First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 357 Abaddon’s First Succubus*

Abaddon and Tatianna reappeared in her dark bedroom with neither of them bothering to turn on the light. 

Carrying her directly to the bed, he was once again mesmerized by her captivating beauty and charming figure. 

And because she was unused to the attention, Tatiana felt her cheeks redden as she held out her arms in waiting. 

"Don't just stare… you're making me feel shy."

"…You may come to regret goading me like this. I cannot promise that I will stop at simple markings as you wish."

Abaddon descended upon Tatiana like a hawk plucking a mouse from the ground.

Both of his hands slipped past her thighs and traveled to her plump behind, squeezing her cheeks firmly as he took one of her perky nipples into his mouth.

Excited, Tatiana immediately became excited and she grabbed his head out of instinct.

She pulled his head further into her body, almost as if she was trying to fit her whole breast in his mouth.

Abaddon noticed something strange about this interaction with Tatiana.

He could feel a slight but noticeable force trying to invade his mind.

And not just that, but his body as well.

It was threatening to pull him completely under, and force him to act on his libido.

He had never experienced anything like this before, and he wondered what the cause of this could have been.

However, it wasn't difficult for him to remember the heritage that he had given her and her sisters.

'Oh right… I forgot that she was half succubus.'

As experienced as Abaddon's wives may have been, their bodies were not literally made for sexual pleasure.

It made him wonder a bit about what it felt to have your body tampered with by a being who is created to drive men into depravity.

As the embodiment of desire, he had only ever been able to do it to others, but had never experienced what it was like for himself.

Normally he was not susceptible to any kind of manipulation sexual or otherwise.

But if he opened his mind to someone voluntarily, then he would be just like everyone else.

Abaddon let Tatiana into his being completely, and the change was both noticeable and slightly staggering.

Suddenly Tatiana's skin tasted sweeter, her moans were more stimulating to his ears, and he was hard enough that Seras couldn't even scratch his member with her spear.

He could definitely see why the brothel business was thriving so well back in Luxuria.

"H-Hey, you're suddenly being alot more intense!" Tatiana whimpered.

Abaddon briefly remembered that Tatiana had never done anything like this before.

As of right now, she was using her powers on autopilot with no real idea of what she was doing.

"Tatiana… give me your hand."

Shyly, she complied and he took her hand and placed it on his chest.

Conversely, he also placed one of his hands on her breast just above her nipple.

"Tell me… can you feel this?"

A dull purple glow was emitted from his palm and transferred to her.

Tatiana sucked in a breath of air as her pupils widened and she felt an unimaginable level of dopamine flood her brain.

It wasn't quite sexual in origin; more so desperate a desperate craving for something.

For him.

She could feel this burning and all encompassing need to be with him.

She thought she knew what it meant to want him after living with him for several months.

Only now was she realizing that she had absolutely no idea.

This was the most desperate need she had ever felt.

She needed to touch him so bad that it physically hurt.

"This is everything that you're doing to me, and just how badly you've made me want you. I can no longer-"



In a twist that Abaddon was not expecting, Tatiana lunged at him like a rabid animal with red hearts in her eyes.

The two of them fell backwards onto the floor, with Tatiana kissing the man she loved passionately all the way down.

The surprises just kept on coming as he began to hear her desperate and loving voice within his own mind.

'Abaddon!! I love you, I love you, I love you!!'

Tatiana broke their kiss for a single second just to rip her own dress off and expose her full body to him.

The short white stubble atop her garden was deliriously enticing to the nature dragon.

So much so that he grabbed Tatiana by her waist and brought her body directly above his face.

Her eyes went wide as she let out a loud moan from her full lips as the sensation of Abaddon's mouth on her garden gave her the ultimate bliss.

To her, this was the greatest act of love she could have hoped for, and it was as if Abaddon was showing her the ultimate affection.

She moaned loudly and melodically as she stared into his eyes lovingly.

Abaddon held her by her hips as as he stared back at her unblinkingly; continuing to fill his stomach with the syrupy nectar she was producing in droves.

The body fluids of succubi have a well known aphrodisiac effect.

As a result, before Tatiana could even cum, Abaddon was already at his limit of waiting.

Whirling around and putting her on her back, Abaddon finally ripped off his own clothes as he gave into his urges.

His member was throbbing and swollen beyond it's normal girth.

