Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1952: So Su Nan is here to push the plot

"The disaster that is enough to destroy the world occurs once in a million years, and a million years have passed since the last time." Yao Ziyan said in a low voice, looking a little nervous.

As a native creature of Tianlan Continent, Su Nan's words made Yao Ziyan feel quite touched.

As for Luo Chuan, he was a bit emotional at best. The time span of millions of years is too long. Besides, he has only been in this world for two years, and he really doesn't have much sense of belonging.

In Luochuan's view, Tianlan Continent is just a place to live, nothing more.

The story told by Su Nan is somewhat similar to the story in history for Luochuan, and I feel that there is some, and it is enough to substitute myself into it.

Many customers always say that he is a good person, and his daily actions prove this, but Luo Chuan understands that from a certain point of view, he is actually a person of low temperament and rarely cares about those who have nothing to do with him. Things may be contradictory, but people are inherently contradictory creatures.

...It's not wrong to say that you are lazy.

Closer to home.

Yao Ziyan's words immediately awakened Luo Chuan, letting him understand what he was ignoring.

If it is true that according to Su Nan's words, there will be a crisis that can endanger the entire Tianlan Continent every one million years, then it is almost time now.

"Yes." Su Nan nodded and looked at Luochuan, "So the boss came to Tianlan Continent to open the Origin Mall to help the world resist natural disasters?"

Luochuan: "..."

I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense.

Because there was so much coincidence that there were too many words to refute, Luo Chuan almost believed Su Nan's words.

"No." Luo Chuan shook his head, "I'm just an interested boss."

Su Nan blinked, not knowing why.

Yao Ziyan whispered a few words in Su Nan's ear. Luo Chuan didn't know what he said. Anyway, he noticed that Su Nan's eyes seemed a little more subtle.

Luo Chuan thought for a moment: "The abyss, the tide, the disease... Then what will happen this time?"

Su Nan was silent, she naturally didn't know the answer.

Yao Ziyan thought for a while, his expression looked a little strange: "Luochuan, do you remember the sea monster from before?"

"Of course I remember, you suddenly mentioned this... Uh, I seem to understand what you mean." Luo Chuan was stunned, he thought of what Yao Ziyan wanted to say.

At the beginning, the entire group of siren was eroded by the shadow of the soul-that is, the clone of the little black ball. The scenes seen in the city of the siren impressed Luochuan. It is more than just a dance of demons. It is described as a gathering of ancient gods. It's no exaggeration.

There is also the ocean storm incarnate by Yila, and huge waves even cover the sky.

Even though the Sea-Monsters appear to be indifferent to the world, their minds are peaceful and they like peace, but this can't conceal their racial characteristics. If this group of deep-sea salted fish is angry, it would be terrifying.

If Luo Chuan didn't intervene at that time...

The siren persisted for nearly a hundred years under the erosion of the shadow of the soul, and it was almost annihilated.

When the entire mad sea-monster race came to Tianlan Continent, it was tantamount to a natural disaster capable of destroying the entire world, killed and resurrected. This bug-like racial trait is enough to make people desperate, although the soul attack can take off. It works, but the effect of facing a crazy Kraken will be greatly reduced if you think about it.

As we all know, fools and lunatics are immune to all kinds of magic such as mental interference and confusion.

In this way, Luochuan can be regarded as stifling an imminent natural disaster in the cradle?

"In other words, the Kraken is this disaster?" Luo Chuan touched his chin, took out a packet of potato chips from the counter and ate it.

"Perhaps not only that." Yao Ziyan sighed softly, "and the ancient ruins we summoned before."

"Abyss erosion..." Luo Chuan raised his eyebrows.

The troubled Tianlan Continent.

This also changed Luochuan's long-held view. Originally, he still felt that he belonged to the physique, and there were always all kinds of things that came to his door, just like a certain death pupil, where to go and where to go wrong.

It seems that this is not the case now, Luochuan has always been wrong about causality.

It was because of the accident that he went there, not because it was him.

From this point of view, it seems that he has really become a savior of Tianlan Continent...

Obviously, he only wanted to eat and wait to die as an ordinary shop owner, but accidentally did a lot of things that the savior needed to do. What should I do next? Waiting online, very anxious.

"Then this time is the end?" Yao Ziyan pursed his lips, "Or is it... just the beginning?"

"I don't know." Su Nan shook his head.

"In the end, what role does God's Court play in these things?" Luo Chuan squinted, "The initiator of everything? For some purpose, these disasters were triggered deliberately, or is it the same position as other mortal races? ?"

Perhaps because of its location, Luochuan can objectively view various issues from the standpoint of a third party, and will not directly determine certain things through fragmentary clues.

"What the boss meant is that in the end Shenting might also be a decent character?" Yao Ziyan opened his eyes slightly in surprise.

"Who knows?" Luo Chuan spread his hands. "There is a reason behind everything. We can't directly judge from the appearance we see. This is all for us or the parties involved. unfair."

"Is this the position of the gods..." Su Nan glanced at Luo Chuan and muttered to herself thoughtfully.

Luochuan has now accepted the identity of a **** that he doesn't know when it will be added: "All lives are equal, whether it is an ordinary beast or a civilized race of wisdom, there is actually no difference in the eyes of the gods."

This is indeed his own opinion, and Origin Mall adheres to this rule.

"What do you think of the relationship between the final palace and these disasters?" Yao Ziyan wanted to hear Su Nan's views on this matter.

"Well...According to my own point of view, there must be some special connection between the two." Su Nan thought for a while and said, "Just like what the boss just said, if you don't even know the information, just go. To rashly determine certain things, this method is inherently inappropriate."

To be honest, Luochuan didn't expect that Su Nan was only telling a story, but he got so far away.

Is this girl here specifically to advance the plot?

The discussion about the Last God's Court and the once-in-a-million-year natural disasters that can destroy the world has come to an end for the time being. The main reason is that the information we know so far does not seem to make much sense except for a waste of time. I will wait for more news in the future. .

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