Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1951: Natural disaster is approaching (question mark)

"It's only 3.5 million years ago." Su Nan said calmly while looking at the tea in the cup.

More than three million years, it seems that in a blink of an eye, and it seems that a long, long time has passed. When I say it, I feel like I can't explain it.

It's probably like talking to someone about young stories after getting old, lying on a rocking chair, watching the setting sun go down, the golden leaves withered, like memories, but also like memory of the dead king, even if there are a thousand words in my heart , But it also became plain when I said it.

"3.5 million years?!"

Yaozi's cigarette holder opened slightly. She was only seventeen years old, and she couldn't imagine how long it was. After such a long time alone, she felt distressed just thinking about it.

Luo Chuan couldn't help but look at Su Nan more.

If he put it on the earth he knew, 3.5 million years ago, it should have belonged to the alternation of the Tertiary and Quaternary.

Mammals, bony fishes, and birds emerged at this time, belonging to the era of angiosperms and beasts. As for humans at this time, they should still belong to the ancient apes, and the Earth will usher in the Quaternary in about a million years. The ice age triggered the mass extinction of species and entered the era of the rise of mankind, which is the Quaternary...

Ah, is it too far away?

Forget it, don’t care about these details, just give a simple example. According to the language description, this should be an analogy. Based on the similarity between two different things, with the help of the characteristics of the vehicle, the ontology is modified and described by association. A kind of literary rhetoric.

Cough, get back to business.

In 3.5 million years of life, Luo Chuan probably understood Su Nan's attitude towards the original world. Going back did not make much sense to her. Tianlan Continent belonged to her world.

But for her...

Luo Chuan glanced at Su Nan, who noticed his gaze, smiled at him lightly, and then moved his eyes away, not knowing what he was thinking.

Luo Chuan sighed in his heart.

This is the life of Su Nan's own choice, even he can't change it.

In the long period of 3.5 million years, there should be season after season of civilizations appearing and dying. Not only humans, but also other intelligent races. Perhaps the existing humans evolved from other creatures. Humans were different years ago.

Tianlan Continent is different from the earth that Luochuan is familiar with. Spiritual power should also play a vital role in the evolution of species. This situation is not without basis.

Because of the influence of certain historical factors, or what can be called the most original information disturbing effect of the void, it is said to be the form chosen by the oldest tycoon. Most of the intelligent races in the void endless universe actually have a human form...

"Forget it, don't talk about this." Luochuan decided not to talk about how long Su Nan lived in Tianlan Continent for the time being. "The three disasters you mentioned just now caused very serious problems on Tianlan Continent at that time. Influence, all races."

"Yeah." Su Nan nodded. "Perhaps it can be called the extinction of civilization. Even the surviving country will soon die out. It will take a long time to recover from the dead silence, but most destroyed civilizations have no inheritance. Chance."

"The abyss eroded one million years ago, the energy tide two million years ago, the epidemic broke out three million years ago..." Luo Chuan lightly touched the tabletop with his finger, "Once a million years, it's really regular. "

What Su Nan mentioned is definitely a crisis that is enough to threaten the world. If Su Nan didn't lie to him, such a regular appearance, and there is no reason behind it, Luochuan would not believe that he would be killed.

Su Nan never spoke. She must have discovered these laws a long time ago. Perhaps she has searched for the truth about this, but the result is not known.

"Eh, Luo Chuan." Yao Ziyan suddenly reached out and poked Luo Chuan's arm, "Do you think this was done by the final gods?"

Yao Ziyan's words are not unreasonable. After all, for now, there is only one force she knows that can be called a villain, and what happens will naturally associate in this direction.

Luo Chuan looked at Su Nan, waiting for her answer.

Facing Luo Chuan's gaze, Su Nan put down the cup in his hand and shook his head gently: "I don't know. In my opinion, these things are more similar to'natural disasters'. They are unpredictable and can hardly be countered by the power of mortals. , But it's too coincidental, as if it was designed."

Having said this, Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

"It may really be like what Ziyan said, the final Shenting is inseparable from these things, but I don’t know the connection between them. I have also searched for the cause of the disaster, and I found nothing in the end. It seems that it’s really just Suddenly appeared in this world."

Natural disasters are called natural disasters not only because of their terrifying destructive power, but also because of their unpredictable characteristics.

The span of millions of years...for such a long time, there are very few things that can be passed down. After all, not all life can have such a long life, and the one million years here is not an accurate time interval. It's just a rough range.

It is normal to have an error of several thousand or tens of thousands of years.

Let alone thousands of years, hundreds of years are a long time for ordinary humans. Besides, there is also the baptism of this disaster. How can it be possible to remember the history of a million years ago? Maybe it is only like Mount Sumeru. Only the forces will have a record and make some preparations for it.

The Court of the End...

Luo Chuan continued to lightly tap the tabletop with his fingers. This was completely a subconscious behavior when thinking, just like Yao Ziyan likes to use his fingers to wrap his hair or press his lips.

His understanding of this power is currently limited to the two former final gods in the system space. At present, Soul Lock has become the author of the contract, and Black Scale is on the way to become the author of the contract...

However, even if the two of them are patriarchs, they don't know much about the Court of the End.

Believing in the Lord of the End, controlled by the adult, similar to the power class of the pyramid... This is almost the information that Luochuan knows, it is very general, and it feels that the matter that is being discussed at the moment is useless.

Forget it, I don't want to.

Luo Chuan suddenly realized that he still didn't like to think about these conspiracies, which was too much brainstorming.

"Luochuan, Luochuan..." Yao Ziyan poked Luochuan's arm and called him in a low voice.

"Well, what's the matter?" Luo Chuan turned his head and looked around, only to find that the girl's expression seemed a bit wrong.

"A disaster that is enough to destroy the world occurs once in a million years, and a million years have passed since the last time." Yao Ziyan whispered.

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