Chapter 416 Purgatory

While Tatiana tackled her opponent and Lillian sought to systematically destroy it, Bekka decided to operate in an entirely different manner.

Likely because of her canine genetics, Bekka had a very strong maternal nature.

The fact that this abhorrent creature was not only trying to stand in her way, but stand in the way of her reunion with her precious child, made the sin that much more unforgivable.

Even though it had already been decided that she would not be the one carrying it, that hardly made a difference.

All of their children shared blood from all nine wives and Abaddon, meaning that it was just as much hers as everyone else's.

And there was no way she was going to allow a creature as monstrously brainless as the one in front of her now to stand in the way of her meeting with her child.

Bit by bit, Bekka started to transform.

Absorbing all of the power that she had gotten from Garmr, ( Affectionately named, 'Little G' by her daughter Thea) had given Bekka more power than she had ever held before.

And it also gave her something new that she hadn't told any of her family about yet.

But really, this was the perfect time to show off a bit, wasn't it?

Bekka had already been growing fur, but upon fully submitting to her rage it blossomed all across her body.

She grew to a height of around 45 meters, a little shorter than the current hundred handed one she was facing.

From her chest, a single red eye suddenly sprouted out of nowhere as if it was just lying beneath the surface all this time.

Like the one her husband had in his seven headed form, it was exceedingly unnerving and even her children would have difficulty looking directly into it.

She grew her usual monstrous muzzle filled with fangs sharp enough to cut diamonds like they were butter, and her remaining eye became a burning violet.

Her fur became darker and darker until it was only a shade lighter than obsidian, and it took on a sort of wispy- ghostlike texture reminiscent of yokai.

She let out a proud roar that would have killed any humans who heard it instantly, and a pair of dragon-like horns sprouted from her forehead.

Finally, a pair of bonelike appendages jutted from her back and formed the all imposing and leathery wings of a dragon.

As the hundred handed one reached out for her, she too reached for it.

Once they had a firm grasp on each other, Bekka used her new powerful wings to carry herself into the air with the creature in tow.

Once she felt like she was at a sufficient altitude, she expertly used her powerful body to toss the sixty meter giant into the air above her head.

When the creature was airborne, the eye within her chest changed to an ominous black color.

She opened her mouth and made an inhaling sound like that of a vacuum.

As the hundred handed one fell back down, it's enormous body started to fold in on itself like a piece of paper.

When it finally entered her mouth, it seemed like she had just swallowed a simple cube of meat.

Finally, Bekka closed her eyes and licked her muzzle thoughtfully, already done with her opponent in record timing.

'My love, can you come here for a moment?'

As soon as she heard Abaddon's voice within her head, she excitedly flew back towards the area where he and the rest of the girls were waiting.

Her body shrank to around the size of a large dog as she landed in front of them and sat on her hind legs.

"Yes?" she said, hiding her smirk in her animal form.

Without exception, all of her family members were staring at her like she was some sort of walking calamity.

Abaddon: "What.."

Lailah: "The..."

Lisa: "Fuck.."

Valerie: "Did.."

Seras: "You.."

Eris: "Do..?!"

Bekka turned her nose up into the sky into a proud gesture as she smiled. "Hmph, didn't I tell you? I have my own inner world too now!"


By now, Bekka's grin was so large that it was almost comical.

She knew that hiding her power until the last moment would pay off!

And judging by the look on her family's faces, it was more than worth it!

"Fufufufu~ It must have slipped my mind~!"


The tiangou fell onto her back laughing hard enough to drown out a subwoofer.

Once she could finally stand again, she wiped her eye of tears with her paw and finally decided to put an end to their scrutinizing gazes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'll show you, but keep in mind that my domain is a little different from our home, okay?"

Before any of them could ask what she meant, the eye on her chest glowed once again, and their minds were briefly transported inside.

To say that Bekka's world was different from Abaddon's was a gross and unholy understatement.

While Sheol was a prosperous and vibrant land filled with greenery and life, Bekka's was total opposite.

