First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 414 A Petty Gift, But A Gift Nonetheless

Chapter 414 A Petty Gift, But A Gift Nonetheless

It was no surprise to those above that after witnessing Abaddon's sit down with Papa Legba, the heavens became abuzz.

Whispers and rambling of the minor gods had helped to confirm one very nauseating little fact.

The fear against Abaddon was dying down.

Minor gods who were being bullied by some of the more tyrannical rulers of their pantheons were now not so sure that the black dragon was the true enemy. 

After all... he was right. 

The gods were not created to be so frivolous with their powers. 

They were created to shepard, guide, and enrich the lives of mortals; whose lives amounted to but a fraction of their own. 

Because of this, the so-called 'evil' gods were aligning with the pantheon heads and Zeus in a bid to keep everyone focused on Abaddon's destruction. 

When the dragon god eventually came to collect their heads, they were going to be the first ones to go on the chopping block.

If everyone was still focused on his collective destruction, then the chances the endangered gods had to keep living would see a monumental upsurge. 

Zeus gritted his teeth as he stared at a particular pantheon's attendee section. 

With the exception of only a few individuals, the entire voodoo pantheon was skipping out on this particular meeting. 

"Legba! Do your cultists have no honor?! A single meal is enough for them all to forget the threat we face?!"

The loa made a clicking sound with his teeth as he wagged his finger in response. 

"The meal was inconsequential, thunder god. But what was shared was most eye opening. I see now that we have no real enemy among the dragon god if we do not make him one first. 

But the only reason I have come here today is to put a few of you on notice that some of my brethren... they would like to join him."

In an instant, several warrior-like men carrying swords and wearing ritualistic paint across their bodies. 

Among the factions of warriors and protectors in the seas of heaven, there was one that was particularly well known for their efficiency, ferocity, and especially cunning. 

So much so that even Ares and Odin had attempted to bring them under their banner numerous times, but failed all the same. 

The Ogou.

Zeus' signature blue lightning started to run across the length of his bodies he leaned over the stone railing. 

"Legba... Choose your next words very carefully...!"

"You should cherish the last moments of your life, Zeus. As soon as he learns what you have done with his family, your days are sure to be numbered. Although... perhaps he already knows?"



Zeus flung a colossal lightning bolt at the entire section of the colosseum and obliterated it from existence. 

However, when he found no bodies among the rubble, he knew that they had all escaped before his attack could even reach them. 

Zeus roared in irritation and threw out a number of curses from the sky like thunderbolts. 

As she watched the leader of her pantheon fall further and further into disarray, Persephone merely folded her arms and shook her head in her place beside her mother. 

'L-L-Lady Persephone..!' A voice suddenly said in her head. 

Immediately, the harvest goddess felt her mood get worse. 

'What do you want, Camazotz...?'

'M-Might we go back to Sheol and see the great one now?? Camazotz is-'

'Yes, yes, I know that you are eager to return to get your taste of his blood, but if we go there casually without something to report then it is very likely he will spill ours instead of his own.'

'C-Camazotz will ask him nicely..!'

'That did not work out very well for the enemies who begged for death at his feet. Tell me why it should serve you any better?'

Camazotz seemed to be thinking about something very hard from his seat within the mayan pantheon, and eventually his empty black eyes lit up as he settled upon an answer. 

'The great one seems to have a large appreciation for pets..! Perhaps if I were to fully submit myself he would treat me as the same!'

Persephone nearly let out a loud snort in her seat as she covered her mouth. 

Out of all of the animals that existed on the world's bright blue marble, she found beauty in all of them. 

However, she could not say that she could see Camazotz as a cute pet. 

'But then again, neither is that locust of his.' She thought with a shudder. 


In Sheol, Mira was on the rooftop garden playing with Entei and Bagheera when suddenly one of her pets lost some steam. 

"What's the matter, boy? You look depressed!"

*Pitiful whimpers*

"What do you mean a wave of self hatred suddenly came over you?"

In the end, the young ice dragon ended up having to feed her pet six times the amount of his usual dinner to make him feel better. 

It was a good thing that her parents weren't at home so that they could get away with this scott free.


Persephone thought about it for a moment and realized that she also wanted to go and visit Abaddon for a bit, even though she was undoubtedly scared for her neck. 

Glancing at the beautiful and earthly woman sitting beside her, she realized that this could be the perfect excuse she needed to visit and maybe get a bit closer to him in the process. 

'Alright, Camazotz. Meet me in the underworld in secret and we will go and see the dragon god together upon his return.'


The wings of the bat god fluttered excitedly as he realized he was finally going to get the chance to tase more of that heavenly divine dragon blood. 

Unfortunately, his excitement was noticed by another. 

One who had quite a penchant for seeking out trouble and playing both harmful and not so harmful trickery. 

And one who was hated by almost everyone here. 


Zeus had finally stopped raging and caught his breath only when his brother Poseidon placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"Be calm, Zeus! Let them turn to the dragon's side if they wish, he will likely kill them of his own volition when he gets a chance!"

"How can I be calm, you fool?! They'll tell him we have his family's souls! That we've put obstructions around those sick monstrosities on earth so he cannot reclaim their power! Or even that we have nearly completed the search for the weapons that can kill him!"

"Actually, the search is completed."

Suddenly, a figure appeared from out of nowhere, shimmering with a golden light. 

In his hands, the archangel Michael held a very old and very thick book that looked like it was even older than most assembled gods here. 

"This... contains information on the remnants of the first weapon. You aren't privy to hold onto this for long."

"I require only a moment." Zeus said with eyes that practically glittered. 

As Zeus reached for the book, Michael began to have certain reservations about this entire plan that took his mind at near light speed. 

Abaddon was a demon, that much was true. 

In fact he found him to be dangerously similar to his own twin brother, Lucifer. 

Those two facts alone should have cemented the dragon as an enemy. 

And yet... he could not just see him as that. 

Not fully anyway. 

Killing gods is reprehensible, but... the targets of his wrath would supposedly only be the ones who had done harm. 

Was that justifiable?

Should he stop trying to oppose the coming beast so fervently and instead stand aside?

Or even... aid him?

Ultimately, he lost the ability to decide for himself when Zeus' hands finally took the book away from him, and he began to flip through it with fervor. 

He found what he was looking for easily enough, and when he did, he smiled at his brother as held the book high into the sky. 

"Here, we have the secret to our salvation! Our enemy's influence need not grow any further, for we now hold the means required to put him down permanently!!"

Cheers erupted from a numerous amount of 'evil' gods, while everyone else merely clapped in a somewhat forced tone or just did not display any sort of reaction at all. 

As they celebrated their discovery, a god suddenly appeared among the greeks. 

Everyone had seen Ares battle against Abaddon and lose miserably. 

But even though they hadn't seen the ending, none of them really expected Ares to come back alive. 


With empty red eyes, the war god looked at the woman he had come to know very intimately over the millennia. 

Gorgeous, long blonde hair, pale skin, and dull pink eyes that seemed like they had been darkened by his own. 

Usually, the sight of Aphrodite filled the war god with burning need and passion. 

But while his needs were still burning in this moment, they were a bit different than before. 

Before Aphrodite knew what was happening, Ares materialized an axe out of thin air and buried it directly between her eyes without batting his own. 

Screams and words of confusion flew through the air as Ares watched Aphrodite drop to the ground lifelessly. 

A moment later, her golden soul left her body and floated up into the atmosphere but her former lover still was not satisfied. 

Turning around, he smiled evilly at the ten remaining olympians and created more weapons out of thin air. 

"I don't know why... but I feel as though separating your heads from your necks will fill me with the most glorious purpose!!"

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