Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 541: A surprise for diya

Armin becomes anxious upon hearing Sabrina's words about the king's plan for yohan, he was not aware of these things but he was surprised that she knows everything despite being away from the royal capital.

"My lady, is this true that his Majesty going that length to kill him? I thought he would wait for the royal tournament..."

"You are a naive man, things are pretty bad inside the capitol, big families are making their moves and the king is very anxious and he is willing to go to any length to kill him, no matter what that kid is not going to survive this time but I'll give him a swift death, he is my prey" Sabrina exclaimed as she looked at Armin and she finished the bottle of wine, Armin's facial expressions changed drastically as he heard Sabrina's words.

"But my lady he is a monster and crafty young man, what if he uses that weird black energy ball against you like last time, you already know last time it was commander Kruger who came to your rescue, what if he uses the same tactics..."

"You can leave Armin, you have done your job, leave the rest on my shoulder, if I need your advice I will ask you but right now I need nothing from you, go join the battalion you don't have to go back to river shore city" Sabrina gave a stern look to Armin and shut him up in the middle of his sentence.

"As you wish my lady, please forgive me for crossing my boundary..."Armin said as he realized that he was in no position to advise his commanding general, he was only there to follow orders, Armin slightly bowed his head, and the next moment he left Sabrina's tent in a hurry Leaving her inside the tent.

"Nobody can do anything it's between him and me, I don't plan to use my loyal soldier as a meat shield against him, I am going to challenge him for deathmatch, if he is man enough he is going to answer my call and face me in deathmatch" Sabrina mumbled and with those words, she took a deep sigh before approaching the corner of her room.

"This time I am not going to lose from you" she exclaimed as she caressed a black armor that is situated inside the giant glass, her eyes were dazzling with different light seeing that armor that is somewhat giving different kinds of vibe.




"How much time has passed since we are together like this"diya looked into yohan's eyes and asked, her slender arms were crossed around yohan's neck while her breast is pressing against yohan's chest,diya was sitting on yohan's lap and yohan is holding her by her waist,yohan pondered for a moment as he heard diya's words and a moment later he said.

"It's been a while since we are alone like this, I felt like an eternity has passed," indeed he was right last time they spend a night together when he was about to leave for hundred poison valley to help jasmine and after that, he spended nearly six months inside the soul subspace, too much time has passed since both of them were alone inside the room.

"This feeling is something else yohan being with you alone without worrying about anything, I wish I had the power to stop the time then I can be together with you for eternity just like that keeping you in my arms,"diya whispered and she kissed yohan on his cheek.

"Spending an eternity together huh, not a bad idea"yohan whispered as he heard diya's words and suddenly a thought struck in his mind.

'Hey can I take diya inside my soul subspace for a while, I will not take too much time, it's already morning here and someone is going to knock on my door and disturb us, I don't want anyone to ruin her mood, it has been a while since she had been with me, I just want to spend some quality time with her'


< the soul subspace is still unstable, but you can use the soul subspace for one day, you will be thrown out automatically after the one-hour time limit of the outside world, it's better to not take any risks, you don't want to be thrown out again in different dimensions, last time Elsa saved you but who knows what will happen this time, it's better to be careful rather than regretting later>

'Then I am taking her inside my soul subspace I will remember to be careful inside, this is the first time she is going to experience my world'yohan Responded to the system, and The next moment he pulled diya closer to him,diya is slightly taken aback by surprise as she saw a bright smile on yohan's face out of nowhere.

"What happened why are you smiling like this, did I say something stupid?"diya looked at yohan in a confused manner and she asked him, she thought he is smiling because she said those embarrassing words earlier but alas she was not aware that yohan has surprised for her.

"Close your eyes, I want to show you something that I intended to show you a long time ago,"yohan closed his mouth and whispered in diya's ear, hearing yohan's words diya felt somewhat different and her heart started beating faster from anticipation, various kinds of thoughts started surfacing in her head as she was thinking what kind of thing he wants to show her, she nodded her head in response, and the next moment she closed both of her eyes.

Yohan looked at her in a calm manner and a smile appeared on his face seeing that beautiful face from inches away, she was looking pretty beautiful and waiting for yohan's words while sitting on his lap"don't open your eyes until I told you to open them,"yohan whispered in her ears and the next moment he gently placed his lips over her lips and the next moment both of them disappeared from yohan's room like some kind of ghost.

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