Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1950: But 3.5 million years

The boss belongs to a foreign god, and the Origin Mall is opened. The Lord of the End belongs to the native **** of Tianlan Continent (maybe, maybe also foreign, but earlier than the boss), and his subordinate has a power called the Court of the End God.

Facing Luo Chuan's words, Su Nan naturally thought about the dispute between the gods.

"I'm just curious to ask." Luo Chuan felt that it was necessary to clarify, he didn't have so many thoughts that he didn't have, and he didn't have the slightest interest in grabbing sites or anything.

"Curious?" Su Nan blinked.

"Well, just curiosity." Luo Chuan nodded confidently.

Su Nan stayed for a while and sighed softly: "Okay, I get it."

Before, she had seen the description of the boss on the magic phone, which emphasized to remind the boss that it was absolutely not what it looked like on the surface, and now she felt that she understood a little.

"What do you think is the significance of the existence of the final palace?" Luo Chuan wanted to hear Su Nan's opinion.

After living in Tianlan Continent for so much time, Su Nan's vision and knowledge must be much higher than he didn't know. Luochuan still has this self-knowledge.

Su Nan was silent, he should be thinking.

Luo Chuan was not in a hurry either, waiting quietly, Yao Ziyan took three cups out of the counter, poured tea, and the pale pink petals rose and fell, exuding a fresh and elegant floral fragrance.

"About a million years ago, an ancient ruin suddenly appeared in the Northern Territory. At that time, it caused a lot of turmoil. Many forces and races rushed to find opportunities in it, but what awaited them was a crisis. The ruins have long been contaminated by some kind of evil substance, and the appearance of a large number of outsiders quickly broke the fragile balance."

Su Nan did not directly answer Luo Chuan's question, but softly said something he had never heard of.

"How do I feel so familiar?" Yao Ziyan whispered while holding the tea cup.

"That kind of evil substance is called the "Abyss" by the boss." Su Nan did not sell the Guanzi, and simply explained it.

"I knew it." Yao Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Evil matter, when she heard the name, she thought of the abyss. Although she was kneading peacefully in front of Luochuan, the essence of the abyss is the "will" to destroy everything, and this will not change.

"Then later, since this world has not been destroyed, and there are not many records related to it, I think it should be solved successfully, right?" Luo Chuan was a little curious, "How did it do it?"

Su Nan was silent for a moment: "Humans, elves, monsters, fairies, element lords... Nearly half of Tianlan Continent's top powerhouses, all races, headed by the gods and Buddhas of Mount Xume, sacrificed themselves. The contaminated area was exiled from the Tianlan Continent, which is why the Northern Territory is still barren. At that time, the pollution of the abyss almost destroyed all life there."

Luo Chuan did not speak.

Feeling? In fact, it's not much. After all, it has nothing to do with him. It happened more than a million years ago, and Su Nan only briefly described the specific process.

But if there is no touch in the heart, it is not right. In the face of a crisis that is enough to threaten the world, all races will join forces to contend, perhaps this is the power of mortals.

"Perhaps the Sea-Monster and Dragon Clan also participated in this process, but I fell asleep at the time, and I don't know what happened afterwards." Su Nan recalled the past, "When I wake up again, it has passed. For thousands of years, there are not many records about that crisis, as if it was deliberately erased."

"This is also normal." Yao Ziyan put forward his own point of view, "After all, the words that are spread will not benefit the development of the world. It is better to eliminate the influence of ordinary races and only keep records in the peak forces."

"Perhaps those people think so." Su Nan shook his head. "They also have their own considerations. I can't control that much. Moreover, it has been so long, and thousands of years are a long time for cultivators. time."

"Do you think that behind the crisis of a million years ago, there was the final intervention of God's Court?" Luo Chuan raised his eyebrows, and probably understood what Su Nan wanted to say.

Su Nan did not express his approval or disapproval to Luo Chuan's words, and continued to tell the history of long ago, the "history" she had personally experienced.

"About two million years ago, there was an energy tide in Tianlan Continent. In addition, there were spatial distortions and elemental riots... The various races living here were threatened with great survival. This has lasted for nearly a hundred years, countless The race was destroyed by those natural disasters."

"These disasters may have little effect on the super-powerful, but if the entire world's species are extinct, they will naturally not be able to survive alone. When all the intelligent races are gradually desperate, the natural disasters suddenly disappear, just like never It's been like that before."

"Why?" Yao Ziyan asked subconsciously.

"I don't know, no one knows the real reason." Su Nan shook his head, "Perhaps those dragons know, you can ask."

"Forget it." Yao Ziyan wrapped her fingers around a strand of hair, "Even if I ask, I can't ask anything. An Weiya has always been very strict."

Su Nan drank the remaining tea in the cup and continued to tell.

"About three million years ago, a certain kind of epidemic suddenly broke out. Whether animals, plants, or energy creatures like elemental life can be infected, but in just a few years, nearly half of the creatures on the Tianlan Continent died. The Buddha found a solution at the expense of burning his own body. I don’t know how it happened. At that time, Mount Xumi was also called Lingyin Mountain."

Luochuan ate the potato chips, but his heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface.

How do you feel that there are so many disasters in Tianlan Continent?

Yao Ziyan waited for a while, but Su Nan didn't continue to tell, and couldn't help but ask aloud: "Isn't there anymore?"

Su Nan seemed to look at Yao Ziyan helplessly, and then said: "Perhaps there was a crisis that could destroy the world earlier, but I don't know."

"Well, can I ask how long it has been since you came to Tianlan Continent?" Yao Ziyan blinked, "You don't want to say it, I'm just a little curious."

"There's nothing to say." Su Nan picked up the cup, looked at the tea in the cup, and seemed to smile slightly, "It's only 3.5 million years ago."

She hasn't remembered many things after living for too long, but she remembered it very clearly, because she counted it year by year.

Even if she falls asleep and forgets the years, those spars that are set up in certain areas to carry her memories and can record time can also remind her how much time has passed.

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