There was no life, no hope, only darkness and silence.

They could see the hundred handed one that she'd just eaten floating inside of that space; completely paralyzed yet trembling all the same.

Even from here, they could feel his agonizing misery that seemed to be as boundless as the space around him.

And yet, he seemed to be unable to die or take his own life.

This was purgatory in every sense of the word.

"I can't hold gods in here or anything like that right now, but the space is unlimited so I can hold just about everything else all at once! I think I can even eat the sun!" Bekka explained excitedly.

"Sister..." Lailah began. "The despair I feel from him is so... high. It is impossible for that creature to have only just gotten here."

"Oh, right! Time here in here is really funny, even I don't understand how it works yet. But by our count he's been in here for... I dunno, 1,200 years or so?"

When she finally pulled all of them out of her inner world, she could see all of their jaws becoming slack as they stared at her.

And she loved those looks almost as much as she enjoyed food and naps.

...And sex.

"So, what do you guys think? You wanna praise me again, dontcha? Go ahead, I don't mind!" She said smugly.

As a response, no one could say anything.

Before they knew it, Bekka had jumped from one of the weakest members of their family to one of the strongest.

And she still had not reached godhood yet.

But maybe that was soon to change?


After what felt like an eternity of drilling, Lillian finally reached the area of the body that she was stubbornly trying to get to.

An egregiously large heart that was more than a few meters tall and coursing with power.


She dispelled both of the drills on her hand and instead held up a single, clawed finger that was coursing with poison.


With a single poke, she pierced the large heart in an instant and deposited a few drops of venom inside before pulling away.

She waited, and waited, and when nothing happened she frowned cutely as if she was not covered in blood.

'That's strange, I really thought it would be-'


'Oh, it's working now.'


Tatiana was proving to those who may have had any doubts that even though she was the smallest out of all of her family, the amount of fight she had within her was up there with the best of them.

No matter how many times the hecatoncherie tried to overpower her, she broke it's grasp and repaid it back with a deep scratch or ripping out a chunk of it's flesh with her teeth.

A sea of power welled up within her as she summoned a turbulent storm above them that raged with a ferocity unseen for this world.

The heat from the lava below seemed to not affect it at all, and soon enough it was even being put out and turned into simple crust.

The more water fell on Tatiana, the bigger she got.

And the stronger she got as well.

Soon, what seemed like a simple 50/50 fight started to become more one sided.

Eventually, Tatiana was over 80 meters in height, and was capable of picking up the hundred handed giant with her own two hands easily.

Unsurprisingly, the creature struggled madly in her grasp like it could sense it's doom was nigh.

But when she was empowered by a storm like this, Tatianna required more power to put down than what this creature currently possessed.

Letting out a noble and defiant roar, Tatiana pulled the creature in opposite directions and ripped it completely in half.

At the same time that the light left it's numerous eyes, the other giant that was being dealt with by Lillian suddenly clutched it's 'chest' so to speak before it fell over roaring in pain.

A few seconds later and the creature was completely quiet, signaling it's demise as well.

Lillian drilled out of it's back to escape, and when she arrived back in the outside world, she was delighted to know that it was already raining- meaning she could wash away all of this blood quickly.

"Thanks, T! I was worried I was going to have to be gross for too long!"

"Huh? Oh, no problem!" As always, the youngest of the wives always seemed to be egregiously cute and friendly, despite her monstrous form and the two halves of a giant corpse in her grasp.

A few moments later, both girls flew back to where Abaddon and the rest of the wives were sat, and they had the same sparkling look in their eyes that Bekka had when she first showed up.


"How did we do?"

Smiling, Abaddon gestured for them both to join him in his lap and both girls happily complied.

Of course, Bekka was already there but she generously made room for them.

While the remainder of her family were celebrating the trio's success, Valerie flew down into the volcano where the child she would carry was sealed.

Once she landed on the new layer of black crust that was still steaming, she touched the earth with her hand while smiling softly.

'Mommy's here now, my boy. Let's get you out of there so you can have fun with us, yea?'

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