First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 356 Abaddon &Amp; Tatiana

In a field of wild flowers in the wilderness of Sheol, two adults were lying down side by side and staring up into the sky.

The grass was unnaturally soft and captivating; making this almost as good as one's own bed.

Tatiana was delicately holding Abaddon's hand as they laid together, secretly wishing that her earlier boldness would return.

She wanted to be closer to him and do more intimate things, but she wasn't quite sure how to ask.

As she lamented over this dilemma, Abaddon suddenly grabbed her and pulled her on top of him.

With her body pressed against his and her head resting just in the crook of his neck, she was sure that he could feel her heart beating rapidly inside her chest.

"You… knew that I wanted you to do this, didn't you?" She asked suspiciously.

"What are you talking about? This is what I wanted." Abaddon lied.

Tatiana smiled helplessly as she tried to nestle her body closer to him, almost as if she was trying to integrate herself into his skin.

Suddenly, Abaddon looked down at the markings on Tatiana's legs and arm.

He brought his hand to her plump yet slender thigh and ran his palm across the markings, illiciting a shiver from her that he normally would have felt more than a little excited by.

But since this was a first date, he had to keep his intentions as pure and innocent as possible.

Today there was no demonic dragon of desire, he was the heavenly dragon of chastity!

"Are you fascinated with them?" Tatiana asked.

"I am… why haven't any of us ever seen them before?"

"That… well it's not really a happy story. Are you sure that you would like to hear it?"

"Of course I would. I want to know everything about you."

Tatiana looked like she was still a little uncomfortable with talking about such a vulnerable part of her past, but ultimately she would not shy away from this opportunity to get closer to him.


Before Abaddon came to Luxuria to rebuild his ancestral home; the three triplets were orphans who worked in the home of the city lord as maids.

They did their jobs adequately and had no special contact with the owner of the home or his family; they merely cleaned up after them without intermingling in their daily lives.

As humans, they were of average attractiveness and weren't really noteworthy one way or the other.

They were the kind of women whom you could walk past on the street and you would not truly notice them unless they stopped you.

And even then it was unlikely that one would be able to distinguish them apart from one another.

But one day, Tatiana and her sisters had a day off.

So instead of wearing their work dresses, the three of them had on more comfortable clothes that exposed their cleavage and slender pale legs.

The three of them were visiting the market to purchase a few items for their dinner when they coincidentally ran into the owner of the mansion they worked at.

They said their greetings, and the city lord was more than a little caught off guard by the fact that these women who he didn't even remember claimed to work for him.

However, he would certainly remember them now.

Unlike Rita and Nita, Tatiana was born with red birthmarks all along her leg that closely resembled tattoos.

The city lord found her markings to be rather exotic and seductive, and from that point on their dynamic changed dramatically.

When it came time for the girls to return back to work, Tatiana began to receive more and more of the lord's unwanted attention.

It started small, with him asking for help with things that he normally shouldn't have needed assistance with, resulting in more time that they would be alone.

It led to instances of contact, albeit brief at first.

Things like the brushing of the hand or the seemingly absentminded plucking of loose hairs from her shoulders.

At the time, she thought nothing of it.

But when he asked her to shorten the length of her maid dress and start wearing see through stockings, she realized that something might have been wrong.

Suddenly the touching was no longer subtle, and it turned into him laughing as he cupped her butt and made inappropriate remarks about taking her as a concubine.

Tatiana had never been so scared in her whole life.

Everyday that she went to work, she harbored more and more fear that the city lord would lose his patience and violate her.

She wanted to quit her job more than anything, but her two sisters were combining their income with hers so that the three of them could remain afloat.

If a third of their funds suddenly disappeared, they would end up on the street begging for scraps.


As the elder sister, she couldn't let something like that happen to them.

Just like she had always done, she resigned herself to keep working so that they could be spared from living like roaches.

It may have been naive, but she believed that if she just kept refusing his advances and telling him that he made her uncomfortable, she would eventually be left alone.

One day, Tatiana was summoned to the office of the city lord.

Though not by him.

By his wife.

Earlier in the day, she had seen her husband groping the young woman and trying to put his hand underneath her dress.

But she did not care that Tatiana was vehemently rejecting his advances and even begging for him to stop.

In her eyes, she was just trying to play hard to get after seducing him with her lewd body and whorish markings.

