.

She didn't dare look at Nico and give her the towel back. "Quickly put it back on!"

"I can't wear dirty clothes after showering," Nico took the towel and put it on his waist.

"So?" Tara didn't understand what he wanted.

"You wash and dry my clothes," Nico said lightly.

Tara put her hand on her waist and glared at Nico. "We're not even married yet. Why do I have to wash your clothes?"

"You spurted that beer in my face and made my clothes dirty. You have to take responsibility and wash it," Nico walked over to the living room sofa, sat down and turned on the TV.

Tara could only look at him irritably. If she didn't wash Nico's clothes, the guy wouldn't come home from her house.

"Nico, I'm dizzy and can't wash your clothes. How about you call your house to deliver some change clothes?" Tara said.

She didn't lie, she was really feeling dizzy.

She only drank two cans of beer, but she was already feeling a little drunk.

"Tara are you drunk or are you sick? If I call my people to send clothes in the middle of the night like this, what would they say? I shower in your house and dress like this in the middle of the night, you know what's the first thing they'll think of when they see me like this!" Nico said, flicking Tara's forehead.

"Anyway, I don't want to wash your clothes. I'm sleepy," Tara patted her face and turned toward the bathroom.

After she finished taking a shower, she found that the towel was missing. Then, she shouted out loud. "Where's my towel? Why did my towel disappear?"

Nico walked to the front of the bathroom door and knocked on the door. "Here's your towel."

Tara opened the door and accepted the towel Nico handed her.

As soon as she got out of the bathroom, she saw Nico completely naked, leaning beside the bathroom's door while looking at her. 

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