The vice dean could hardly believe what was happening before his eyes.



When the human race’s greatest enemy and the legendary Aurora Dragon met, a heated battle did not break out like the vice dean had expected. Instead, the two were acting like kids who kicked each other in the a̲s̲s̲, then craned their necks and started insulting each other.

All sorts of profanity filled everyone’s eardrums. In just the span of two minutes, they had basically hurled insults at the ancestors of each other’s race.

It was quite a performance..

For Taylor, who had always done things at his own pace, to exhibit such behavior was well within his expectation. But the vice dean could not help but wonder, was this black-robed figure in front of them really the Golden Demon Htilil?

Although the Golden Demon’s appearance and strength were both aligned to the vice dean’s memory, her temperament however was very different from before. It was almost as if she was a different person.

If he were to describe the Golden Demon from before as a mischievous naughty brat who liked to be “cheeky”, then the current Golden Demon would be kind of “lecherous”… like some burly guy who would force others to look at his muscles.

The dissonance was overwhelming.

Yet there could not be two Golden Demons in this world. The vice dean would prefer to believe the mismatched impressions he had on the Golden Demon was due to his shallow understanding of her.

After all, the Golden Demon herself was an unfathomable being. She was not someone that ordinary people could easily figure out.

The Golden Demon suddenly raised her right hand.

It was a simple action, but it caused everyone to tense up and bring their guards up.

Was she finally going to strike?

It was then the Golden Demon’s voice, that she deliberately adjusted so that no one could figure out her real gender, traveled to everyone’s ears.

“Hehe, die, you pervert!” she said to Taylor in a treacherous tone..

Taylor stopped hurling insults at her too. His expression turned serious without a single trace of fear as he faced his archenemy.

His joints cracked loudly like thunderclaps, before raised his head and roared, “Come at me, Stray! I shall show you the true strength of a loli lover today!”

The Golden Demon snorted coldly when she heard his statement.

“How naive.”

The smugness in her voice was no different than a peasant who was chastising a noble after she rose through the ranks.

The Golden Demon brought her palm down.

The mist that lingered about suddenly flowed, as if driven by a large invisible hand.


Taylor let out a dragon roar that shook the land. His golden dragon eyes shone brightly. The dragon blood in his body boiled like flowing lava. The muscles of his body swelled. As the dragon scales on his body flapped open and close, sharp spikes grew out from his joints.

Taylor had done the necessary preparations to take the next violent attack head on. No matter how powerful that attack might be, the Aurora Dragon had the confidence to withstand it.

He waited for a long time, yet the attack never came as he had anticipated.

No, the attack had arrived, but Taylor was not the target.

Taylor turned around and saw his support, the fog giant behind him, being strangled and finally crushed by an invisible hand which was countless times larger than it.

The fog scattered in all directions. Even the magic formation that produced it was unstable, as if it had sustained a heavy blow from the powerful attack.

Many of the elites, who were keeping the magic formation up, suffered a whiplash. Their faces paled as they coughed up a mouthful of blood and their legs were about to give out. Fortunately, they were pulled out of the field in time by a white light.


Taylor yelled angrily, “A powerful being like yourself should fight honorably! What a disgrace you are!”


Everyone was not sure if they saw it wrong, but the Golden Demon seemed to be taken aback for a moment after she struck. However, she quickly recovered and said, “Ahem, what do you mean by despicable? This is called tactics, get it? This is an important basis to show a person’s intelligence. I guess a per~vy lolicon like you isn’t smart enough to comprehend this kind of thing.”

“B̲u̲l̲l̲s̲h̲i̲t̲! I think you’re a vile child whose brain is filled with indecent thoughts!”

Taylor sneered codly. “You call yourself smart, but you can’t even pick the right target to ambush. Haven’t you realized that attacking that fog giant doesn’t make any sense at all?”

As soon as Taylor finished speaking, the scattered mist surged wildly again and quickly formed into an indomitable fog giant again.

The Golden Demon was shocked, seemingly caught off guard by what just happened.

“Foolish Stray, allow me to enlighten you the beauty of loli.”

Taylor decided to strike.

The dragon wings on Taylor’s back spread open and glinted coldly like it was made of steel.

His wings flapped gently, creating a gust of powerful wind, and his figure instantly vanished.

When he reappeared again, he was standing right before Golden Demon Htilil.

A tiny spark bloomed in front of her. It was only as humble as the sparks from a burning firework in a child’s hand on a summer night.

However, this insignificant spark instantly evolved into a blazing sun with an intensity that could easily burn an entire grassland!

Vicious dragon claws came out from the blazing sun, with an unstoppable force!

The merciless attack did not leave any room for his opponent to maneuver.

It was the strongest attack of the Aurora Dragon, the guardian of the Holy Dragon Empire.

“Haha, how exciting! What a great honor it is to be able to receive the Aurora Dragon’s ultimate attack today!”

The Golden Demon laughed loudly, not showing any panic. Like a martial arts master, she put one hand behind her back and stretched out her other delicate hand which had been hidden in the shadow of the sleeve of her robe all this time. She then aimed it at Taylor, and clenched her fist.

In an instant, a powerful force descended from the sky. It was almost as if the weight of the whole world came crashing down, vowing to crush any fools who dared to challenge its might.

The fog giant, whom Taylor just had revived with the help from the great magic formation, got crushed again…

Taylor took the opportunity of this opening and easily gripped the Golden Demon’s head with his claw. However, the expression on his face instantly contorted into an unpleasant one.

It was not the warmth of flesh and blood he felt in his palms, but something else that Taylor would have never expected.

It was mud.

Just mud.

The kind that you would be able to find everywhere. It was nothing special.

So, he had attacked with his full strength on a mud man?

Not only that, the Golden Demon was targeting the fog giant. Was she not taking him seriously?

Taylor had never felt so humiliated.

“You b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲, fight with me fairly! You call yourself a hero by pulling such petty tricks?!”

“Ahem, that was just an accident.”

The petite black-robed figure wearing a demonic mask appeared in front of Taylor again.

“This time, I’ll definitely fight you seriously!”

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