She was finally here.

The vice dean’s slightly trembling hands tightened around the teacup he was holding.

He raised his head and looked in the direction where the Dragon God Lake was. His eyes were filled with unprecedented determination and the will to fight.

A terrifying aura, that seemed to be powerful enough to create a universe, rose from the ground there. It shot up to the sky and radiated in all directions, as if to announce her return to the world.

Without a doubt, that aura belonged to the Golden Demon Htilil, and she was stronger than ever.

The vice dean frowned slightly.

How long had it been since the human race faced such a powerful enemy after the invasion of the Demon King?

He prayed that this period of peace did not lessen the martial zeal of the human race.

The human race could no longer afford to be lax. The last lesson remained a deepest wound to humanity.

No matter what, there was only one battle to be fought now!

The vice dean stood up and looked at the people in the room. Everyone’s face had turned serious with the appearance of this aura.

“Everyone, this battle is most likely linked to the future of this academy, this nation, and even the entire human race. So please…” the vice dean said heavily, then bowed to everyone deeply.

“Please, we must defeat Golden Demon Htilil!”


A wailing siren sounded and broke the exceptional silence in St. Caroline since most of the students had been dismissed.

Hundreds of figures soared into the air before quickly landing. All of them got into their positions and were prepared to fight against their great enemy.

Most of them were elites who hailed from different nations. Although not powerful, they were the best in their respective specialized skills.

These top elites held important jobs in their own nations, but they were only taking on supportive roles in their mission this time. The real main forces were all at the frontlines.

In the sky above them, a huge magic formation made of complex light patterns began to slowly pulsate.

The fog condensed by the high magic concentration in the formation began to rapidly gather together like it had a mind of its own, until a giant of 100 meters tall was finally formed.

The giant’s eyes shone like searchlights in the dark night, staring dead at the heart of the Dragon God Lake. A petite figure stood there, clad in black robes. Her blonde hair fluttered in the wind. The demonic mask she wore confirmed her identity to the people who were spying the lake.

She was Golden Demon Htilil, with a bounty of one billion… no, it was already raised to two billion when a kill order on her was issued to human nations. It was the highest bounty to ever be placed on someone in history.

This most wanted vicious criminal, who was worth two billion gold coins, fearlessly stood empty-handed in front of everyone.

Not only that, she did not even bother to conceal her presence in the slightest. It was almost as if she wanted to let everyone know she was here.

Her arrogance knew no bounds. It was almost as if she did not take anyone seriously.

Several figures walked in midair.

“Hey, Golden Demon. Your reputation certainly precedes you.”

The Aurora Dragon crossed his arms in front of his chest and sneered coldly. He approached her, his flip-flops clapped noisily against the sole of his feet, as if deliberately provoking her despite her menacing presence.

“I’m not certain if you could take a punch or two from me, but I hope you won’t be flatten into a little pancake so easily. I have sacrificed my good time for you, so you better not be a great disappointment.”


The Golden Demon Htilil remained silent.

Taylor could not help but frown, because he sensed something was off.

Although Golden Demon Htilil was standing in front of him, he could not feel her gaze. It was almost as if there was nothing behind the eye holes of that demonic mask.

A battle was about to ensue. Unless the Golden Demon was so arrogant that she had decided to fight with her eyes closed, there could only be two possibilities:

She was either blind, or she was dead.

And these two possibilities were unlikely.

Whether blind or dead, both were not qualified to stand in front of him, the Aurora Dragon.

The more Taylor thought about it, the more puzzled he was.

Perhaps he should test the waters.

With that thought in mind, Taylor directly and simply swung his fist at the Golden Demon’s face without any hesitation.

The air froze for 0.05 seconds before an invisible ripple spread in all directions and shook the entire place.

After that, a drop of cold sweat finally rolled down slowly from Taylor’s forehead.

The Adam’s apple in his throat bobbed. The Aurora Dragon could not help gulping when he finally encountered a real match in the human nation for the very first time.

She was unscathed.

No, it was more accurate to say that Taylor’s punch did not connect. When he brought his fist down, the wind did not even cause the hem of Golden Demon’s shirt to flutter.

Although it was only a simple attack, Taylor failed to gather the information he wished to know. On the contrary, he felt that his opponent was an unfathomable abyss.

Most importantly, she was more troublesome than he had imagined!

Taylor hurriedly drew back. Although he had been enjoying his life to the fullest in recent years, some things were fortunately deeply ingrained in his bones and not forgotten.

He quickly composed himself and maintained a safe distance from the Golden Demon. Unbeknownst to anyone his golden dragon eyes had lit up like blazing suns and were affixed on the petite black-robed figure, trying to find an opening.

Pure white dragon scales had covered his body. They moved rhythmically with his breathing, creating the sounds of metals striking against each other.

The dragon blood in his body boiled. A long forgotten emotion resurfaced in Taylor’s heart.

It was the will to fight.

The dragons were creatures that grew up with battles. The more powerful the enemy, the more intense the battle, the more excited they were.

“Come, Golden Demon! Let us battle!” Taylor yelled. His overpowering dragon aura filled the area.

The black-robed figure swayed, as if affected by it too. Finally, a gender-neutral voice came from under her demonic mask.

However, the words that came out from her mouth made everyone freeze.

“Shut up, you per~vy lolicon! You’re not qualified to battle me.”

Gasps were heard behind the Aurora Dragon.

The people following behind Taylor, including the vice dean, exchanged glances with each other before all of them discreetly backed up a few hundred meters.

Taylor did not seem to be able to understand what was going on. He was stunned for a few seconds before finally realizing the insult that was hurled at him.

“Per~vy lolicon? Me?”

Taylor flew into a rage and thundered, “YOU B̲A̲S̲T̲A̲R̲D̲! HOW DARE YOU SLANDER ME! I’ll admit that I’m a loyal fan of loli and I’m indeed a lolicon, but I’m never a pervert!”

The Golden Demon sneered coldly. For some reason, she sounded lecherous.

“A lolicon who isn’t a pervert? In this world, only busty big sisters are justice! You’ve been led astray!”

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