“This time, I’ll definitely fight you seriously!” the Golden Demon said in a serious tone.

Every hint of playfulness she had before was gone and it was for this reason, she gave people the urge to believe her once more.

The powerful force that seemed to be able to crush everything in its path descended from the sky once more.


The veins in Taylor’s temples throbbed. He roared angrily and gnashed his teeth.

He thought the Golden Demon would be serious this time, so he got into a defensive stance. It turned out that he was once again fooled by her.

She had no intention of fighting seriously. Perhaps, it would be more accurate to say that she did not even have any intention to fight him.

A loud poof rang out behind him.

Taylor stiffly turned his head around, but discovered that the fog giant which had just been revived was not crushed. Instead, it turned into a mushroom cloud. Like it was being manipulated by some sort of an invisible force, it was immediately reshaped into…

A giant piece of candy.

Question marks appeared on everyone’s face. They were confused by what they had just seen.

Why did the Golden Demon seem to be so fond of the fog giant?

The Golden Demon herself seemed to be shocked too, but she quickly raised her voice at Taylor. “Don’t panic! I’ll fight you to death, Aurora Dragon, TAY! LOR!”


As soon as words left her mouth, there was another poof!

The candy then turned into a doll.

“Taylor! It’s Taylor, that scruffy-looking uncle! The one I’m fighting is Taylor!”

The Golden Demon’s voice turned even more high pitched as she shouted at the top of her lungs. Although her voice had been modified, one could still hear it breaking a little.



The doll then turned into a delicious plate of grilled meat.

“AHHHHH! Stop fooling around! What’s so fun about a ball of fog? Didn’t you agree that you’d coordinate with me? Or is it that difficult for you to take a guy, who is no different than a vermin to you, seriously?”

The voice sounded like she was on the verge of a mental breakdown.


For some reason, everyone heard the faint and adorable voice of a little girl.

The ball of fog changed shape again. It turned into a huge statue that greatly resembled the Golden Demon Htilil, though the face blurred.

The statue was very lifelike. Save for the face, everything was like a replica of the real deal. Though made from a ball of fog, the details were impeccable to the point that every fold of her clothes were clearly visible.

Sparkles floated around the statue, as if to highlight its exquisite beauty. Everyone’s attention was immediately drawn to the statue and could not look away for the longest time.

What a gorgeous statue…

That was the only thought in everyone’s mind…

The sculptor must love this person deeply to be able to create such a beautiful statue of her.

And the person whom the statue was modeled after would definitely be moved to tears after seeing it and rush into the arms of the sculptor.

At the side…


Lilith had laid Little Cornelia across her lap and was spanking her naked little buttocks without the slightest mercy.

“This is what you get for being naughty! Naughty!”

“Eeeyaaaaaaahhh… sob… sob…”


Everyone instantly detected the change in the atmosphere.

It was so windy that roofs could easily be blown away earlier but now, dark clouds had gathered in the sky above them.

Not only that, none of them could feel any airflow. It was almost as if they had been sealed in an airtight container.

By now, everyone had lost all desire to continue admiring the gorgeous statue made of fog and subconsciously raised their alertness to the highest level.

Although the strong wind was terrifying, it was a sign that the sky would be clear later. Yet dark clouds were signs of a heavy rain and storm.

“Wahaha, it’s finally here! This feeling…!”

The Golden Demon Htilil burst out laughing maniacally. One could hear the satisfaction in her voice, as if the frog prince finally broke his curse and could finally crush the witch’s head under the sole of his human foot.

Taylor frowned. Even someone dense like him could clearly feel the Golden Demon’s inner turmoil.

However, he did not have the time to ponder about this because the Golden Demon was already pointing at his nose. With contempt in her voice, she said slowly, “Hey Pervy Lolicon, I’m gonna be reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally serious time time!”

Taylor sneered codly in response. “You stupid stray, I’m sure you’re going to continue playing with your cotton man…”

Before Taylor could even finish his sentence, the smile on his face froze because he really felt a terrifying force acting on him. It seemed to carry the will of this world; too powerful to be stopped. Taylor could not even block the attack and got hit into the ground.

“Ahhhh~ That feels great!” the Golden Demon exclaimed.

She did not expect she could experience what it felt to be an insanely powerful protagonist of a story. That was quite addicting.

Although it came with a small price, it was not a big deal to her as long as that incident was kept hidden.

At the thought of this, she could not help but praise herself for being a genius at reading situations.

A few moments later…


A dragon roar resounded through the sky, then a massive figure emerged from the pile of rubble with a loud bang.

His shiny white dragon scales were accented with gold patterns. They flapped open and close rhythmically with every breath, emitting sounds akin to the clanking of a million armor plates.

The white dragon spread open his wings, wide enough to cover the sky. He craned his long and slender neck. His fierce golden eyes shone brightly, like two suns staring dead at his opponent.

Complex and ancient language were heard, then the world was suddenly bathed in light.

[ Dragon language spell: Rising Sun ]

It was a powerful spell that was still considered to rank in the top ten among the dragon race to this day. It was also the most powerful attack that Taylor had ever used!

However… the sobs of a child were heard.

Taylor could not tell if he was hearing things or it was indeed a real voice.

The dragon language spell was suddenly interrupted.

Taylor was dazed. A powerful force descended from the sky once again and smashed his massive dragon body hard to the ground.

This time it left Taylor with no room for resistance. He could not budge even an inch, let alone struggle.

When the scene unfolded before the vice dean, his pupils shrank in shock.

The Golden Demon Htilil was such a terrifying foe?

The Aurora Dragon was a peak saint. Combined with his tough dragon body, it was no exaggeration to refer to him as the strongest in the main continent. So, it was simply hard to believe that he would be so easily suppressed by the Golden Demon.

And it was to the point where he could not even resist.

The vice dean glanced at the shiny statue from the corner of his eye with a grim expression on his face.

No, he knew from the beginning that the Golden Demon was much more terrifying than he thought.

He was involved in the preparation of this great magic formation, so he was well aware of how powerful the fog giant was. Its individual strength was equivalent to a peak saint. However, just the fact that it could be revived endlessly was enough to exhaust a peak saint to death.

However, controlling a fog giant was very mentally taxing. This was the reason why the best mental practitioners from all nations were picked to undertake this task to deter the Golden Demon.

Yet the fog giant, their trump card, was being shaped into various shapes as the Golden Demon pleased like a ball of cotton. It would seem like it ended up being completely useless. This was something the vice dean had not expected.

Was it… really impossible to defeat the Golden Demon Htilil?

The vice dean’s hands started trembling uncontrollably,

“Compose yourself and focus.”

A harsh voice suddenly appeared in the vice dean’s ear, reminding him to regain his composure.

A frail hand rested on his shoulder.

The large sleeves of the old man’s white robes fluttered. There was a look of determination on his face. A great power sufficient to reverse the entire situation lurked in his hunched body.

“It looks like these old bones have to take the stage after all.”


A trace of warmth rose in the vice dean’s heart. At the same time, he felt pain too, almost as if a thorn had been plunged deep into his heart.

“Worry not.“

The old man in white robes shook his head, indicating for the vice dean to remain silent.

This was the reason for them to continue living until now in the first place.

The old man suddenly whistled and instantly triggered a response.

More than a dozen powerful aura suddenly rose to the sky.

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