Seeing the attitude of his uncle and aunt, Nico knew he had nothing to worry about. Everything was under Aiden's control!

All that remained for them was waiting for Mona and Natali's end. The two could have their good time now, not knowing that they would soon be crushed.


After dinner, Anya, Aiden and Nico sat on the living room sofa eating fruit.

Nico ate while continuing to browse the news on the internet. "Auntie, are you not angry? Everyone's not only insulting you, they also question your abilities,"

"Aiden said that this will make me even more famous. After that, I will enter the perfume contest. With this, there's no need to try too hard to advertise me. Won't I even benefit from this incident?" Anya said with a smile.

"No matter how famous someone's creations are, they will be forgotten in the end. Even though this scandal is negative, it can still be used to popularize your name. Any publicity is good publicity, so your reputation will be cleaned again," Nico agreed.

"Now is the time to show the original recipe with your mother's signature," Aiden said calmly.

Anya took out her cellphone and sent three photos via Iris's official website. The first was Diana's original perfume recipe. The second was a perfume that had been issued by Amore. And the third was a comparison diagram of the two.

Like two peas from the same pod, the perfume recipes were exactly the same. Every ingredient used, every proportion and percentage… all were the exact same!

However, Diana's perfume formula was dated ten years ago and had Diana's signature so the paper looked very old. Meanwhile, the patent rights issued by Amore had a new date.

"From this photo alone, it is evident that the perfume recipe belongs to Diana!"

"Is it true that Mona sold the perfume recipe to Imel?

"So, Mona is just pretending? Shame on her!"

"Mona said that Anya was accusing her of clearing her name. But it turns out that it was really Imel who stole the recipe, or Mona sold it."

"I only know that the recipe is Diana's. Imel has no right to use it and Mona has no right to sell it."

Seeing that what she wanted had been achieved, Anya immediately spread the recording of the conversation between herself and Mona this afternoon.

"You know that it was my mother's last recipe and you know that it was Imel who destroyed my mother. How did you sell the recipe to Imel?"

"I want to see Diana hurt. I was very happy when I saw her suffer."

"What did my mother do to you? You took my father from my mother. If you're short on cash, why would you sell Imel that perfume recipe? You know Aiden can pay you more."

"Do I look like I am short of money? I am Mrs. Tedjasukmana. Your father's health is not good and the Tedjasukmana family will soon be mine! To be honest, I did sell Imel the recipe. I just want to destroy you and Diana."

"You are crazy. My mom is a famous parfumeur and her final perfume formula is priceless. But you chose to sell it to my mother's rival instead. How outrageous!" Anya said.

"The more you don't want the recipe to fall into Imel's hands, the more I want to give it to Imel…"

After the recording went viral on the internet, netizens went crazy.

"This is a very shocking story! Is this the final version?"

"I feel like there will be a great ending. Looks like someone will drag Mona out tonight and cut her head off!"

"How disgusting. Having taken someone's husband, now she makes us all confused."

"Didn't she say that Anya was the one who caused her to miscarry? That's why she hates Anya."

"I am the head of the hospital emergency room. Ten years ago, Diana came to take Anya, who was badly injured, to the ER. At that moment, her skin was all covered with new wounds and countless old scars. Considering that the child may have been mistreated, we secretly contacted the police and did a post mortem. After that, it was discovered that the child had been beaten by her biological father and stepmother since childhood. But Diana decided to forget about the matter and not sue both of them. The hospital and the police station would cooperate if Diana or Anya needed the post mortem records."

"Geez! Beaten for years! How cruel…"

"If they beat Anya after Mona's miscarriage, maybe it was because Mona was too angry and tried to vent her anger on her. But if it happened before, that meant they were cruel parents!"

After that, someone leaked Anya's medical records and post-mortem ten years ago. Reports when Mona miscarried were also listed.

The date showed that Anya was beaten before Mona had a miscarriage.

When Anya was beaten again the second time, the hospital called the police. It was at this time that Mona had a miscarriage and Anya was also badly injured.

The internet was on an uproar once again after the latest information got released. Their eyes shone on the new materials that would be their gossiping topic. You could say, Mona often beat Anya when she was pregnant.

At the same time, Anya released a recording of her and Deny's conversation on Iris's official website.

"Father, do you also blame me for what happened at that time? Mrs. Mona was pregnant, but she beat me up and locked me up in the attic. She didn't even feed me and let me starve. If I didn't fight back, I might have died in that place."

"Anya, did you really think that you would starve to death when I was still in the house? Even if you didn't trust Mona, you should trust me as your father. If you hadn't run away, Mona wouldn't fall and she wouldn't hate you like this. Over the years, you blamed me for not caring about you and your mother. I also lost my son. Who can feel the pain I feel? Every time I see you, I would always be reminded that you were the one who killed my son. What do you want from me again?"

"You know that Mrs. Mona accidentally fell by herself. But how come you still blame me?"

After the recording was circulated, Anya added an article.

'I've no intention of hurting anyone and never will. I was just a ten years old kid and I didn't have the ability to harm anyone. I just wanted to survive because I'm afraid of getting beaten and beaten every day.'

After that, the neighboring housewives near Anya's old house whispered to their left and right, gossiping and also commenting on this incident. They said that they often saw Mona beating Anya.

Someone from a real estate agency also shared that Anya had just sold the Tedjasukmana family house, which turned out to be Diana's. Diana's name was written on the land certificate.

No wonder Anya threw Deny, Mona and Natali out of the house.

All the truth had been revealed.

Deny himself said that Mona had a miscarriage because she fell.

Anya took the Tedjasukmana family's house because it turned out to be her mother's.

Natali was engaged to Raka, even though she recently broke up with Aiden. Everyone also knew that Natali had no feelings for Aiden, and that their engagement was only for the sake of the company.

Natali had a man she loved herself.

Aiden also loved Anya and finally they found their respective partners.

Then where did it go wrong?

However, the reality was that Mona had been treating Anya cruelly all this time. She indeed had also sold Diana's perfume recipe. Deny knew everything, but he didn't really care about his ex-wife and daughter.

Everyone could jump to conclusions.

The ones who were hurt the most were Anya and Diana. This mother and child had a very sad fate...

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