First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 355 The Insecurity Of The Ninth

Tatiana sighed as she peeled off yet another outfit and tossed it onto the bed.

She looked at her body in the mirror and her face contorted into an expression of pain before she let a small tear fall from her eye.

No matter what she tried on, she just didn't feel beautiful enough for him.

She didn't have any outrageously sexy clothes or outfits that would make her body stand out, and even if she did, it wasn't like she had a lot to accentuate.

Her breasts were around average size, and her butt while plump wasn't as large as the rest of his wives.

This entire idea of going out on a date tonight was starting to feel really hopeless.

Before Tatiana could start crying silently in her room, a knock at the door made her immediately fix her demeanor.

Quickly drapping a towel across her nude body, she rushed to poke her head out the door and see who was visiting her.

Outside, she found a familiar lion-like beast with a mane of dark black flames and an oni woman with a muscular yet sinful body and glasses.

"M-Miss Valerie?"

"Hey, T. Do you mind if we come in for a minute?"

"Ah… no, but… understand I was just getting ready so my room is a bit of a mess." She said shyly.

"Don't worry about that, my daughter isn't much of a cleaner either." (Mira)

Tatiana opened the door wider and let the two unexpected visitors inside.

As she said, Valerie didn't even seem much bothered by the state of her room and sat at the foot of her bed without even so much as batting an eye.

After Tatiana finished giving Entei the komainu his obligatory chin scratches, he also walked over to Valerie and laid down at her feet.

"S-So what's up? Is there something the matter?" Tatiana asked as she tried not to show her nerves.

Was it finally happening??

Was she about to be hazed?!

"Oh, nothing major." Valerie admitted. "I just thought the two of us should talk since I think I'm the only one who could understand how you're feeling right now."


"You're feeling some type of way about all of this, right? The sudden engagement, the affection, the date?"


Tatiana wasn't expecting for Valerie to know all of this information through sheer guesswork.

If she had to make an assumption it would be that Valerie had read her mind and combed through every detail.

"I didn't read your mind, don't worry."

"I-I certainly wasn't thinking that." She lied.


Valerie suddenly stood up and took Tatiana by the hand before she led her in front of a mirror in her room.

"You look like you're having some trouble, so let me help you, okay? I'll make sure you look beautiful."

"Alright then… thank you."

Dropping the towel that was concealing her naked figure, she allowed Valerie to get an unrestricted look at her assets.

The oni put on a thinking expression before she poked her head inside of Tatiana's closet.

"I…actually do feel a little strange about everything. It was all so wonderful at first that I didn't think about anything else but now… I think that I just feel scared and unworthy." Tatiana admitted.

Valerie did not seem the least bit surprised by this revelation as her eyes landed on an outfit that she thought would be perfect for her new sister.

"Has anyone ever told you how Abaddon and I got married?" She suddenly asked.

"Oh… no, now that I think about it." She realized.

Valerie closed Tatiana's eyes so that she could not see the outfit she had prepared for her.

"Well… to make a long story short, when he first received the sin of lust, Lisa, Lailah, Bekka, and I were locked in a room with him for almost two weeks.

See, Belphegor had mistaken me for one of his women and locked me inside with them without telling us the reason. And when Abaddon awoke, he wasn't in control of himself.

That was… the first time that we slept together. At the time, it was the most incredible moment of my life and I easily forgot that we had been fighting before that."

Valerie slipped a dress over Tatiana's body and made sure she wasn't being pinched anywhere before she zipped her up.

"After that, I knew I couldn't just go back to before and forget the way that he touched me. So do you know what I said? 'You have to take responsibility for making me feel like that!'"

Unconsciously, Tatiana let out a snicker and Valerie smiled helplessly.

"I know, it's pretty stupid, right? But even though he didn't really owe me anything and we hardly knew each other… he accepted.

But do you know what? I was scared for a while after we got married. "

"Can I ask why..?"

"Because, I was a party girl before we met. I would go to bars and stay out all night and do things that I know would make me cry if Mira or Gabbrielle started to do.

I wasn't the kind of woman who was fit to be with a prince, much less a king. Besides, it wasn't like I was as pretty as any of his other wives at the time."

Valerie held out her hand and Entei brought her a hairbrush with his mouth.

As she brushed Tatiana's hair, her voice became softer and sadder as if this part of her past was difficult for her to talk about.

