When she saw comments on the internet, Anya felt her eyes get hot and her nose was itchy.

The ones who were hurt the most were Anya and Diana. This mother and child had a very sad fate...


"I'd been mistreated at that time and still, I have not felt any bitterness. But suddenly I felt sad when I heard everything from other people's mouths," Anya said with reddened eyes.

Nico coughed softly and tried to comfort her. "Auntie, it's okay to express your feelings. If you ever feel sad, I will always comfort you,"

"Alright, you're satisfied to see the show, aren't you? Now go!" Aiden felt Nico was interfering with his moment with Anya and immediately told him to leave.

He wanted to be alone with Anya. If Nico stayed here, how could he hug and comfort Anya…

"I don't want to go. I want to stay here," Nico stood up and decided to return to his house which was next to Aiden's. He didn't want to go back to the Atmajaya Family house for a while.

"Why don't you want to go home?" Anya turned her attention to Nico.

"Why can't women stop themselves when they hear gossip?" Nico just took a deep breath helplessly.

Aiden stared at Nico's face for a few minutes and then asked, "Why do you want to hide?"

"Why else? Of course I want to hide from Lisa," Nico grumbled irritably.

"What is going on? Does Lisa like you and chasing you now?" Anya knew that Nico and Lisa's relationship was only fake, but why would Nico even try to hide from Lisa now?

Nico was indeed handsome and had a good family background. Even though he was a little clumsy, Nico was still a good man. Was it possible that Lisa fell in love with him?

"This is so much worse! Lisa wants me to be the father of her child! I mean… it's okay if she wants to pretend she's engaged to me, but I don't want to be a fake father," Nico said. His head ached thinking about this problem.

"Is Lisa pregnant?" Anya looked at Aiden. "Aiden, this is going too far,"

"You ran away because you didn't want to be a father?" Aiden looked at Nico with a smile.

"Uncle, don't smile like that! Your smile is so creepy. Now I'm really dizzy. I don't know how to turn Lisa down. If my grandfather found out that my relationship with Lisa was fake, he would really kill me!" Nico said with a bitter face.

Aiden felt that this was his chance and he said coldly, "If you want to learn to be a father, I can arrange for you to study in kindergarten for a few months. If you are willing to be the father of Lisa's child, she will surely grant all of your requests,"

"Uncle, did you not hurt your conscience when you said that?" Nico looked at Aiden in disbelief.

Anya immediately understood Aiden's intention and tried to explain, "Nico, you are going to be a father. Your grandfather must be very happy when he gets a great-grandson. This is very good news! Wouldn't it be easier to solicit shares from your grandfather at times like these? You've helped Lisa a lot, so let Lisa do the talking for you now,"

"If you want profit, you have to pay for it. It's hard to get what you want without giving up anything," Aiden said.

"Uncle, you can say that," Nico scratched his head. "But you also have to think about what we have to do in the future. The engagement can be canceled. However, if I become a father, I have to be responsible for the rest of my life. Then what can I do to get out of this relationship?"

"DNA test? When the time is right, you can use DNA testing to cancel this engagement," Anya said.

"I don't want to! After I showed the DNA test, the whole town would laugh at me and think that Lisa had cheated on me. Where will I put my face when it happens?" Nico said angrily.

Anya looked at Aiden carefully and said, "Aiden, this matter is too much for Nico. What can we do?"

Aiden kept his eyes on Nico. "I want to remind you that Imel and Heru are working together. No one knows if your grandfather made a will. To avoid that, Lisa's pregnancy at times like this is perfect," Aiden said.

Anya bit her lip and felt that she couldn't do anything to help Nico. "Nico, try talking to Lisa. There may be a solution for both of you,"

"Lisa wants to be engaged to me. If Lisa's boyfriend found out that she was pregnant with his child, he would definitely try to thwart our engagement. But what if he doesn't come? I still had to get engaged to Lisa and then marry her. After the news of Lisa's pregnancy broke, I had to take responsibility for something I didn't do!" Nico felt he was really trapped. He didn't want to raise someone else's child.

"I'm going to make a deal with Lisa. If her boyfriend doesn't show up until the engagement day, the engagement party will be held as usual. After that, I'll have her come up with an excuse to cancel the engagement. She also can't tell anyone about her pregnancy," Aiden calmly said.

Nico's handsome face was wrinkled as he seemed to be in deep thought. If he got engaged just to pretend like the original plan, it wouldn't be a big problem for him. But now a child would be involved. This problem was just getting more and more complicated!

"Nico, try to discuss this matter with your mother. Maybe your mom can make a way out for you. Because you are the only one who can get the shares from your grandfather," Anya said, trying to provide a solution to Nico.

"Okay. I'll try to talk to mom," Nico said with a deep sigh. It seemed that he had no other choice…

After leaving Aiden's house, Nico headed straight for the Atmajaya Family house.

Before Nico arrived home, Aiden had called Maria first so that Maria had some idea of the problem.

The only risk Nico was afraid of right now was that Lisa would actually use Nico to cover up her pregnancy. She would likely marry Nico, together with the baby in her stomach.

When Nico said that the child was not his, he would feel very embarrassed.

Even if the news didn't spread, Nico still had to try to raise a child who wasn't his own to get shares from his grandfather.

Weren't these two options equally detrimental for him?

During a trip to the Atmajaya Family house, Nico tried to find a way and a solution to this problem. But after thinking about it, he decided to discuss it with his mother.

Aiden was really nice to Nico, but that didn't mean his uncle wouldn't use him. However, this matter was no small matter. How could he be the father of someone else's child?

He wouldn't want to be brainwashed by his uncle!

As soon as he arrived at the Atmajaya Family house, Nico immediately looked for his mother and asked one of the servants, "Where's my mother?"

"Here," Maria was waiting for him on the sofa in the living room.

Nico walked up to his mother grimly and told him about Lisa's pregnancy.

"Isn't Lisa resting and recuperating at home? How could she suddenly become pregnant?" Maria asked.

"Lisa's leg was almost healed, so I took her out on a date. I just want to avoid the people in her house. I just pretended to go out with her, but actually she went to meet her boyfriend. And in the end, she got pregnant like this..."

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