Dual Cultivator Reborn

Chapter 542: A magical world

After leaving Yohan's room in instant Diya and Yohan appeared inside the soul subspace. Diya's eyes were still closed but she felt something different the moment she arrived here along with yohan.

"Open your eyes diya, "yohan said as he gently placed her hair strand behind her ear, she was still sitting on yohan's lap, hearing yohan's words she gulped nervously, her heart was pounding very hard In anticipation, a moment later she finally opened her deep blue ocean-like eyes and looked around her surrounding.

"Yohan this..."diya's heart nearly skipped as she witnessed the magnificent sight in front of her eyes, she found herself in an unknown world sitting under the starry sky, the entire soul subspace was dazzling with the lights of stars, moreover she felt somewhat different, she felt a different kind of energy that is running inside her body, the feeling was otherworldly, and her eyes were widened and they are searching every corner of soul subspace with curiously.

Yohan's face also turned slightly red seeing diya in awe, she was indeed startling seeing the soul subspace , he could see the happiness on her face.

"We are inside the soul subspace diya, this world belongs to me, now you are also part of this world, just turn behind I have a surprise for you,"yohan said as he looked at diya in a calm manner,diya was dumbfounded by yohan's words as she never heard that words before in her entire life, but she can't deny that she is now in a different world, it was like a fairy tail to her, she tilted her head and looked behind, seeing the sight in front of her eyes her heart started palpitating.

"A house surrounded by mountains..." she muttered as her gaze landed on the house that is situated middle of nowhere, she rubbed her eyes to confirm whether she is dreaming or not, but nothing was making sense to her after all few moments ago she was inside yohan's room and the sun was about to rise but here in this place the moon was dazzling into the sky along with million stars, the energy was something else, she felt a surge of energy inside her body and now a three-story house that is situated in front of her eyes.

"Don't tell me I am having some kind of dream yohan, is this real or some kind of illusion" she looked at yohan in a confused manner and asked him.


"Ouch..."diya exclaimed as yohan flicked his finger between her eyebrows, she rubbed her temple as she felt the little sting and came to an realization that she is not having any kind of dream right at this moment, everything was real Inside this place.

"It's not a dream, we are inside the soul subspace a space that belongs to me, this is the place where times flow differently, one hour outside equal to twenty-four hours inside this place...." as usual yohan started explaining everything to diya that is related to the soul subspace, he loves explaining this part to every one of his kin,diya's eyes widen as she started hearing the key feature related to soul subspace, she couldn't believe on her ears when she heard yohan's explanation about soul subspace, she was surprised to know the various feature about this place, of course, yohan doesn't reveal that there are other spaces that is parallel and connected to this space, he dont wants to bring the demonic sword that is intended to imprison him inside the other space just like Elsa.

"Yohan this is like a dream, I have never witnessed something like that before in my life, this place is magical and beautiful"diya whispered as she got up on her feet leaving yohan's lap, and looked in the direction of the house with sparkling eyes.

"Yes it is magical and beautiful just like you, I intended to bring you here long ago but due to some unexpected circumstance I couldn't able to show you this world from inside"yohan hugged diya from behind and whispered in her ears,diya's face slightly turned red when she heard yohan and she felt his warm breath that was tickling to her neck.

"No, it's okay I understand, it doesn't matter to me, at the end you bring me here and showed me this beautiful place, I am still in awe seeing this beautiful scenery in front of my eyes,"diya said as she gently kissed on yohan's cheek and turned her body and crossed her hand into his neck.

"Did Jasmine and Natasha know about this place?"diya asked to yohan, hearing diya's words yohan nodded his head.

"Natasha knows about this place but I told her to keep it secret after all I wanted to give you and jasmine a surprise and intended to use this place as a cultivation space for us, but alas destiny has different plans for me and in the end, I couldn't able to bring any of you guys here due to some circumstances"yohan caressed diya's cheek and said to her in a sad manner as he was feeling guilty about not bringing the three inside this place, when he was inside the hundred poison valley yohan asked jasmine that he intended to take her along with diya and Natasha to the place when they can help him to improve his cultivation but things took a different turn, he ended up bringing aana and kana inside that place along with athena and Evelyn.

"It's ok don't feel guilty about that, you can bring them later and show this place, I am sure they will be happy to be here most likely jasmine will be more happy as she didn't know about this place,"diya ruffled yohan's hair as she said those words to him,yohan smiled and the next moment he took her in his arms.

"This place is cold let's go inside, there are too many things that I want to show you and there are lots of things that I want to tell you that happened after I left with kana,"yohan said to diya and with those words he started walking in the direction of the house.

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