"I.. was afraid. No, more like terrified that he would take his love away from me when he found out what kind of person I was, or even realized that he was under no obligation to be with me since our coupling was just an accident."

"…How did you get over it?"

"Ha! I didn't do anything, the credit has to go to him. No matter how much he learned about me and no matter how many times I did something embarrassing, he continued to love every part of me.

…Even the parts of myself that I hated, he took special care to show them the most affection.

I used to be really jealous because he and I didn't get to fall in love normally like everyone else did but after a while… it stopped mattering.

He has never once treated me like a mistake or an obligation, even though he would have been completely justified.

Everytime that he and I go on a date or we get a moment to ourselves, do you know what he tells me?

'Even though the way we fell in love was due to a misshap, I could not imagine my life without you at my side.'"

Valerie finally let Tatiana open her ruby red eyes and see what she was wearing.

A dark black dress that clung to her body perfectly and stopped at her upper thighs.

A small golden necklace with a red gem hung around her delicate neck, and her white hair had been framed around her gorgeous face perfectly.

Other than the fact that her dress was shorter than she normally would have worn, her outfit was sexy, yet modest.

Just like her.

"I don't want you to think that you aren't really good enough to lie with us, or like you are just some accidental wife and therefore beneath us."

Valerie hugged her from behind and Tatiana felt her eyes beginning to water as she accepted it.

"You saw what happened in our realm. Accident or not, you now have every bit as much of a right to be with him as any of us.

And even if you can't believe me, all you have to do is let him carve his love into your body every night. I promise you that all of your doubts will disappear.

How or why you got to him, go to us, none of it matters. What does is that from the moment you got that mark, you have had our unconditional love and loyalty."

Entei: "Groh!" (Stop saying sweet things to her, you'll make her cry before she has to go out!"

"Ah, you're right my bad."

Valerie turned Tatiana around and started to wipe her face that had already become wet with tears.

"Sorry, sorry! Don't tell any of the girls that I made you cry, okay?? They already think I'm too crass."

"Hahaha I won't! …Thank you, miss Valerie."

"Just Valerie, Tatiana. Like I said there is no longer as much distance between us as before."

"Yes… I understand."

"Good, now let's go."

Valerie helped Tatiana pick out a pair of heels from her closet before they ventured downstairs.

Waiting at the front door, they found Abaddon already there and wearing his best red robes as he stared at the two girls lovingly.

"I am blessed with good fortune indeed. What have I done to deserve such magnificent women as this?"

"Sweet mouth." Valerie pretends to be indifferent to her husband's flirtation, but the gradual reddening of her cheeks gave her away everytime.

The two women finally came to a stop in front of Abaddon and there was a special light in his eyes as he took Tatiana's hand.

"You… look truly beautiful. "

Underneath Abaddon's intense gaze, Tatiana couldn't help but blush and shrink away just a bit.

"Thank you… I think that this is the happiest day of my life..!"

"The day still has yet to end, Tatiana. Let's make it as unforgettable as we can."


The two of them started to head out the door hand in hand when someone decided to get their attention.

"AHEM! I believe you're forgetting something?"

Abaddon stopped dead in his tracks and smiled wryly.

Turning back around, he slipped his arms around Valerie's waist and kissed her like she was asking for.

His tongue slipped playfully into her mouth before he pulled away, satisfied by the lost look in her eyes and her rosy cheeks.

"Fuck, not like that… now I'm going to be excited the whole time you guys are gone." She said drunkenly.

'Just as I planned..'

"You probably did that to me on purpose, didn't you?" Valerie asked accusatorially.

"It's your imagination, my wife."

"Big liar… you're lucky I love you."

The two of them exchanged one last hug before Valerie suddenly looked at Tatiana out of the corner of her eye.

"Almost forgot. You too."


"You heard me, don't make me beg."

Valerie suddenly grabbed her by the face and kissed her before she also gave her a hug.

'Remember our talk… and know that we're glad to have you.' She thought telepathically.

'I will..!'

When she finally released her, Abaddon and Tatiana bid her farewell before finally heading out the door.

Once they were outside, Abaddon sprouted his wings and pulled his fiancé into his arms before he took off into the sky.

Hovering in the air, they had a complete view of the world.



"I know you probably have something really grand and thoughtful planned but… can we go somewhere simple with just the two of us?" Tatiana asked sweetly.

Abaddon felt that familiar flutter in his heart that all of his wives gave him before he smiled helplessly.

"Of course… I know just the place."

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