That day, Tatiana was beaten by the city lords wife for upwards of forty minutes.

The welts and bruises left on her body from that ordeal took days for her to heal.

She told her sisters that she was sick, but really she spent five days lying in her bedroom crying herself to sleep at night.

The pain aside, she hated her body so much for bringing her all of this unnecessary trauma and strife that she didn't even ask for.

She just wanted to have a normal body like her sisters, and not have to worry about attracting men she had no interest in.

When she could finally pull herself out of bed without wincing or crying, she burned all of the revealing clothes that she had in her closet.

Her sisters never found out what she endured or why she suddenly started dressing so modestly, and that was honestly the way that she wanted to keep it.

The day before she was to return to work, the city went on high alert.

Apparently, a cute little girl with ice powers and a voracious appetite showed up at the city lord's mansion, and informed him that her father was going to attack the city in a little under an hour.

When the battle was over and the army was destroyed, Tatiana was in the crowd and was mesmerized by a man for the first time.

Even though he was a demon, she felt drawn to him not solely because of the way he looked, but also because of the red tattoos he had on his body that resembled her own.

Though they had never spoken, she felt an undeniable sense of comradery.

As such, it was no surprise that she was one of the first to drink from the fountain of rebirth, and she and her sisters became his family's personal maids.


"At first, I continued to keep myself covered up out of fear, but then it just became… something like a habit." She admitted.

"Sometimes I wanted to wear bolder clothing so that I could get you to look at me, but that just seemed like…" Tatiana didn't finish, but Abaddon knew what she was getting at.

No doubt her treatment by the city lord's wife had left her with permanent scars.

She must've figured that if it were them, they would not have stopped at a simple beating.

When they first arrived in the city, the first thing that they did kill tens of women who were looking at their husband strangely.

Things like that have a way of leaving a strong impression.

When Tatiana finished her story, Abaddon slipped his arms around her waist and held her just a bit more possessively than before.

"You're really something else… I had no idea you'd endured all that for the sake of your sisters."

"Is that not what the eldest is supposed to do? Would you not do the same for your sisters or wives?" She replied lightheartedly.

"I would… but I am a bit of a hypocritical man in that I will shoulder the burden of the entire world before I allow it to fall onto those I care about. I wish I had come a week sooner."

"Yes, I know but that is not the way that life is. You did not know me back then, so how could you have saved me?

Besides, I take great solace in following the thought that everything I've ever been through has led me right here to you.

When I think of it like that… any amount of abuse that I may have had to suffer through is worth it if it means that I can do this."

For the first time, Tatiana initiated a kiss on her own as she tilted Abaddon's face towards hers.

Her lips were soft and the way that she used them was gentle, and even though Abaddon should have been used to things like this by now, he still wasn't.

Every embrace or romantic interaction with one of his wives served to send his heart into a spiral that turned his brain into mush.

'How did I not realize such a special woman was in front of me all this time..?And why did I not kill that city lord a bit more slowly the first time around?' He thought.

Suddenly, Tatiana pulled her face away and gave Abaddon a knowing smile.

"My fiancé… were you thinking about the story I told you by chance?"


'It's like they said… he really is a bad liar when it comes to us.' Tatiana thought with a wide smile.

Like a switch inside of her had been flipped, she suddenly sat up on top of Abaddon and grabbed both of his hands.

"I know, that we are supposed to be talking this period to get to know each other and build a connection, but… there is something i really want you to do for me."

"Name it."

"Just so that I can move on completely… I want you to overwrite the places that he touched with your own."

She took one of his hands and placed it on her butt beneath her dress, and another on her breasts that were neither big nor small.

"Even if we can't go all the way tonight… i still want you to heal me completely with your touch… is that too forward of me?"

Briefly, Abaddon tried to hold on to the last of his rationality.

This was supposed to be cute and innocent date!

Like something from a Disney movie!

For crying out loud, he was supposed to be the heavenly dragon of chastity!

As he was having this dilemma, Tatiana unzipped her dress from the front and allowed her rosy and perky breasts to spill out before she placed his hand directly over them.

His last thread of reasoning snapped, and the dragon of chastity became the dragon who chases titties.

Before Tatiana knew what happened, both the and Abaddon disappeared from their grassy paradise without making so much as a single sound.

All that was left behind was the twin imprints that the two of them had left in the grass from lying there for so long.

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