Hidden Marriage With My Imperfect CEO

Chapter 580 - No Need For Permission

"Auntie, this is Nico. Something happened to Nadine. Someone deliberately lured Nadine to a hotel and arranged for her to meet Jonathan while he's under the influence of drugs… "

Tears immediately escaped her eyes when she heard the news. How did all this happen?


"How is Nadine doing now?" Anya asked in a choked voice.

"Nadine is still checked now. If Jonathan really did it... "

"Miss Nadine just fainted. Nothing happened to her. She will wake up soon." Suddenly, a doctor came over to Nico and reported the results of his examination.

"What did you say?" Nico was momentarily stunned.

Anya could hear the doctor's words from across the phone, but her tears were streaming down even more. She cried because she was relieved that nothing had happened to Nadine.

She thought someone was deliberately tricking the two of them so that Nadine and Jonathan get married. But fortunately, none of this happened.

It had been two years that Anya knew Jonathan. In her opinion, Jonathan was a kind man and always treated everyone with courtesy. She didn't believe someone like him could do such a thing to others.

"Auntie, don't worry. Doctor said Nadine is fine," Nico reported quickly.

"I heard it. Take good care of her. She must be very scared," said Anya.

"Good. I'll call Harris," Nico hung up and immediately called Harris.

Knowing that Nadine was fine, Harris felt guilty as he looked at Jonathan. He was so angry earlier that he beat Jonathan up.

But it turned out that Jonathan hadn't done anything to her and Nadine was fine.

Harris immediately rushed Jonathan to the hospital.

As soon as he woke up in the hospital, Jonathan felt pain all over his body. Even the incision on his wrist was nothing compared to how his limbs felt like now.

"Don't move too much. You have had many bruises and also broken ribs. Rest for a few days." The doctor said, holding Jonathan's shoulder as he wanted to get up.

"How could I..." When he wanted to ask the doctor, Jonathan realized that they were not alone  in the room, there were Nico and Harris. Seeing the two of them, Jonathan immediately understood what was happening.

After the doctor left, Jonathan looked at the two men standing near the door. "You two are here, guarding this room so that not a single person visits me. What are you guys hiding? Who hit me?"

"Don't blame us. When we saw you, you suddenly apologized. We thought you had…" Nico walked over to the edge of the bed and peeled an apple for Jonathan. "After eating this apple, how about we make up?"

"I knocked Nadine out so that I won't hurt her. And to keep myself conscious, I slit my wrists, making myself bleed. But you beat me, breaking my ribs. Now you want to make up with just an apple?" Jonathan felt pain all over his body and was too lazy to accept the apple Nico gave him.

Nico gave the apple to Jonathan sincerely. "We're really sorry."

"Mr. Jonathan, I'm sorry too. We were carried away by our emotions before finding out what happened clearly," Harris immediately bowed in front of Jonathan's bed.

"Nico hit me because Nadine is his sister. Then why did you hit me?" Jonathan stared at Harris. "Aiden said that Nadine likes someone. Is that you?"

"Nadine likes Harris? How could I not know something this big?" Nico immediately looked at Harris with a judgemental look.

"I... I don't know... I also just found out that Miss Nadine likes me," Harris could not hide his nervousness.

"There's no point in being happy. I don't agree with your relationship," Nico said, as if he wanted to throw cold water and put down the flames of happiness inside Harris' heart.

However, it looked like the flames were waterproof.

"I don't need your permission, Mr. Nico," Harris replied.

Nico immediately stood up and pointed at Jonathan. "Harris, I ask you to take your words back. Otherwise I'm going to get Nadine to marry Jonathan tomorrow!"

"A real man will not snatch someone else's lover," said Jonathan.

"Mr. Jonathan, I apologize once again. I'll go see how Miss Nadine is right now. I will visit you again tomorrow," Harris looked at Nico coldly, as if he were looking at his master's stupid son.

If Harris wanted to be with Nadine, he didn't need Nico's permission. All he needed was Aiden's approval.

Being ignored and left behind just like that made Nico feel embarrassed and annoyed.

"I hate your father, but I thank you. We are guilty of hurting you, even though you have protected my sister. You also know my aunt. Next time, if you need something, you can use my name," Nico said, patting his chest.

Jonathan smiled. The news about Nico out there was certainly not that great, but after getting acquainted and talking to him in person, Jonathan thought that Nico wasn't a bad guy.

"Okay then, I accept your apology. I will definitely find out what really happened at the hotel and tell you," said Jonathan.

"There's no need to investigate. Just tell your father to prepare his grave," Nico sneered.


"If he dared to find trouble with the Atmajaya Family, he should know the consequences. You just rest, I will take care of it myself." After that, Nico left the hospital.

Just as he was just leaving the lobby, a group of reporters immediately surrounded him. Luckily, Harris brought some of Aiden's bodyguards so they could help Nico escape.

The guards immediately escorted Nico to the parking lot.

"Nico, we heard that you and Raisa opened a hotel room and Raka caught you two in bed together. What exactly happened between the two of you?"

"Since when did you and Raisa have a relationship?"

"Are you planning to get married?"

"Two years ago, you canceled your engagement to Lisa and got engaged to Tara. But now you are with Raisa. Have you ended your engagement to Tara?"

Nico wanted to snap back at the reporters and say that they were just being framed.

He wanted to tell them that the hotel they were in should be closed or just destroyed at once!

Tonight, he and Raisa were trapped in a hotel room. Maybe it was the Mahendra Family's doing.

To his disappointment, Raka knew everything. And cunningly, he came to frame them.

Nadine and Jonathan were also trapped in the same hotel. It must be Toni who did all this.

Toni wanted to choose a wife for Jonathan. When looking for women all over the city, he thought Nadine was the best match for his son since she came from the Atmajaya Family. Not only did she have a great family background, Nadine also had a gentle and kind demeanor. She was the most suitable to be the daughter-in-law of the Srijaya Family.

But Jonathan already had a kid and it was unlikely that a single woman like Nadine would want to marry him. That was why they justified any means to get Nadine.

Apart from the Srijaya Family, the Mahendra Family was just as embarrassing. Nico couldn't understand why Raka did all this to him…

Nico just got back to his car when Raka called him, "Nico, have you seen the news on the internet?"

"So what? What does it have to do with you whether I see them or not? Your family has framed me and forced me to marry your sister. What else do you want from me?" Nico asked coldly.

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