Abaddon's wives would have shrunk away in slight fear and arousal, but Tatiana was so drunk on Abaddon's incubus touch that she didn't care and grabbed it to put it in herself.

"It's so much bigger than I thought.. I-I can't wait any longer! I know we're supposed to wait but I love you and I want us to become one!"

"Tatiana… I won't keep you waiting any longer..!"

Abaddon thrust his hips forward and a loud scream erupted from Tatiana's delicate body.

Though she was quite a bit smaller than Abaddon, she felt no pain from being penetrated by his unfairly large member.

The body of a succubus will always adjust to accommodate her partner's size by shifting their organs around if need be.

Therefore, the scream she let out was one born of pleasure instead of pain.

Even though it was her first time, she was incredibly proactive and instead of lying on her back and suffering a one sided assault, she was holding her legs as far apart as they could go and goading him to reach as deeply as she could.

The normally always modest and reserved Tatiana had suddenly turned into a proactive and obscene woman that no one who knew her would recognize.

And Abaddon was loving every single second of it.

Tatiana's every whimper or depraved moan that she let out underneath him made this experience one he would always remember.

The wetness aside, her insides had a unique feeling that was like that of all encompassing silk, and it was so incredible that he would cum immediately if he let himself lose focus.

Evidently, Tatiana was having a hard time holding back as well.

She'd been having multiple light orgasms ever since earlier, but she had been holding back from a big release due to one simple reason.

She didn't like the face or sounds that she made whenever she had an orgasm.

To her they were both embarrassing, and it made her glad that she had never been with anyone before.

Until Abaddon changed positions and had her face directed away from him, she absolutely would not allow herself to cum!

All she had to do was keep her eyes closed and not look at him and she could prevent herself from crossing that dangerous threshold!

Eventually, Abaddon noticed that the young woman whimpering underneath him was stopping herself from reaching her orgasm.

He'd learned earlier that Tatiana was really big on eye contact, so he already knew just how to send her over.

Grabbing her neck firmly, his strokes became more aggressive as he tried to get her to open her eyes.

"Tatiana, look at me..!"

His voice was huskier and more depraved; it was different from any way that he'd ever sounded with her before.

The surprise broke her concentration and she opened her eyes for one brief moment to ensure that it was still him.

And in that moment, all of her breath left her lungs.

It was him, but not in the unreachable and cordial manner that he had always been.

His gaze was burning with lust and affection, and he was no longer her simple unrequited love.

This man inside of her was her husband.

Her loving husband.

A man whom any sentient creature would be desperate to gain a glimpse of had given himself to her in body and soul.

With all of those wonderful emotions going through her mind, it was no surprise that she came instantly at that moment and the floodgates to the damn she'd been keeping closed were ripped open.

Her back arched as she screamed as loudly as she possibly could and her entire body seized up.

Abaddon watched as her face contorted into an expression of pure pleasure and beastial moans escaped her gasping lips.

Overstimulated, he reached the end of the line as well, and shot rope after rope inside of her stomach as if he were trying to get her pregnant.

Finally, a change occurred.

The incomplete black tattoo sitting atop her garden started to shine with a rosy pink light before it was filled in and became a totally new marking.

Tatiana's aura, power, and even her age seemed to have grown by leaps and bounds.

Since succubi primarily gain strength by sleeping with their partners, a single cumshot from Abaddon had elevated her to the same level of power as the middle tier of his wives.

Abaddon lifted up the bewitching Tatiana who was still enthralled in the high of her orgasm.

As he kissed her passionately and with endless obsession, a name was imprinted in his mind.


Suddenly, a mass of shadows rose up within the room and the other eight wives arrived with helpless smiles.

Eris: "What happened to taking things slow, darling?"

Lailah: "I don't know if I'm in a position to judge since our first date ended like this too…"

Bekka: "Ours started like this."

Abaddon stopped kissing Tatiana long enough to look at his wives with burning violet eyes.

"All of you… take your clothes off or I'll take them off for you."

The affects of his first aphrodisiac still had yet to subside, and right now he wanted nothing more than to release his lust on the women he loved.

Stunned and aroused by his tone, the girls needed little more motivation as they began to rip off their clothing immediately and leapt at their husband like they were in desperate need.

Together, the ten of them engaged in newfound unholy pleasure for eight entire days without taking any breaks to faint.

But then, it became time for Abaddon's journey to the underworld.

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