First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 415 Hecatoncheires

Chapter 415 Hecatoncheires

Abaddon and the girls had felt the presence of one of their children ever since they came to this world.

It wasn't exactly like they could miss it after all, since their children's auras act like beacons to give their parents exact coordinates to their location and even information on their well-being.

But since this was supposed to be a honeymoon as well as a business trip, they had elected to leave their children resting for just a bit longer so that they could enjoy each other's company more before their inevitable descent into the abyss.

But like moths to flame, Abaddon and the girls were drawn to their children after only fourteen days on earth, and now were about to pick them up and reunite them with the rest of their family.

Mount Etna is the highest volcano in Europe, as well as the most active one.

But if you believe the legends, this phenomena has less to do with geological phenomena and more to do with a story around a particular greek god.

Typhon is a monstrous abomination of pantheon destroying capability- described as being similar to his true father as he is in possession of numerous snake-like heads and is so large that his head brushes against the stars.

Apparently, Zeus was only barely able to best the beast, and sealed him beneath this very mountain.

But Typhon is a creature of such immense hatred and destruction that it hasn't stopped thrashing to break free of it's confines even after thousands of years.

The legend says that it's eternal struggle is actually what keeps the volcano active after all of this time.

But today, Abaddon and his wives were going to set their son free and hopefully silence this natural landmark for good.


The goddess snapped her fingers and a barrier encased the entirety of the volcano in an instant.

From the outside, all anyone would be able to see was the normal scenery of a volcano overlooking an island.

Once Audrina's barrier was up, Abaddon and his wives landed atop the smoldering crater of Mount Etna.

Peering down into the opening, the group found a sea of churning lava that bubbled about as if it were slowly reaching a boiling point.

As soon as Abaddon's eyes landed on the fiery lake beneath them, he knew that something was wrong.

His teeth automatically sharpened as he smiled in an unfriendly light.

"Now this is interesting... Someone knew we were coming."


Three giants suddenly arose out of the lava with no blisters or burn marks on their skin.

Without a doubt, they were the oddest thing that Abaddon or his wives had ever seen.

It was difficult to describe them, other than saying that they had 100 arms and fifty heads.

The dragon god was only vaguely familiar with their names, but he was so angry at the moment that he couldn't bring himself to focus on pronunciation.

The fact that there were guards stationed out here meant that it was likely that the gods knew that he would be coming here at some point.

And by extension, it meant that they had knowledge of what exactly his fragments were, and where they were.

This would not have been significant, save for the fact that Abaddon himself didn't even know that information.

The only way for him to tell where exactly one of his fragments was would be if he was on the same planet or realm as one of them.

If the gods knew already where his remaining three children were...?death for those who attempted to impede his path to them would be particularly cruel and swift.

Starting with these hecatoncheires.

Another indestructible spacial cube encased the entirety of the volcano, and Abaddon opened his mouth as wide as possible.

A dense, black and red energy was being gathered at the back of his throat that would blow these hundred handed ones, and half of the island, away.

'You abominations.. I'll burn you all to-'



Before Abaddon could cut the lives of the three giants short, all nine of his wives struck him on the back of the head or chest.

Immediately, the power gathering in his throat dissipated as he stared at his wives with somewhat of a wounded expression.

"What was that for??"

Seras: "Asherah told us to keep you from doing anything stupid again!"

Valerie: "Your fire was about to blow this entire volcano apart and I would have never been able to put it back together after that!"

Tatiana: "We're mad too, but you're the only one whose rage is great enough to blow apart this entire world in thirty seconds."

Valerie created a deep seated leather recliner chair out of thin air and all of the girls worked together to push their husband into it.

Lisa: "Just sit down and let us show you the proper way to do things."

Eris: "Quietly, and with finesse!"

"...I have finesse." Abaddon muttered as he turned his head to the side.

He didn't want to admit it but... the chair Valerie made was really comfortable.

His tail didn't even feel smushed.

It made it a lot harder to be upset about being sidelined when you were sitting so comfortably that you felt like you could fall asleep at any second.

"Sure, honey. Whatever you say." Lillian gave her husband a small consolatory kiss on the cheek.

Once she stood up, she grabbed the hands of the two girls closest to her and pulled them into the volcano.

"Yes! I finally get to use my training! Thank you, sister!" Tatiana said giddily.

"N-No problem!" (Lillian had grabbed her completely at random, but as long as she was happy she would not mention that fact.)

Looking at her other choice, she saw that she had grabbed Bekka coincidentally.

She seemed to be just the tiniest bit angry, as dark grey fur was already starting to spread across her body and her pretty features were becoming more animal-like.

"One each?"


"Got it!"


The bodies of the three women suddenly stopped in mid air and they each made a beeline for one of the hundred handed ones.

Lillian chose the one that was closest to the edge and also the largest among the three.

Her body started to change as she decided upon which animal aspects she wanted to integrate into her body.

Her slender and pale arms split apart into the spiked- grasping forelegs of a mantis.

From her back, the robust and powerful wings of a peregrine falcon sprouted out powerfully and gave her a much needed speed boost.

Vibrant orange scales the same color as her hair sprouted from all over her body, giving her the same level added protection as most of her family had against heat.

Her chosen enemy sensed her approach and let out a horrible roar as it reached out to grab her with the numerous hands that it was so famous for.

Smiling, Lillian made her body shorter, smaller, and more slender so that she could easily fly through the gaps in the hands.

Using the monstrous forearms she had created from her flesh, she reached out and cut the nearby wrists and fingers of the creature while smiling proudly.

The barbs on the ends of her appendages were designed to catch and grab onto things instead of slicing.

Which meant that she had to use her monstrous strength to tear and rip flesh as she came into contact with it- increasing the pain that the creature felt and the amount of blood spilled.

In addition, the barbs were covered in her own brand of special poison.

Like her first son, it was the amalgamation of numerous poisons from multiple different animals that stewed and stewed within her body on a constant basis, becoming more and more toxic the more time passed by.

In terms of lethality, her venom was only inferior to her husband's by about 1%, but at the rate that things were going, it would not be that way for long.

The creature let out a dull roar as the veins along a couple of it's hands became black and enflamed.

It started to feel like it's hands were on fire, and the pain was so bad that he wanted to tear his own limbs off to stop this agonizing torture from continuing even a second longer.

However, a bigger problem was quickly about to form.

Lillian had gotten close to one of it's heads in a relatively short time.

As soon as she reached it, she knew that she had a decision to make, but she would most certainly need a bath after this.

'His mouth smells terrible...and his nose doesn't look clean... that seems to be my last option..!'

Changed her arms into two metallic-like drills that rotated at a scarily high speed.

Holding her breath, she flew directly into one of the eyes of the creature, and all 49 remaining heads let out terrible roars of pain.


Tatiana had been wating for this moment for a very long time.

She was done letting Seras beat her up on a day to day basis!

Now she would get to do the beating, and there wasn't a single thing in this world that was strong enough to stop her!

This environment was not ideal for someone like her who had power over water, but after everything she had learned she was hardly fazed by something like that.

Her control over her element was so fine and so precise that she had a number of ways that sh could take down even a mythological creature of this renown.

As the creature reached out to knock her body from the air, her eyes briefly glowed with a blue light, and her mortal form ripped apart.

In her place she became a beautifully majestic eastern style dragon with transcendent aquamarine blue scales paired with deep red markings running across her body.

Letting out a proud and noble roar, she tackled the hundred handed one with her full body and sent them both tumbling into the lava around them.

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