"Mother, did Anya come to visit you today?" Natali asked frantically.

However, Mona wasn't worried at all. Instead she calmly said, "She came here earlier. But I'm not as stupid as your father. I won't let her record me. She didn't carry a bag. She did not wear accessories on her hands or neck, had no buttons on her clothes and did not wear earrings. I also told her to turn off her cellphone in front of me to make sure that she didn't record me," Mona said. She felt like the smartest woman in the place.


Natali breathed a sigh of relief after hearing her mother's words. "Luckily, you are very smart. Dad was too stupid so their conversation was recorded. Now we can deny it because Anya doesn't have any proof,"

"Don't panic. You will be engaged to Raka. I won't let anything happen. Anya just wanted to drag me into this scandal so that her name would be clean again," Mona snorted sarcastically.

"Now everyone on the internet is blaming you and Anya has cleared her name again. We can't let it go on like this…" A sly glint appeared in Natali's eyes.

"Of course I won't just let her win," Mona sat on her seat. "Now record me and send it to the internet. I want Anya's name to be destroyed again,"

"Good," Natali took out her cell phone and started recording her mother.

"Good night all. I, Mona Tedjasukmana, want to clarify about the recent matter. I just got hurt by my stepdaughter and now she wants to accuse me of stealing her mother's perfume recipe. How could I do that? Besides, Diana was divorced from my husband more than ten years ago. How could my husband still keep his ex-wife's belongings?"

After saying that, Mona lowered her head, pretending to be sad. And after she raised her head again, her eyes were filled with tears.

Mona continued in a choked voice, "Today, I will tell you the truth. Anya forced my husband to say all of that. She forced her sick father to defend her and accuse me. I have to let everyone know Anya's true face,"

The recording was spread through Natali's social media.

"No! Is it true that Deny was forced by Anya?"

"Is it true that Anya can do something like that? I heard, she kicked Deny, Mona and Natali out of her house and sold the house!"

"This is really interesting! Who is copying who? Who's the real copycat? Anya or Imel?"

"Who does the formula actually belong to?"


The internet was shocked by this news, but Imel was still as calm as an immovable mountain. In this matter, it was Mona who was much more worried than her.

Plus, many perfume brands bought other people's perfume recipes. Amore was completely innocent of this.

In addition, there was no Diana's signature in the recipe she bought, so you could say that Imel did not know that the perfume was made by Diana. She could have said that she got the recipe from a parfumeur she didn't know.

Mona felt so happy when she saw the recording trending on the internet and some people began to question Anya.

"Mother, do we have to add more fire?" Natali felt this was the right chance to destroy Anya.

"Yes! Let's make one more recording," Mona said.

Natali was about to record her mother when Raka suddenly called.

"Natali, delete the recording now!" Raka roared loudly from the phone.

"Raka, I don't understand. What record do you mean?" Natali pretended to be stupid.

"We will get engaged soon. Why are you even doing something like this? You know the truth very well, but why are you helping your mother to make a recording that distorts the fact?! Your lies will be exposed one day. After that what do you want to do?" Raka coldly said.

"What my mother said is true. Anya did force my father to defend her so that her name would be cleared again," Natali replied in the same high tone.

"If you are still stubborn and something happens later, don't blame me," Raka ended the call angrily.

Natali looked at her cellphone and tears streamed down her face after hearing Raka scolding her. "Mother, Raka is angry with me. Let me delete the recording,"

"That's because Raka still has his hope for Anya. When Anya's reputation is ruined, he will know that you are the best for him," Mona was resolute to destroy Anya right now.

"Okay then," Natali listened to her mother's words and started recording another video.

"I'm sure there are still many people who didn't believe what I was saying. I want to tell them about my past. When I was five months pregnant, ten year old Anya pushed me from the stairs so I had a miscarriage. After that, I couldn't have any more children. Anya does look very innocent, but her heart is very cruel. She hates me as a stepmother, so much that she didn't care that I was carrying her sibling at that time. How could she do that to me?"

"Her being the most beautiful, smartest, hard working student on campus and caring for her family is just an illusion. Anya is a very cunning snake. Ten years ago, she killed my son and left me unable to bear another child forever. Ten years later, she snatched my daughter's fiancé and kicked us all out of the Tedjasukmana Family house. Even though I am old, she still injured me and made me have to stay in the hospital until now."

"Why is all this happening to me? She was the one who copied the perfume recipe and embarrassed herself, but she threw all the blame on me. Why? We were all kicked out of the house by her and we are willing to leave as long as Anya wants to get out of our lives. For the rest of my life, I don't want to have anything to do with that woman. Please don't be fooled by her innocent face."

Mona said it with heartache and tears. Everyone who saw the recording was immediately touched.

After seeing Mona's recording, Nico couldn't sit still anymore. He immediately went to Aiden's house to meet Anya. "Auntie, if your stepmother gets into entertainment, it seems like she doesn't need to take acting classes to play a bad role. She has a very natural ability,"

Once inside the house, Nico saw Aiden and Anya having dinner casually, without the slightest worry.

"How can you eat casually! Don't you know that the internet is on roar?" Nico asked in surprise.

"The more excited, the better," Anya said indifferently. 

"Mrs. Hana, please get plates and cutlery for Nico," Aiden said.

"Oh, Mr. Nico is here! Have you eaten yet?" Hana asked cheerfully.

"Mrs. Hana, I really missed your cooking so I came here with an empty stomach!" Nico laughed and pulled up one of the chairs to sit down.

Hana immediately brought a spoon, fork and plate to Nico. After that, Nico immediately ate the food in front of him.

Anya laughed seeing Nico and deliberately said, "Nico, did you come here because you were worried about me or because you wanted to eat?"

"Of course because I'm worried about you, auntie! We are family," Nico reacted quickly even though his mouth was still full of rice.

Seeing Nico's behavior, Anya laughed again. She didn't seem worried even though everyone was insulting her on the internet.

"Eat it. After this, there will be a very interesting show," Aiden continued to eat with grace and was in no rush.

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